Posted 19 February 2016 - 11:32 AM
I have m\played mech warrior games for awhile now but I have always come back to this question as I know nothing of the lore involved. "What faction ad clan would I belong too?"
I know many people who check this forum could answer this better than I can due to you guys know way more about it then I do.
so ill tell you all a bit about me from real life and tell me what you think I belong in.
Im a US mil Veteran
my job was 19D cavalry scout in the Army
That's Forward Reconnaissance for people unfamiliar
Im a man who likes the small well trained unit over the large less trained force, id take 4 special forces guys who can sneak and fight deep alone than 50 guys who are regulars.
I like to see my tragets from far away then plan on either taking them out from afar or sneaking in for a ambush.
I love the USA I live for patriotism and my rights I would die defending for it proudly.
seriously I live for the whole rights of the people stuff. FREEDOM.
My favorite ancient warriors of old where the Vikings and the Spartans.
This because how deep warfare and warriors are in there culture.
Im a fairly conservative man most of my views are republican.
My mech preferences aside based on this info tell me guys
What clan would I be?
and what IS faction would I be?
if you guys think i would need to say more info ill gladly say
Posted 19 February 2016 - 11:32 AM
I have m\played mech warrior games for awhile now but I have always come back to this question as I know nothing of the lore involved. "What faction ad clan would I belong too?"
I know many people who check this forum could answer this better than I can due to you guys know way more about it then I do.
so ill tell you all a bit about me from real life and tell me what you think I belong in.
Im a US mil Veteran
my job was 19D cavalry scout in the Army
That's Forward Reconnaissance for people unfamiliar
Im a man who likes the small well trained unit over the large less trained force, id take 4 special forces guys who can sneak and fight deep alone than 50 guys who are regulars.
I like to see my tragets from far away then plan on either taking them out from afar or sneaking in for a ambush.
I love the USA I live for patriotism and my rights I would die defending for it proudly.
seriously I live for the whole rights of the people stuff. FREEDOM.
My favorite ancient warriors of old where the Vikings and the Spartans.
This because how deep warfare and warriors are in there culture.
Im a fairly conservative man most of my views are republican.
If i had to choose a place to live it be way deep in the woods.
my favorite animals have always been Canine (my unit mascot in the military was a war dog)
I believe actions speak louder than words, Im more of a person than wouldn't care for diplomacy in most situations.
still cant stress Enough love America.
I live for my Craft i learned in the military recon, hit and run, raiding is what I live for.
I believe in society every citizen should know how to fight and defend them selves.
I also believe the people should run a country not the politicians.
My mech preferences aside based on this info tell me guys
What clan would I be?
and what IS faction would I be?
Id like a Answer for both IS and Clan please.
and dont worry Im not new to CW Ive played sense the founding i just never got around socializing on this game

im still on the fence weather im IS or clan so id like answer for both.
thanks and if you guys think i would need to say more info ill gladly say.
Edited by Juscar, 19 February 2016 - 01:30 PM.
Posted 19 February 2016 - 11:44 AM
They also probably have the best pug population in the game and an active TS server hub. Most of the rest of your preference are going to be unit specific, so I'd recommned looking at the various units that are recruiting (if that's what you're interested in).
If you are new to CW, FRR is probably the best faction for you preferences.
Posted 19 February 2016 - 01:13 PM
one thing ive wondered is what faction is most like good ol USA? if not FRR isnt a bad place.
also what about clans?
Posted 19 February 2016 - 01:21 PM
Juscar, on 19 February 2016 - 01:13 PM, said:
one thing ive wondered is what faction is most like good ol USA? if not FRR isnt a bad place.
also what about clans?
I believe Marik, from a lore perspective is most in keeping with the principles you espouse in re republicanism and freedom etc. From a military perspective (small elite unit, recon specialist, etc.), not so much. Heck Marik's don't even like using mechs for recon. From that military aspect, I would think Clan Wolf would be up your alley. Again based on lore, there is really no better example of a small elite unit of recon types than the Wolf Dragoon's whose original members were drawn mostly from Clan Wolf
Posted 19 February 2016 - 01:25 PM
Posted 19 February 2016 - 01:32 PM
Naglinator, on 19 February 2016 - 01:25 PM, said:
could you elaborate on marik more? also what about clan wise?
Posted 19 February 2016 - 01:36 PM
Posted 19 February 2016 - 01:37 PM
Necromantion, on 19 February 2016 - 01:36 PM, said:
could you elaborate please?
Posted 19 February 2016 - 01:40 PM
Necromantion, on 19 February 2016 - 01:36 PM, said:
The questions you are asking are only relevant to the "lore" based background of battletech and the mechwarror games of old. Honestly, the only "lore" in MWO is what YOU bring to it. The ideas you are espousing may or may not be relevant to any group of people in this game.
If you are interested in the lore see Sarna.net
Edited by Bud Crue, 19 February 2016 - 01:51 PM.
Posted 19 February 2016 - 02:00 PM
"The government of the Free Worlds League is a representative democracy operating under martial law. The individual members of the parliament are determined by planetary governments. Consequently, the Free Worlds League's parliament may include elected representatives and representatives appointed by planetary dictators as well. This results in a mixture of regional and federal authorities."
Though I find them dreadfully boring and most of battletech history has them on the sidelines. The federated suns(davion) are more/or less honourable and have a strong military focus. Much like your background as a soldier.
You may of course do whatever you like but this I believe is how to best answer your question.
Posted 19 February 2016 - 02:08 PM
Naglinator, on 19 February 2016 - 02:00 PM, said:
"The government of the Free Worlds League is a representative democracy operating under martial law. The individual members of the parliament are determined by planetary governments. Consequently, the Free Worlds League's parliament may include elected representatives and representatives appointed by planetary dictators as well. This results in a mixture of regional and federal authorities."
Though I find them dreadfully boring and most of battletech history has them on the sidelines. The federated suns(davion) are more/or less honorable and have a strong military focus. Much like your background as a soldier.
You may of course do whatever you like but this I believe is how to best answer your question.
Thank you

Posted 19 February 2016 - 02:21 PM

Posted 19 February 2016 - 03:01 PM
You will probably hate Liao (I'm sorry my Chancellor) and Kurita since they are despotic and autocratic respectively. Marik is definitely closer since it looks more American on paper (a republic) but they often get bound up in civil wars and bureaucracy. But I think the Rasalhague Republic fits best since every position is elected by the people.
As for the clans, their whole society is about war and caste systems so like others have said, you might want to pass them up.
Edited by DrRedCoat, 19 February 2016 - 03:03 PM.
Posted 19 February 2016 - 08:23 PM
Posted 21 February 2016 - 06:52 AM
Juscar, on 19 February 2016 - 11:32 AM, said:
Long ranged fighting? Probably FWL / Marik. The sneaky ambushy stuff? More Capellan/Liao
Juscar, on 19 February 2016 - 11:32 AM, said:
seriously I live for the whole rights of the people stuff. FREEDOM.
The NOT! America faction in the setting is the Fedsuns/Davion, but if you're looking to spice things up, the Capellans/Liao are known for being the most patriotic of all peoples, but their security and pride comes at the cost of a strict society where you have to earn citizenship.
Juscar, on 19 February 2016 - 11:32 AM, said:
This because how deep warfare and warriors are in there culture.
People often think of Rasalhague as space vikings, though the viking aesthetic isn't really there so much as just being space Swedes with really over-the-top vampire-like dress uniforms. (Parts of) the Free Worlds League has a very strong Greek ethnicity.
Juscar, on 19 February 2016 - 11:32 AM, said:
and what IS faction would I be?
You like sneaking/stealth/ambushing - fighting smart - but the Clans are more of a "Rush in head on and duel people" type, which isn't at all what you sound like you'd like to do. Inner Sphere sounds more your speed. I would say that Kurita is probably not your bag, and Steiner are more the "Throw money at it until it works" faction. I'd narrow it down to Marik/FWL, Liao/CapCon, or Davion/FedSuns, in your shoes. You can read little blurbs about them in the game info sections, but the official bg.battletech.com pages for the tabletop game will also give some good information (Likely more reliable, too). It sounds like you'd really be into the Warrior Houses of the CapCon, which are based around a very small unit of multi-skilled warriors trained from early childhood.
Edited by ice trey, 21 February 2016 - 06:55 AM.
Posted 21 February 2016 - 07:06 AM
Juscar, on 19 February 2016 - 11:32 AM, said:
I have m\played mech warrior games for awhile now but I have always come back to this question as I know nothing of the lore involved. "What faction ad clan would I belong too?"
I know many people who check this forum could answer this better than I can due to you guys know way more about it then I do.
so ill tell you all a bit about me from real life and tell me what you think I belong in.
Im a US mil Veteran
my job was 19D cavalry scout in the Army
That's Forward Reconnaissance for people unfamiliar
Im a man who likes the small well trained unit over the large less trained force, id take 4 special forces guys who can sneak and fight deep alone than 50 guys who are regulars.
I like to see my tragets from far away then plan on either taking them out from afar or sneaking in for a ambush.
I love the USA I live for patriotism and my rights I would die defending for it proudly.
seriously I live for the whole rights of the people stuff. FREEDOM.
My favorite ancient warriors of old where the Vikings and the Spartans.
This because how deep warfare and warriors are in there culture.
Im a fairly conservative man most of my views are republican.
My mech preferences aside based on this info tell me guys
What clan would I be?
and what IS faction would I be?
if you guys think i would need to say more info ill gladly say
I think you should find a group of pilots that you enjoy dropping with, join their unit, and fight for what ever faction you/they want to play that week.
Posted 21 February 2016 - 07:31 AM
be sure to check out the underrated locust thread
might be best to skim the thread backwards as it is a large and old thread
Posted 21 February 2016 - 07:37 AM
Juscar, on 19 February 2016 - 11:32 AM, said:
I have m\played mech warrior games for awhile now but I have always come back to this question as I know nothing of the lore involved. "What faction ad clan would I belong too?"
I know many people who check this forum could answer this better than I can due to you guys know way more about it then I do.
so ill tell you all a bit about me from real life and tell me what you think I belong in.
Im a US mil Veteran
my job was 19D cavalry scout in the Army
That's Forward Reconnaissance for people unfamiliar
Im a man who likes the small well trained unit over the large less trained force, id take 4 special forces guys who can sneak and fight deep alone than 50 guys who are regulars.
I like to see my tragets from far away then plan on either taking them out from afar or sneaking in for a ambush.
I love the USA I live for patriotism and my rights I would die defending for it proudly.
seriously I live for the whole rights of the people stuff. FREEDOM.
My favorite ancient warriors of old where the Vikings and the Spartans.
This because how deep warfare and warriors are in there culture.
Im a fairly conservative man most of my views are republican.
My mech preferences aside based on this info tell me guys
What clan would I be?
and what IS faction would I be?
if you guys think i would need to say more info ill gladly say
Well, there is a difference between clans, in the lore.
What do u mean with "
I love the USA I live for patriotism and my rights I would die defending for it proudly.
seriously I live for the whole rights of the people stuff. FREEDOM."?
If you want to defend your country by external issues: you are a warden clanner
If you want to "defend your country" by attacking foreign people in their own homeplace, then you are a crusader clanner.
During 3050-52 (actual timeline), in MWO all the clan faction are crusader ones.
After 3057, clan Wolf splitted, and clan "Wolf in exile" became warden one, and with the Kell Hound mercenary unit formed the "Arc Royal Defence", to protect Inner Sphere from Jade Falcon.
All the other warden are not present in mwo.
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