wanderer, on 01 February 2016 - 03:22 PM, said:
Name a MechWarrior game it was even capable of being done properly, and please, tell me a game that features point-blank brawling at ranges where I could reach out and pick the other pilot's nose isn't about being able to smash into your opponent with whatever comes handy. Or footy. Or dropping my Grasshopper feet-first on your face.
Or does the idea that a 'Mech could have every gun shot off be an actual threat scare you?
So what's the difference between your gauss smashing a guy with a sword/ fist/ axe/ claws/ a tree. and than smashing a guass round into a guy with a small laser, machine gun, flamer, SRM, or Ac 20?
In BT, to combat that problem you have magical thing of having more than 1 weapon. shocking I know. the atlas is a prime example of a juggernaut (in bt class), it has insane armour, AC 20, medium lasers, SRM's... so should be easy to just stand at 300 meters and be nearly invincible right? That would be the case if he hadn't got an LRM 20 with him...
What about centurion? famous close range brawling mech with AC 10 and medium lasers yes?... LRM 20. What about the wolfhound? designed to smash kurita light mechs up close?.... large laser. etc...
A mech with a Melee weapon will still shoot back at you at multiple ranges, the only difference is your sluggish direwolf will have a hard time running away from a mech with jumpjets and 60-90 kph... etc...
For eg if the kodiak was a melee mech- he at least was fast for an assault and had 8 er medium lasers, SSRM 6, and ER large lasers to be effective at 360 meters to 700 meters.
name a game that got close to implementing it? Mechwarrior 4: mercenaries, Mekpak 3.1 (and earlier versions). the Battlearmour there had their iconic "battleclaw" which in coding was basically a gauss rifle with like 5 meters range but in every way shape and form without an animation was a melee weapon and it was so effective that if one of those buggers came close enough to a mech it could cripple it .... it could kill it but in MW4 was a mech explosion at death that causes high heat and physical damage... for a battlearmour of like 0.2 tons or so that was not a good idea to be right next to a mech going critical. However most BA had the weapons to leave the legged disarmed mech and do the final blow with an MG or SRM pack.