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A big concern about this game

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#1 Masterblaster57


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Posted 06 December 2011 - 11:14 PM

I really hope this game does not end up like that other "free to play" game World of tanks. They added this stupid system were if you spent real money you could get some of the best tanks right away and get access to special tanks. So yes it was free to play but people could just cheat through the challenge of unlocking and go right for the good stuff. You would see players who had no idea what they were doing driving around in some of the best tanks. I do not want to see wallet warriors online,

#2 BattleMasterAtlas45


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Posted 06 December 2011 - 11:23 PM

I second this one, really would like the developers to avoid the wallet warrior route...

#3 Jervinator


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Posted 06 December 2011 - 11:36 PM

Actually, the only thing the WoT Premium tanks are really better than non-premium tanks at is earning credits. Sure, when they first come out, there is a bit of kvetching until people find the weak spots on them, like the fact that the Type 59 is mostly ammo rack and has weak side and rear armor. Yes, you could skip a few tiers of grinding with a few dollars, but you would wind up with a tank no better (in fact, slightly worse) than what those who did endure the grind have, and be facing more experienced opponents.

That said, I agree that MWO should not be "pay to win". No game should be. I got out of Magic and MW:Dark Ages because I couldn't afford the awesome rare cards/figures required to make a competitive deck/army, nor can I afford Gold Ammo in WoT.

But MWO has something that WoT doesn't; a kick-*** dev team. Accordingly, I think that your fears are unfounded.

#4 Iron Horse


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Posted 06 December 2011 - 11:39 PM

Hopefully this helps: http://mwomercs.com/...e-free-to-play/

#5 Joanna Conners


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Posted 06 December 2011 - 11:39 PM

We've had this discussion before. The concerns are still unfounded. What matters is skill, not how big your wallet is.

#6 Dlardrageth


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Posted 06 December 2011 - 11:41 PM

I have no fears of MWO becoming anything like WoT, unless they start to hire someone from Wargaming's staff, then MWO is probably doomed though... ^_^ Although, why would they want to do that? Apart from the russian market WoT is way more a presumption of success than a real one. ;)

#7 Volume


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Posted 07 December 2011 - 12:16 AM

Why do people keep making these topics? It's only been mentioned by the Devs in every FAQ, Q&A, posts all over the forums, etc., that this isn't going to be pay-to-win. That said, I do share your concerns a-la the "I'll believe it when I see it" routine. That said, I would rather spend money on this game than NOT spend money on this game, and it will probably be like a VIP account that earns C-Bills/XP faster, or cosmetic things (custom paint-jobs, decals, insignia), or just buying 'mechs with money or ingame (like LoL/HoN/BLC/insert-free-game-here). That said, if, and I mean IF they make 'Mechs purchasable with money...

1: I doubt that they will make it like WoT where "This can ONLY be bought with real money and is better/worse than the things that are not."
2: I think the things purchasable with real money will be attainable another way, hopefully not by 100 hours of grinding, but just some other way.

I doubt it will be "I want seven ERLL on my Super Nova. Here's $10. YAAAAY"

#8 John Clavell


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Posted 07 December 2011 - 12:23 AM

Haven't we been here before? ;)

#9 Cattra Kell


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Posted 07 December 2011 - 03:23 AM

This thread sure seems familiar ;)

As I post this we do not know 100% for sure how the cash shop will work, what it will sell, and how that will affect the game. What we do know is that the devs have said that they did not want to sell anything in the cash shop which would disrupt the game or give an advantage to one player. What we can assume from that is that they will not be selling mechs or weapons in the cash shop at all OR that could be purchased for in game c-bills.

We will not find out about this until much later on when the game is finally out OR the devs give us a preview of items we could possibly purchase.

#10 Nikoli Steiner


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Posted 07 December 2011 - 04:03 AM

The WoT premium tanks excel at one thing, as has been stated here, earning credits. They are generally weaker than tanks of the same tier.

#11 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 07 December 2011 - 04:56 AM

View PostDemona, on 06 December 2011 - 11:39 PM, said:

We've had this discussion before. The concerns are still unfounded. What matters is skill, not how big your wallet is.

This right here is the answer. SO what if you spring for a Dire Wolf Variant OMFG! When the opponents open up on only you... Well you got what you paid for. (ie dead!)

#12 Mason Grimm

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 05:21 AM

View PostMasterblaster57, on 06 December 2011 - 11:14 PM, said:

I really hope this game does not end up like that other "free to play" game World of tanks. They added this stupid system were if you spent real money you could get some of the best tanks right away and get access to special tanks. So yes it was free to play but people could just cheat through the challenge of unlocking and go right for the good stuff. You would see players who had no idea what they were doing driving around in some of the best tanks. I do not want to see wallet warriors online,

All your questions, or hopefully a majority of them, related to Pay to Play versus Pay to Win can be answered by CLICKING HERE and reading what InnerSphereNews has to say about the issue.

Topic closed as this has been discussed before.

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