The problem is this. When you load into a match and everyone is at the ready screen the GPU will ramp up to anywhere from 75-100% load and show good FPS. As you can see in the first image at the loading screen it is showing 126FPS and 73% load. The same will happen at the end of match.

But... once a match starts and you are playing you can see the GPU usage goes down by quite alot. No more than 35% usage, and 63 FPS. Now these are during quick play drops, but if you are in CW and playing something like Boreal Vault FPS is usually hovering around 30FPS which makes it just playable. The CPU has plenty of room to improve, and since it seems that when the game first loads in the GPU usage ramps up, i'm going to attribute this to poor coding.
Just bringing up the in-game FPS tool using F9 will decrease FPS by nearly 10FPS... I've verified this by running FRAPS in the background and using that as my FPS tool.
I just want to see if anyone else can verify this problem as well.

My videocard is a GTX 770 and have seen this problem on both other AMD and NVidia rigs, CPU doesn't seem to matter really as they never hit full load anyways unless it's a very old system. I've seen people with dual GTX 980's in SLI running a Intel core i7 have this problem as well, and that should not be happening. Lower end video cards don't seem to have the problem though. A GTX 650, 750 and such.
Please post your results as well. Maybe PGI will take some kind of action for this, because if they did fix this, the game would be much more playable for alot of us.
You can check both your video GPU usage and CPU usage using MSI's Afterburner tool which works with both NVidia and AMD cards, it will not cause any issues by having this program running in the background either. It would be great if other people also posted screenshots up when they are at the ready screen and while in game to see if their GPU performance also differs. This would help to have PGI really look into the issue that alot of us are having.
Edited by CwStrife, 18 December 2015 - 01:18 PM.