I took my meanest mech, being KGC-0000
Put in the biggest engine possible, because speed is life
Put in the biggest AC possible, AC20
Maxed out the missile hardpoints with LRM5s (4xLRM5 + Artemis) - Note: I haven't played LRM mechs since about 2013)
Maxed out on lasers the best I could
At the end I got this:
And I set some rules for myself:
- Only shoot LRMs in the range of 200-650m
- Only pack enough LRMs to soften enemies up at the beginning of the match
- Use the LRMs as a supression weapon. Meaning: Fire them at everything that pops up, one salvo at least, make their Bitching Betty explode from missile warnings.
- Don't ever try to rely on LRMs.
- Shoot down UAVs as soon as they pop up.
Heat generation looks bad, but don't forget, the LRMs you dont use while you use the rest. So actually its pretty good with heat. Plus I got okay heat discipline and know how to twist.
Result was: I have never lost a match with this mech anymore (tier 2). I may have died, but I always contributed tremendously to the win.
I never plowed through events as fast as with this mech. The KMDD events were done in a few hours, with an average of 3 KMDD per match (average of 550 dmg per match since then).
I LOVE this mech.
Then I tried the same with my other King Crabs. Same strategy. It worked.
Then I tried the same with the Warhammers (7S mostly). It works.
Conclusion was: I would have never thought that I would enjoy driving a mixed loadout mech like this, especially with LRMs. They are viable, even in Tier2+ matches, They are actually, what everyone dreamt in the last years what they should be.
At least for me.
Take from this post whatever you want, but for me this is a feeling I didn't have for a long time.
All that BS about pinpoint alphas, boat one weapon to the max (The Warhammer and the other KGCs use mixed LRM sizes), assaults being crap, it all doesn't matter for me now, because I play this as I think PGI thought it has to be played and for me it works extremly good.
Funny story: I was on terra and was shooting the LRMs on an enforcer, beginning of the match, spamming him with it, suddenly he tries to charge me and starts to facetank me, I shoot my other weapons into his ST and he pops up. I ask him what of a crap move that was and he only replies "You bring LRMs, you get facetanked". LOL, same thing with my Warhammer on Caustic. This time a Crab pilot, probably the same.
Yeah I do bring LRMs from now on, but dont forget the BMFG next to it.
![Posted Image](http://i.imgur.com/XEoTjxI.jpg?1)
Edited by TexAce, 06 February 2016 - 03:48 PM.