Reducing all laser range quirks to 10% because the range of certain (3 or 4) ERLL-builds is to high? Please, explain that to me! In the light of the range advantage the clans already have with all other lasers that is only stupid.
IS builds with SL or MPL or lights that have this quirks will get hit bad, too. Why? Will this make this game really better as you try to make us believe? Im not sure.
The balance atm is the best i saw in the last 3 years. And im playing both sides. To remove the negative quirks from the few clan mechs like SCR and TBR is ok. At the moment everybody can live with that.
But I think this is a bit of an overkill here. PGI went the easiest way to go. Not thinking about changes on one weapon system but using a lawnmower to cut everything down. Very nice!
Congrats to all you clan whiners. Well done!
Edited by stocky0904, 31 January 2016 - 04:43 AM.