I really don't understand how so many players are able to run 500+ damage average. And 2+ kills a match? Really? My overall average for every mech I play is 1.59 right now. And I'm happy with that.
As for damage if I use my Atlas I've had a high of 1,288 and lows in the 150's. And it's pretty simple why I got the 1,288 and the 150. The 1,288 happened simply from being in the right place right time the entire damn match. I wasn't focused fired by the enemy team, I was able to sneak around and kill some missile boats and I was the last one standing going up against three mechs that were badly beat up. So I shot for days and lived through it all. The 150 damage games come because my team wants me to push and be the focal point for damage. So I push, am focused fired and maybe am able to manage three shots before I'm killed.
I prefer my Crab's and Cicada at this point. With these two mediums around 300 damage is what I always shoot for. I consider that a decent match but what I do in the match is weighted on what the rest of the team does. I try to scout, move around, re-position, shoot enemies in the back, assist teammates etc just as much as possible. To consistently do 500 damage with those medium mechs I think I'd have to try to stand behind the rest of my team and shoot as much as possible hoping I'm not shot. I can't do that.
500+ damage is a lot of damage, especially as an average. Right now I'm averaging 335 damage with my Cicada per match, while my worst Crab is 313 a match and best is 365. I am not displeased with those numbers. How the hell do you people do 500+ average per match? The games simply don't go that well for me...
Edited by xTrident, 02 March 2016 - 12:22 PM.