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Please Critique Me? #2

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#1 3wesleyc


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Posted 30 January 2016 - 05:14 PM

I have resulted in using a medium mech, the Golden Boy.
I have posted another video, Please give me any pointers, good or bad, everything is appreciated.

#2 Leone


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Posted 30 January 2016 - 07:07 PM

~3:05 Don't shoot your teammates in the back. If you happen to, it is considered polite to apologize.


Edited by Leone, 30 January 2016 - 07:11 PM.

#3 Vlad Striker


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Posted 31 January 2016 - 01:08 AM

Low close range activity (agression) for the browler build. Plus FOV changes is unnatural for the cockpit. And don't shoot team mates!

#4 Rogue Jedi


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Posted 31 January 2016 - 01:40 AM

you asked for critique so here goes,

in my opinion you did not have anywhere near enough ammo, the rule of thumb which I work by is for LRMs 1 ton for every 5 tubes, for SRMs 1 ton per 4 tubes, you have 1.5 tons for the LRM10 which is low but probably OK, 2 tons of SRM ammo for 18 tubes seems way to low for me, however ammo quantity is personal taste, My advice would be to reduce the SRM6s to SRM4s and use the extra tonnage for ammo or heat sinks.

I think you stayed at range using the LRMs for too long, that Mech should be nasty up close but for most of the match (until you ran out of ammo) you were just using the LRM at range to score assists on distant targets and an LRM5 would have been more effective for that.

when you closed you destroyed Mechs and ended up with pretty good damage and kills so you did pretty well despite the minor sugestions I had

#5 Takashi Uchida


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Posted 31 January 2016 - 04:18 AM

This looks to be a pretty flexible build. I typically will not take LRMs unless I have multiple launchers, but if it lets you get more involved early on that's fine. Remember, you still are in a close-ranged brawler build and are much effective supporting your team up close than from far away. Since you are fast, don't be afraid to close in a bit while you're LRM-ing. Use good judgement of course, but even though LRMs are "long range missiles," if you're closer, that's less distance the missiles have to travel before hitting (and less time for a lock to potentially be broken). Just make sure your targets are outside the minimum range of 180m. If you're taking LRMs, especially in a mobile mech, you should try getting your own locks (using line of sight). You had a dedicated NARC spotter on your team, which is great, but it's good to learn to be proactive anyway when you don't have that luxury.

Armor Distribution: I prefer to have at least 40 armor on each leg, but if you find that you aren't frequently getting legged you can stay with what you got. I also like to front-load my armor. I like 6 points or less for rear torsos, putting the rest up front. If you're a fast moving skirmisher who is more at risk to getting hit in the back, then you might want more. But for the most part I put almost everything in front.

Upgrades: Endo-Steel is more efficient space/weight wise than Ferro Fibrous. I put Endo-Steel on all my mechs. On some mechs (mostly just lights) I will put Endo-Steel AND Ferro Fibrous. But for the vast majority of mechs though, the best upgrade is Endo-Steel, while leaving the Armor as standard. Ferro Fibrous armor doesn't give you stronger armor per point (description is kinda misleading).

Artemis is great for SRM-6 because it really tightens the spread. But it's up to your taste here, especially on a mech that doesn't have a lot of tonnage to spare (and space too, since you're using an XL engine which takes up 6 extra slots). A lot of folks feel that Artemis isn't really that great with SRM-4 because the spread is already quite good already. Remember though that if you switch to Artemis it affects all missiles on your mech (LRMs too) and will make them heavier and take up more space (you'll have to buy new launchers and ammo too if you don't already got them).

You have double heat sinks that come stock with the Golden Boy, that's good. They are essential on almost any kind of build (exception would be dual gauss, or some lights with a single laser).

XL: XLs are a gamble in close-range geared mechs. You will have enough tonnage to mount a big alpha strike but if one of your side torsos goes, you are done. It becomes ever more probable that an enemy will smack you right in the side torso with an AC20 the closer you get (which unfortunately is your most effective range). The Kintaro is quite a big medium. The mech itself is relatively tall and very hittable. so you will have to be crafty up close and know when and where to duck for cover in a fight.

Edited by Takashi Uchida, 31 January 2016 - 04:26 AM.

#6 mailin


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Posted 31 January 2016 - 05:18 AM

The first mistake that you made was in trying to follow the lights. They can easily outdistance you and leave you alone. Also, by being a lone and firing lrms you are sending the message to any competent enemy light driver to come and see if you have any support.

On a positive note, you do seem to have decent map and situational awareness. I was happy to see you pulling up the battle map.

At about 5:30 there is a friendly mech getting lrmed, however, you turn away from him becuase there is no enemy in the area targeted. Rather than leave him alone you should have maybe gone to see what, if anything he was up against.

A general comment on your video is that your voice is too low and/or the music and game is too loud. Once the game started, I turned the volume down, but then I couldn't really hear your voice at all.

To add to other comments, if you don't change anything about your build use your lrms to do damage while you close in on the enenmy.Your real damage dealers are your srms and mpls. However, you state in the opening that you don't really like to get up close to fight, yet most of your damage is dealt in the under 300m range.

The downside to that however is more face time with the enemy and with your XL that's a risky propostiion.

See you on the battlefield.

Edited by mailin, 31 January 2016 - 05:30 AM.

#7 xengk


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Posted 31 January 2016 - 12:31 PM

I notice you are going solo most of the time.
It is good to have a friendly within easy reach whenever possible, I tend to keep someone close by within the same grid.
Not only he can come to your rescue or vice versa, you can also score support Cbill and EXP bonus.
However, you seem to know the map good enough. Knowing the "goat path" at 2:10 that even most seasoned player missed.
Making the right judgement call to head off the raven at 7:30, instead of jumping into the valley with the rest.

A bad habit is you standing still while acquiring lock and LRM in flight.
This make you an easy sniping target to enemy Gauss rifle and PPC.
Like at 4:50 when the warhammer showed up, he could have easily nail you with his twin erPPC.
Avoid coming to a full stop in the open, cut your speed but keep moving, you can even "wiggle" back and fore by hitting reverse to throw off sniper's aim.

Take note of your top speed, you are going 78kph and is unlikely to keep up with the light mechs.
Should break off early and regroup with the team's heavy or medium and match their speed.
This commonly known as a death-ball, where multiple mechs move together to overwhelm the enemy.
Your AMS will also be a welcome addition to the group in providing anti-LRM cover.

No matter how frustrating your teammate are, please don't shot them.
You will get penalty to your scores and it is simply bad team play.

BTW, if you want to squeeze in more ammo.
Consider replacing the LRM10 in the shoulder with 2 LRM5 in the centre torso.
2 LRM5 only cost 4 tons, while a LRM10 cost 5t, both produce the same amount of heat.
LRM5 also have shorter cooldown so you can fire more often.

With a little tweak GOLDEN BOY
Now you can carry an extra ton of ammo.

Edited by xengk, 31 January 2016 - 12:49 PM.

#8 InspectorG


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Posted 31 January 2016 - 04:10 PM

Personally, ditch the lone LRM. All it will do is distract you. If you must LRM to 'tag-up assists', then use an LRM5.

Overall not bad. Other team was getting rolled so that allowed your team to spread out and 'rabbit run' a bit.

As others said, dont chase after your team's lights. That is their priveledge alone to run all over and beginner lights usually just run straight to their deaths.

Instead, find your heavies/assaults and band up with them. Now, with a SRM build + wubs you need to play it cool early and just move along until a battleline forms. Past-half match is when you pounce after some enemies are hurt.

If your team is losing early you would need to step up and throw down. This will either intimidate the enemy or get you some damage before you get rolled ;)

If you shoot a friendly in the back, best to apologize. But you dont need to do it in the thick of battle. Still nice but less important if they 'walk into' your beams.

Overall: Keep an eye on Radar at all times. Generally better to 'escort' the fat mechs.

Brawling skills - you want to twist after you shoot and twist when receiving damage. Spreads damage over components. Saves HP.

Keep up the good work.

#9 S 0 L E N Y A


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Posted 31 January 2016 - 06:40 PM

I would either swap the LRM for another SRM, OR switch all launchers to LRM.

Also, given your flank speed/engine I do not think that set up would be as ideal for close range work, which is where the majority of your weapons will shine, as such I would say another possibility would be to ditch the LRM and ammo and up gun the the motor, possibly even switching the MPLs to standard MLs.

Mixed role mechs IME are usaully best left for larger mechs, and even then the meta :::rolls eyes::: says it is not a great idea.

P.S. Torso Twist! Circumstantially, you did not look like you needed to in this vid, But I would say that that was a combo of luck and your enemies not being the best... but it is a very good habit to have.

Edited by Boogie138, 31 January 2016 - 06:45 PM.

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