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Training Manual

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#1 Ragnahawk


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Posted 07 March 2016 - 06:37 PM

Useful Links to Bookmark

A huge resource for both building Mechs and understanding the game.

Will help you in finding a build to help with mastery.

Our Tier Mechs come from here.

This site often has the latest quirks on Mechs.

Useful Key Bindings

Show Target Overlay: Reveals friendlies' name and percentage of armor.

Free Look: Locks torso weapons in place so you can move the arms without having to turn all the way.

Zoom In/Zoom Out: Can be used on a mouse wheel, which goes all the way to advanced zoom. Opens up another weapons group on the mouse.

Auto-Run: Default set to numpad. Keeps you going at preferred speed.

Chain Fire: Allows you to fire each of the weapons individually at a slow rate. You can click-fire multiple times to speed it up.

Override: Allows your mech to exceed the heat cap and prevent shutting down. You can leave this toggled on, and then when you feel you might explode you can take that .5 second to rush into cover and hit the override key quickly.

Cool Shot: Personal Preference. I keep this key close because I sometimes mix up consumables.

Center Legs: Centers your legs automatically to your recticle.

Quick Strategy
  • The Flamer Remembers You
Flamers have an unfortunate weakness in that they generate obscene amounts of heat after 4.75 seconds. They even remember how long you were firing the flamer for up to another 4.75 seconds. I have yet to test or research if alternating flamers avoids this. You may also want to know that the flamer will not raise the heat of the flamee over 90%. Bringing another mech with you does not avoid this. Neither does the lava of terra therma. You pretty much have the option to wait for an opportune moment or fire to prevent being fired at. Great with auto cannon builds.
  • Shooting mechs inbetween the legs below the torso
The part between the legs and below the torso counts as CT and does not move with the upper torso. It will move with the legs though.
  • The R button is your best friend

    Targeting an enemy shows that enemy on your teammates screen. Locking on to a UAV shows a UAV. Looking in the top right weapon you can see that enemies loadout and its armor.
  • 3-5 second reaction time

    In combat one way to fight effectively would be to dive and roll to a different position out of the enemy's sight and then return fire. This be accomplished in lights and medium by ramming up ramps in different locations. The human being reacts within 3-5 seconds. Yes that includes how long it takes to twist the mech to your location.
  • Hover Jumping

    This is a tactic employed by higher tier teams. In order to hover you have to tap the jumpjets as the enemy shoots at you. If you do it right you will desync the hitboxes and make yourself one tough son of a ***** to kill. Watch the quickdraw animation for example.

    Probably the most useful tool in the game this removes the red box that appears from 700m away. 700m is the max range you can pick up mechs normally. Now, with that in mind this allows you to alpha a mech without worry about that immediate oh **** red dorito shoot it. So take you time with that first shot. (reason i am a ninja raven 3L)
  • Find XL Engines to net easy kills

    Certain mechs will almost always have an XL engine. Some pros will even stand still and let you snag that free kill. Think about that when your staring at the backs of 8 whole mechs. It could be a smooth stealth kill. (Note: Have at least 36 alpha for mediums)
  • Open weapons door

    If your mech has weapon doors you should be able to open them via /? key. Always open them if you have them or your shots will be split up and cooldown will suffer.
  • UAC Spammage

    Currently the most effective way to maximize your potential damage in a UAC mech is to fire as fast as inhumanly possible until two uacs jam and then releasing the weapon for 5 seconds. This clears the jam quickly.
  • A Closed Mouth Doesn't Get Fed

    "Alpha Atlas in Delta Two, Left Leg Two Shot." "Enemy Mass in Charlie 5, pushing Delta Two." "Jenner in Delta Four, ECM Cover, Right Leg Smoking."
    Give out enemy locations and information whenever possible in the briefest way.
  • Focus Fire on the closest/slowest target to your Mass (Your Group)

    Benefits: This allows the team to trade the best within their range, Takes a gun off the field, Lessens the enemies ability to trade by reducing the enemy's mass (Enemy Group) effective range, Opens up cover that you wouldn't be able to utilize before or secures the cover you are already using so that the front line doesn't get overrun.
  • The Terrain is your Health Bar

    Set yourself up where you can't be killed easily. Back out of cover whenever possible as this allows you to run back to cover immediately. Use the side of the cover that works with your hard points. Shoot as close as you can get away with by that cover. (Light Workshop 101)
  • Hawk Eye your Mini-Map

    Toggle auto-run often, and take a look at your mini map. Do you feel your enemy is making a stupid move? Is there an enemy cut off all alone? Is the enemy split unevenly? Did you stop to check Seismic Sensor for the enemy around the corner? Is there key terrain nearby such as a high point? Are you watching your teammates to ensure you don't get separated from the mass (Try to stay within 200-300 m)?
  • Contain the Beast

    There is an old saying a drill sergeant passed on to me: "Slow is smooth, Smooth is Fast." The concept behind this implies that you will waste valuable time by acting hastily. For instance: How often do your shots graze a light's legs? Fun Fact: Slowing yourself down and focusing your reticle on what you want to hit will improve accuracy enormously and save valuable heat.
  • Use Target Overlay

    This valuable tool can be used to read the percentage of friendly mechs as well as give you their name. If you need to find someone quick because they are shouting for help, jam that button down and provide support. Also friendlies will not always be able or willing to shout for help, and it is usually in your best interest to watch their back or the team will be down a gun/shield.
  • Push the Envelope

    I define pushing the envelope in two ways: Team Aggressiveness and Player Aggressiveness. Team aggressiveness is where you and everyone else need to push in closer as a whole so that individuals cannot be singled out and everyone can trade within their effective range. Usually this happens all the time, but it is extremely useful when a single lance is cut off and they need to be wiped off the map. Player Aggressiveness is when you make the decision to attack quickly and decisively. For example: Firing your weapons as quickly as you can within your effective range, delivering a punch that can maim or kill. This does not mean running circles around the enemy mech after charging directly at them. The Terrain is your Health Bar.
  • Center Control and High Points

    If you have ever played chess, you will notice chess players will want to control the center of the board. This allows the quickest movement to any point and you can attack from all directions. High Points can allow you the pilot to see all of the mechs in a area instead of the first few. Take the high points in the center and you have two advantages. Let the enemy take the high points in the center and they will have two advantages. Think of it like your home territory, you don't want anybody to have that area but you.
  • Lead your Quarry

    Light Pilots, you will want to lead your enemies to the bigger guns. If you as a light pilot can lead 3-5 mechs on a ghost chase, you have effectively taken 3-5 guns off the field for however long they decide to chase you. Enemies can be lead to an exposed area, they can be lead to a narrow hallway, they can be lead into a trap set by your team. It can even be used to trade more effectively. The idea is you want them to walk into your fire.
  • Red isn't Dead

    My reference to this is that the Terrain is Your Health Bar. You can still keep yourself alive with proper shelter and kill enemies. The thought is to be unseen, and attack from the shadows. Don't let a single enemy get a bead on you. The only person that can kill you, is you by making it too easy for them. You also want to reserve yourself as the last mech to die, so that you will not be stuck fighting mechs with full armor. That would be tantamount to suicide.

    The idea behind this is to act like a race car. What is the fastest route you can take to get from point A to Point B. It's either the straightest line, or the flattest terrain that doesn't slow you down. It may even be the route that isn't already being taken by friendlies. Refer to the Mech Logistical Training Workshop for further guidance. An NCO or CO should be able to go over it with you.
  • Circumvent the Heat

    There is a threshold that you can fire over on the heat scale using override and not take damage. The override key can be used to circumvent it and it you can toggle it. This is usually preferred when you have a mech that will die in one shot and you want to still be able to run into cover. It can be used as a last ditch effort to take as many with you as you can. Toggling override off after reaching critical heat can stop components from self destructing if you are quick enough
  • Avoid the Killbox

    Avoid large open areas where you are constantly exposed. You could call it dead man's land if you want. This is where you want your enemy.
  • Target by Priority

    It's easier to kill the closest mech, but there are a couple of mechs that will eat our dinner if you let them. Streak Boats will eliminate your light mechs if you let them. Dire whales will typically gauss everything. Thunderbolts will rip your face off in person from 342 meters. If you sense there is a really big threat in the area, call his *** out and eliminate him. No sense in wasting shots on a jenner when you got triple guass across the map.
  • Keep your Head on a Swivel

    Keeping your head on a swivel, checking your corners, looking for any mech in a area WILL KEEP YOU ALIVE. If an enemy is looking directly at you, however, that is a different story. You don't want the enemy to know where you are. Ever.
  • Wall Climbing Technique

    Tapping your jump jets repeatedly can keep you at the same height or allow you to scale something you would normally slide off of.
  • Anti Seismic Technique

    Currently the most effectively way to deal with seismic is to know the effective range Seismic can be used and stay out of that range. However if you use jump jets, you will not show up on seismic until your feet hit the ground.
  • Legged in the Air Technique

    If you are in a mech and about to get legged, you can slam your jump jet button down at the last second and continue going at the speed you were already going. You can time this and plan your route to put yourself behind cover at a crucial point.
  • Trick Weapon Technique

    Skilled pilots will often turn their torso immediately after you fire. To stop this, fire one single weapon to get the pilot to flinch automatically and then fire the rest of your weapons at your intended target after they pull it back.
  • Incline to Decline Technique

    Charging your mech up an incline and down an incline works as effectively as a mech with jump jets. It is really hard to get your recticle on a target that keeps moving up and down and side to side.
  • Flat Line Technique

    Do you want a light pilot to die REAL QUICK? It's as simple as leading that light mech into the flattest and most open area. You won't have to aim up and down, and if you can get them to run in a straight line at any point its as good as over.
  • UAV Grounding

    Hold your reticle over a UAV and you should see how many meters it is. This will indicate whether your weapon will actually damage it.

  • Learn the Phonetic Alphabet

  • Learn the Maps

    Take a light mech, such as the trial spider. Remember the terrain in a way that you can use it to preform better. Some locations you can remember easily by nickname. Ex: Try hard hill on Alpine Peaks, Radio Tower on Forest Colony, Citadel on River City, Dropship on Frozen City. If you have any questions about key terrain I may be able to help, just send me a PM.
  • Learn What is Good

    A lot more factors into a score than just raw damage. If your shots are extremely accurate, it should take you less damage to get the kills you need. You also have the time you had to do what you did in the upper right hand corner of your screen. There is a secondary screen that tells you even more. If the scoreboard fails you, there is always your own personal evaluation. What could you have done better to kill the enemy quicker?
  • Learn your Mechs

    Your curiosity should never be sated. Research the mechs that you see often, the builds that enemies use. Know what you can fit in a mech and what you cannot. Remember the hard points and what that enemy mech excels at. Always search for a weakness or exploit or a major strength. EX: The arctic cheater can currently survive 58 points of damage to the legs. Most weapons are located in the arms. UAC's, Pulse lasers, and streak missiles are effective against it but it has ECM.
    Random Guide I found.
  • Test your Mechs

    Take the mech your going to drop with, put it in tourmaline and count how many shots you can get off without overheating. Go up and around different terrain to see if there is a better way to fire your weapons.
  • Proper Nourishment, Exercise and Sleep

    Three of the major contributors to the brain. If you want to think at 20%, get around 5 hours of sleep, eat junk food and don't work out.

Edited by Ragnar RedHawk, 25 February 2017 - 12:55 AM.

#2 Boulangerie


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Posted 08 March 2016 - 07:20 AM

Great intro guide!

#3 Ragnahawk


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Posted 09 March 2016 - 02:56 PM

3/9/16 Flamer Tactic added.

Reference: https://mwomercs.com...-1453-16feb2016

#4 Boulangerie


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Posted 11 March 2016 - 01:51 PM

The section titles are just catchy enough to be good mnemonic aides too.

#5 Ragnahawk


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Posted 16 March 2016 - 12:18 PM

Flamer updated again.

#6 The Lost Boy


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Posted 16 March 2016 - 10:15 PM

There was a guy who says he spectated you aimbotting the other day? Did he get reported?

#7 Netra


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Posted 17 March 2016 - 01:40 AM

Thanks for the tips!

#8 Ragnahawk


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Posted 21 March 2016 - 12:59 PM

Jikil might have been messing with me.

#9 Totem1


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Posted 21 March 2016 - 01:26 PM

Agreed with everything that has been posted and think this a great "quick tip" guide... itching to want to make some additional comments like..."a stationary light is a dead light" but think that would over-cook the message and detract from your great post... hell.. I've been playing for nearly 3 years and picked up a few tips there!

#10 Ragnahawk


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Posted 23 March 2016 - 08:04 PM

I wouldn't say dead, I would just say vulnerable. If you are aware of your position, your surrounding and your enemy you can relax. Generally under a UAV or a previously scouted area. Most piloting error comes from reacting before thinking, shooting before aiming, and moving to a new place before planning.

For that you have to relax.

Edited by Red Comet1, 23 March 2016 - 08:15 PM.

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