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Keyboard Locked Out During Match

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#1 therealfatshady


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Posted 31 January 2016 - 06:21 PM

Bug Location: Experienced on Frozen City Night (Skirmish) right out of spawn

Steps to reproduce:
  • alt+tab at least five or six times
  • Queued up Quick Play
  • Voted for Polar Highlands (Skirmish), and Frozen City Night (Skirmish) was selected.
  • Due to the nature of how Quick Play works, it is extrememly difficult for me to properly try and reproduce this bug, as I can not control the maps that are selected

Bug Evidence: Unfortunately I don't have FRAPs or other recording softare installed.

Bug Description: Keyboard was completely locked out. No keyboard input was accepted. I was able to look around with my mouse, but throttle, weapon group, turn, view scoreboard, and chat controls were not working. My mech also started turning on its own without input from me, constantly spinning my mech in place. I unplugged and replugged in my keyboard, with no results. I was able to alt+tab and my keyboard worked with normal Windows operations, but returning to the game after alt+tabbing did not fix the issue. I had to manually shut down the game and reopen it. I was already dead by the time I rejoined, but I was able to get chat controls back after rejoining. This is the only time I have ever had issues with my keyboard not working with a game.

System Description:
  • AMD FX-8350
  • Dual R9 290
  • Asus Sabertooth 9.0 FX motherboard
  • 16GB G.Skill Trident RAM
  • Windows 7 Ultimate
While I cannot reliably reproduce the bug, I felt it was sufficiently gamebreaking enough to create a thread on it in case others might experience the same issue.

#2 Ironwithin


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Posted 01 February 2016 - 04:53 AM

Two things:

- Are you playing in Full Window Mode ? Most alt-tabbing bugs go away if you do.

- Did the 'mech turning by itself happen anytime before or after this again ? Check if there are any unused controllers, flightsticks, touchpads, etc. plugged in and unplug them.

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