Exe - Post Masc Buff
Posted 28 February 2016 - 01:24 AM
I have ahd a half dozen games, and I am not sure if it is because I had become accustomed to the Banshee, but it seems faster, independent of MASC - but there are no listed changes to quirks.
Anyone else finding the same?
In terms of load out, I am finding that 3 LPL in torsos work quite well (group of 1 and group of 2, but the ghost heat isn't that bad if from resting). I couple that with 2Streak SRM6.
Posted 28 February 2016 - 01:54 PM
Bassie, on 28 February 2016 - 01:24 AM, said:
I have ahd a half dozen games, and I am not sure if it is because I had become accustomed to the Banshee, but it seems faster, independent of MASC - but there are no listed changes to quirks.
Anyone else finding the same?
In terms of load out, I am finding that 3 LPL in torsos work quite well (group of 1 and group of 2, but the ghost heat isn't that bad if from resting). I couple that with 2Streak SRM6.
There wasn't a change to the listed quirks, because all agility quirks weren't working for the past 3 months or so. These now work, thanks to a hotfix not too long ago. What you're seeing now is what it was INTENDED to be when PGI first tested agility quirks.
Edited by Fox With A Shotgun, 28 February 2016 - 01:54 PM.
Posted 28 February 2016 - 02:23 PM
Posted 28 February 2016 - 05:01 PM
No wonder it felt different!
I enjoyed it last night. Even had a game with over 900dmg. Best yet in an exe.
I'd still like to see some quirks on the arms/ torsos though. An xx% reduced jam for ultras on a component seems fitting.
Favourite build I think was the uac10 and lpl in torso, 4erml in right arm. Left arm is a shield, it has a good alpha, or can poke.
I realise it isn't much more firepower that I typically run on a stormcrow (uac10 & 4erml), but that prob has more to do with the crow.
Does the new "suspension and racing stripe" change the way anyone else builds it?
Posted 28 February 2016 - 07:47 PM
Peace, and have fun
Posted 02 March 2016 - 08:38 PM
Posted 07 March 2016 - 09:13 AM
NRP, on 02 March 2016 - 08:38 PM, said:
While I don't think that it is over-hyped, I do think that they are going about calculating the speed increase that MASC provides. It should be running right around 100kph under MASC if they calculated a true % increase in speed.
I too would pay for the ability to remove MASC. This mech, once you get used to the uniqueness in how you have to pilot it and finding out decent builds for it, is quite good in the right hands. 4 extra tons of and the crit space would do wonders for this mech...as well as removing the JJ. TBQH, I think that being able to remove both the MASC and JJ would make this mech one of the most feared assaults out there. 12 extra tons and crit space = dual cUAC/20 silliness on an already very fast 95 tonner.
Posted 07 March 2016 - 09:36 AM
NRP, on 02 March 2016 - 08:38 PM, said:
Buwah? MASC is amazing. It was pre-buff, it is more so post-buff. It has tremendous value for an assault mech, more than any other weight class.
The biggest problem assaults have by far is inability to move in response to a changing combat environment (at least in pub games, not really an issue with organized team). You cannot post on a flank because if your team goes the opposite direction, you're stranded. Unless you have stellar hardpoints you cannot poke effectively because moving in and out of firing position is so painfully slow. If you walk around the wrong corner at the wrong time you're as dead as any mech because you can't turn around in time.
Unless of course you have a giant engine and MASC. Obviously you sacrifice some firepower to get it, but if anything it's the JJ that are a waste of tonnage on the EXE. They're a huge weight investment for very little benefit to combat effectiveness. Mostly they are a convenience.
Is the EXE perfect? Nah. Far from it. It's my favorite mech, but it's objectively pretty flawed. Mediocre hitboxes, low weapon mounts, and limited tonnage and space all hold it back. MASC is what redeems it though. It's why I just described an unquirked assault Cataphract with space issues, and yet it still performs great short of competitive play.
Posted 08 March 2016 - 12:26 AM
Posted 08 March 2016 - 07:50 PM
I'm finding the Exe heaps of fun, masc allows me to shift position so quickly that I do it often. But also, the ability to turn on the spot and change direction is great, heck I'm even using the nump jets on most maps. I think that between th in and masc the Exe is less vulnerable to lights than other assaults.
However, I am finding it challenging to use a brawler- build with the Exe. Most of my builds feature a combination of uac10, Erml and lpl. When I try uac20 and and small pulses, it just doesn't get there in time to use them.
Posted 09 March 2016 - 08:54 AM
Bassie, on 08 March 2016 - 07:50 PM, said:
I'm finding the Exe heaps of fun, masc allows me to shift position so quickly that I do it often. But also, the ability to turn on the spot and change direction is great, heck I'm even using the nump jets on most maps. I think that between th in and masc the Exe is less vulnerable to lights than other assaults.
However, I am finding it challenging to use a brawler- build with the Exe. Most of my builds feature a combination of uac10, Erml and lpl. When I try uac20 and and small pulses, it just doesn't get there in time to use them.
I'd most likely keep it in as well, but take out the JJ.
Try this out as a brawler build. It is my go-to build. Very little heat issues, and deceptively deadly up close because of the high sustain in damage output. I tend to position myself as the second or third assault in a push, or run a flanking maneuver. Currently have the cUAC/20 cooldown lvl 5 module in it...considering going with either the cLPLAS cooldown lvl 5 module or the cERSLAS cooldown module as my second weapons module.
Posted 09 March 2016 - 09:25 AM
Bassie, on 08 March 2016 - 07:50 PM, said:
I'm finding the Exe heaps of fun, masc allows me to shift position so quickly that I do it often. But also, the ability to turn on the spot and change direction is great, heck I'm even using the nump jets on most maps. I think that between th in and masc the Exe is less vulnerable to lights than other assaults.
However, I am finding it challenging to use a brawler- build with the Exe. Most of my builds feature a combination of uac10, Erml and lpl. When I try uac20 and and small pulses, it just doesn't get there in time to use them.
It's a tough play style to pull off, especially in this meta. But if you can stay mobile and play (map position-wise at least) like a heavily armed medium or light you can pull off spectacular things. I've got a build that boats 8 SPL and 2 MPL and the only thing it can't consistently out-core is a DWF. What's important about EXE close range builds is that they have similar alphas to heavy clan poke traders but with a significant advantage in rate of fire, accuracy, and required face time.
The thing is you're not a spearhead. You want to appear on the enemy's flank and just march down the line 1v1ing mech after mech.
Also RE: poking. EXE definitely sucks at hill poking, but is pretty darned good at corners with that 7 energy arm. In my stupid hot alpha poke build that one arm dishes out 53 damage a volley. -Just- that one arm.
Posted 09 March 2016 - 09:54 PM
Steinkrieg, on 09 March 2016 - 08:54 AM, said:
I'd most likely keep it in as well, but take out the JJ.
Try this out as a brawler build. It is my go-to build. Very little heat issues, and deceptively deadly up close because of the high sustain in damage output. I tend to position myself as the second or third assault in a push, or run a flanking maneuver. Currently have the cUAC/20 cooldown lvl 5 module in it...considering going with either the cLPLAS cooldown lvl 5 module or the cERSLAS cooldown module as my second weapons module.
Interesting build. I'm curious - why the large pulse laser? You could have 3 med pulses in the torso for the same tonnage, and I wouldn't think that you are poking with the large pulse? 3 Erml and you have tonnage for more dhs.
I'll give it a run tonight as I understand what you mean about the high sustain - I find that ultra auto cannons belong in this mech for the ability to "follow up" an alpha with more damage and deter the en mech from hitting back.
Do you have much trouble when the uac20 jams? I find this very frustrating, and a reason not to have a uac as my primary weapon.
Posted 10 March 2016 - 09:01 AM
Bassie, on 09 March 2016 - 09:54 PM, said:
I'll give it a run tonight as I understand what you mean about the high sustain - I find that ultra auto cannons belong in this mech for the ability to "follow up" an alpha with more damage and deter the en mech from hitting back.
Do you have much trouble when the uac20 jams? I find this very frustrating, and a reason not to have a uac as my primary weapon.
It was suggested to me in another thread about EXE builds. I do poke with it from time to time. It also gives you a bit of range, has decent heat control, and decent damage. TBQH, I get most of my kills with it as I do not alpha strike with this mech much at all. It's usually a quick, rhythmic run through of the fire groups, usually something like uac20 double tap, linked slas, lplas, linked slas, uac20 single tap, lplas, linked slas, etc. I've tried it with ermlas and the heat is just too much. You need to be able to sustain damage, and link firing those 3 ermlas, or having 4 ermlas in the arm and 1 erllas in the torso still is much more heat than the 4 erslas + lplas. For you to be able to win fights in the mech, you need to be able to take advantage of your movement and sustained damage, and if you are trying to cool down instead of unloading on the enemy, you're gonna have a bad time. You're looking at 40% cooling efficiency in the build I linked. Any change with the ermlas or mplas drops you a minimum of 5%, even with filling the remaining tonnage with DHS.
Depends. Some matches I will never jam. Other matches I will jam every other shot. I usually don't try to double tap every time I fire the uac20, but I will normally lead off with a double tap if I am guaranteed a good hit. As it is, you should not be leading the push in an EXE unless it's a flank push, so you can manage the double tap in a way that maximizes the damage for when you really NEED it.
Posted 10 March 2016 - 04:12 PM
Then, I tried 6spl spread across torso and right arm and the uac20. I have the spl cooldown module as well from my arctic cheetah. Either I was just in 'the zone' and playing well, of this mech is really strong. I don't think I used any weapon group except alpha, and had no heat issues. The rate of fire from the spl seems really quick, even when uac was jammed, I still seemed to be blasting off components every time I shot. Was prob averaging 700 dmg over 6 games, with a new personal best in the mech of 958. Debt play on polar highlands of alpine peaks, where I doubt it'd be as strong.
Thanks for your tips on playstyle as well - working on not leading the assault and working with other heavies / assaults woks really well. Exe also seems quite capable of mascing around a building to catch a dire wolf or king crab in the rear armour.... Don't think anyone expects that of an assault.
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