Please come Join Mercstar for its 5th CW round-table discussion (simul-twitch-cast) starting this friday 2/12 at 9:30EST with the match-cast of the (SWOL vs AIM) match for the -MS- charity tournament currently underway.
or watch all three of us at the same time with multi-twitch
We will have a special guest with us
Blueduck from SWOL will be joining us immediately after the match is over to talk Community Warfare. please tune in to be part of the discussion.

Yes we know there is also a town hall scheduled for tomorrow night. we are offering this as an alternative to anyone who does not want to watch the Town Hall and would instead want to watch an actual MWO match as well as be involved in a discussion about "Community Warfare.
I will be giving away a 30 premium time code a the end of our roundtable. You must be a follower of my channel to be eligible to receive the prize.
Edited by Xavier, 25 February 2016 - 06:37 PM.