1453 R, on 16 March 2016 - 10:07 AM, said:
It's a PC game remarkably few people will play if there's no way to reliably hit their targets. Missing all the ****ing time For Great Balance™, regardless of your own ability to target and engage enemies, is not fun, eh?
Game Not Fun? Game not played.
Your gross exaggerations betray you.
Let me ask you this. How often does an R95 system miss?
1453 R, on 16 March 2016 - 11:22 AM, said:
The point of my question was that the closest modern equivalent to a BattleMech does. Not. SHOOT. If it’s not going to hit. Yes, misses still happen. They’re irregularities, however – things to be avoided, things that result in inspections or additional training for crews. Modern heavy combat vehicles do not just throw shots out there more or less randomly and hope for the best.
Yeah, I know. This is a video game, and tanks are not ‘Mechs. I would argue that if the principles of good game design don’t apply (which many people have apparently decided is the case) because it’s not SIMULATION enough for them…then the realism people are hoping all those Cone of Balance™ stuff brings to the game should be relied on instead.
Normal distribution does not save you when your ‘crosshair’ is the size of a quarter of the screen. If you have to stop dead in your tracks, zero out your heat bar, and fire in chainfire mode in order to get your normal distribution down far enough to reliable hit a center-mass shot past 400m? Well, guess what – you’re going to die. A lot. And you will not accomplish much of anything before you do it.
Until, y’know, you switch to SRMs like everyone else. Or until we get melee and can play MechPuncher Online for a chunk instead.
Sigh. I will ask again. What modern MBT has 4 to 12 multi-ton weapons pointing in perfect unison with automatic, near-instant, and pixel-perfect convergence at the same target?
1453 R, on 16 March 2016 - 11:22 AM, said:
Normal distribution does not save you when your ‘crosshair’ is the size of a quarter of the screen.
Just because gross exaggerations work for [REDACTED] does not really mean it will work here too.
Edited by Scout Derek, 16 March 2016 - 01:35 PM.
No politics Mystere, keep on topic.