The current version of Win10 (just checked mine) may not show it as anything else but a two button mouse, but if the buttons on the side that does the forward/back on a webpage, it is working. It is likely running it like a generic 5 button mouse.
In game, how exactly do you know that the is not recognizing the other buttons? I ask cause by default you should not have to change anything to fire at least group 3 (which is considered Mouse button 4). Did you try to use the mouse, say in the testing grounds before attempting to make any changes to the game control settings?
First, game, settings, keyboard. NEW CONTROL LAYOUT, nice!!.. Anyway, scroll down to Weapon section.
.....................................Key Map.....Alt Key Map
Fire Weapon Group 1.......1..........Mouse 1
Fire Weapon Group 2.......2..........Mouse 2
Fire Weapon Group 3.......3..........Mouse 4 (3rdpty mouse software, tis listed as Back (back a browser page))
Fire Weapon Group 4.......4...........Mouse 5 (""" this is listed as Forward (forward a browser page))
Mouse 3 is the scroll wheel (zoom stuff)
If you changed anything on the 2nd column (Key Map), change it back to match the above. Use the Number keys above the letters, not the keypad itself.
On the Alt Key Map, click fast so it will allow you to change the M4/M5. You may try to press button 4/5 firmly to be recognized.
3rd party mouse managers that will allow you to change how those buttons behave.
Edited by Tarl Cabot, 12 March 2016 - 08:37 AM.