Meet Cuddles.

Cuddles is the Kodiak I am hoping to unleash on the unsuspecting world of MWO to stalk Commandos and do other unspeakable things.
There are a couple things needed to make Cuddles (and her close rainbow hued cousins) a frightening reality.
1) Not a new or specific camo skin. That would be silly. No. Just some basic color channel patterns on the Base Skin. Essentially the Primary and Secondary could be ANYTHING, as long as the Tertiary covers the white areas depicted. The Base Patterns TBH usually are boring as heck and kind of suck, so why not? Simple enough to do, and again, depending on how they Map Channels 1&2, one could do a LOT more than just Care Bear Camo.
2) Dekuls. er... Decals? Yeah, those. We need them to lighten up and have some fun and simple say... a Rainbow. Or some Hearts. Or both.
Why does this even get a post? Because Cuddles seems to get a LOT of mostly favorable attention wherever she goes. NGNG. Twitter. MWO Forums.
And because MWO needs to be the Anti-NFL, lighten up and occasionally have some fun. Remember the joyous absurdity of the Urbie and it's launch. I mean, we're talking about a 15 meter tall stompy Gundam Teddy Bear, here, people.
And because a Dev or two have implied I should keep pushing it to happen.

Anyone else hear the Ice Cream Truck jingle......

better hide your Commandos!
Edited by Bishop Steiner, 09 February 2016 - 07:58 PM.