Xavori, on 06 March 2016 - 01:53 PM, said:
Dude, I spent the morning yolo'ing into piles o red team mechs this morning in a trial king crab and then watching my teammates.
More than once, I still ended up with most damage for my team (and the trial king crab is all kinds of suck). A few times I watched guys who quite simply cannot move and shoot at the same time, and cannot, absolutely positively cannot, identify which direction incoming fire is hitting them from.
I also saw:
-A catapult launching LRM's at targets 1500+ meters away
-A mauler that looked like it had Parkinson's
-A king crab with dual AC20's but I'm guessing only a single ton of ammo as he was hiding back in our drop zone with only 7 shots
-A timberwolf that overrode heat shutdown and then popped itself trying (and failing) to shoot a raven
-An arctic cheetah that legged itself by repeatedly trying to get on top of a tall building in frozen city
-Another arctic cheetah that must have thought it was a turret as it stopped moving each time it wanted to shoot at something
-A black knight laservomit mech that would full alpha every time, miss, and then shutdown while its target pounded the snot out of it
So while you might suck, you don't suck as much as <insert your mom joke here> like a bunch of other MWO pilots do
So are you playing in Tier 5, because that sounds like Tier 5 play.