Rushin Roulette, on 18 February 2016 - 09:42 PM, said:
We are talking about the same PGI as the PGI who thought an LRM Scoutapult was a good idea for a competitive game?
I am talking about the time when the clans first came out though. No IS quirks and no Clan nerfs. As soon as the clans were nerfed the first time, the balance was already off for 10v12. it just got worse with the quirks. From then it was relatively balanced 12v12 falling for one side or another depending onwhere PGI managed to overbalance again... and again... and again... and again.
The balance has been really close sooooooo many times its not funny any more. But the various balancing committees at PGI appparently have some sort of communication problem, because for some reason they always do the same dipshit mistake... trying to balance both sides at the same time.
So relying on any test PGI make in terms of balance is like relying on a questionaire filled out by preschoolers in regards to the newest Quantum Physics discovery.
just to clarify, the "opposition" to the evidence provided is now based upon PGI's credibility to perform the test?
I participated.
I am not PGI
I am telling you that myself, and the consensus of many of those who played, was that it sucked. I played both sides. I played from each perspective. It sucked.
PGI's statistical data showed the same thing.
So now you have personal first-hand information given to you that collaborates the statistical data.
That shows much more evidence and lends a bit more legitimacy to the argument. 10v12 sucked. It didn't work, it goes much deeper than quirks, weapon, and even tech balance overall. It is and would be very resource intensive to balance the game in that format. As in intensive and in-depth enough to require a reworking on fundamental philosophies upon which MWO has been built for 3 years.
It's realistically not going to happen. 10v12 sucked. Period. It's not the way to balance the two techs.
CW gives you a much better idea of tech balance than solo and quickplay do honestly. CW gives you a better idea on where the "leaks" in balance are. If you bothered playing in the 1st CW environment, then you know that was where some of the first and truly large gaps in balance showed up. Zerg rushes, ranges, attrition, 48 mechs and varied drop deck tonnages are the right way to go for CW.
The drop deck tonnages just need to be varied more by planets as opposed to periodic universal changes.
Drop decks should be chosen after map and mode are determined
Drop decks should be saved if chosen
Don't tell me it can't be done PGI. It can't be done with how you have the planetary map currently setup. This is what your beta is truly supposed to be for. These are things that will help CW. These are things that will give relevancy to more mechs more often. These are the things that will help develop mech production sustainability on your part by allowing for more mechs to be more effective more often.
A drop deck of 4 mechs required for this planet = 260 tons
Drop deck for this planet = 245 tons
Allow drop decks to be saved by planet if need be. Set each section of planets up with their own buckets if need be. SPend a little more money on the server and infrastructure of CW and allow for small adjustments like this without requiring them server wide.
That's just a small start to being able to diversify CW a bit. CW is the war game portion of the game that your war gamer population congregates to.
quickplay is more your "shooter" portion of the game. Players enjoying shooters congregate there. You're going to have to make a more clear distinction between these two sections of the game because "melding" them isn't going to work. No, you can't please all of the people all of the time, but you can't just blend them altogether and cater everything to everyone.
Start making some distinctions and focusing. This happens every
You guys (PGI) get an influx of new players from a new marketing opportunity and you start listening to all this chatter. Then you start looking into "other areas" and start derailing previous statements. All those new players buy in, and then leave for another game.
We are gamers. We player games. Yours is never has been and never will be the only video game played by the majority of your customers. You have built an audience based upon designing and developing this massive online multiplayer game. You said that. We have a mindless deathmatch that even modern reviewers are referring to as a MOBA.
CW was supposed to be based on this galaxy wide economy and all these rewards and such through the LP system. You're not even out of "beta" and you have players pretty much maxed out on any and all CW LP rewards they care to obtain. That's your idea of "endgame"?