When I'm working on a 'Mech, I generally add the skills as I gain enough XP for them. Currently this means, Match ends -> Back to Home -> Click Skill Tab -> Click Weight Class Filter -> Click Chassis from list -> Click Variant I'm working on -> Click 'Mech Tree
In the interest of streamlining this whole process, could there be a button added on the Home screen to jump immediately to the 'Mech Tree of your currently selected 'Mech?
We have the XP conversion box on our Home page. Adding in this feature seems like a logical leap as to what to add next to make the Home screen ever more useful.
I know it doesn't take a whole lot of time, but I figure this to fall under the category of removing something that is a bit of a nuisance. I know some talk has been made of making changes to the skill tree system - please consider adding this feature while you're at it.
Thank you for your time.
~~The Shredder
Edited by The Shredder, 20 February 2016 - 02:48 AM.