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Simple Way To Add Depth To Assault

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#1 Quaamik


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Posted 28 February 2016 - 11:45 AM

People bemoan the lack of depth to the gameplay. I have an idea that could add some depth to the Assault mode:

Give it 3 win conditions:

Option A:
- Same as currently, kill the entire opposing team.

Option B:
- Capture the opposing base, but slightly different than currently.
--- Count mechs on base equally, no biasing by weight. A light mech alone captures as fast as an assault. 3 lights capture faster that 2 - 100 ton assaults.
--- Increase the rewards for mechs that participate in capture, and for the entire team that captures. On the level that a mech that does participate in a capture gets the equivalent c-bills and xp as if they received 3-4 assists, and one that was on the winning team but didn't actually stand on base to capture gets the equivalent to 2-3 assists, all in addition to whatever else they did in the match.

Option C:
- Destroy the opposing base (requires base be destroyable, like the generators are in CW).
--- Give it a significant amount of armor / structure points. At least 200-250 points, possibly more. It should be destroyable, not easy to destroy.
--- Give it a separate health bar, right under the capture bars.
--- Score it lower than a capture. Possibly around where a capture is now.

Related to the base, bring back 1 turret for each team, located on top of the base. Change it from the turrets that are in CW though:
--- Redesign the base so that the turret does not have any "dead areas" adjacent to the base. If a mech is capturing, it can be hit.
--- Make the turret "live" immediately with a detection / targeting / firing range of 1450 meters for the c-ERLL, 1100 meters for the c-LRM5 (10% range boost), and 435 meters for the MPL (all line of sight).
--- Don't have it communicate target info (the indicator on the mini map) unless the target is within 750 meters (line of sight).
--- Have ECM affect the turret to some extent by preventing it from seeing / targeting / firing on a mech that is under ECM coverage until it is within 450 meters.
--- Bias the turret aiming to center torso (1), side torso (2), arm (3), Leg (4) head (5), with the priority on the closest mech. So if it can shoot at either the arm, side torso or head of a mech, it always chooses the side torso.
--- Arm the turret with one (1) IS MPL, one (1) c-ERLL and one (1) c-LRM5 and 2 AMS units (unlimited ammo for missiles and AMS).
--- Give it the bonuses from the 360 Degree Target Retention and the Target Decay modules.
--- Set the lasers so the c-ERLL won't fire on any mech closer than 220 meters (full power range for the MPL) if its under 45 tons (that weight limit is flexible).
--- That gives the turret enough firepower to discourage the "single light base capture", enough range so it cant be easily destroyed from a distance without taking damage, yet its not overpowered as an "area denial" weapon or overpowered as a base defender.

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