PGI, you have lots of lovely maps and 4 pretty good game modes.
You’ve recently changed around some objectives and spawn points, would it not be nice to have multiple spawns point and objective locations per map and game mode.
If you placed the spawns close together like on Polar Highland this would hugely simplify balancing spawn location and objective location so that lesser used portions of maps could be used.
I’m certain this would be less work for the people at PGI than making new maps or game modes, and would multiply how matches play out by how many different options you create, that’s huge, a literal explosion of options for game-play, tactics and map usage.
As it is most matches play out in a central area, sometimes good, sometimes not, and if you play a lot you know your options before you drop.
There are on nearly all maps areas that are not used, not near spawns or objectives or even in between.
Also all the objective features are relatively small; some are even mobile units and could be moved to any part of the maps.

Using More Of The Maps
Started by Doman Hugin, Mar 18 2016 04:01 AM
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