Mystere, on 28 January 2017 - 06:41 AM, said:
You sound like someone who has not played a lot of events/challenges then. I usually see the number of TKs rise during events partly because people intentionally put themselves up in front of friendly fire for that last kill or shot.
I see maybe one on occasion durring the "bloodlust" rush for last small handful of enemies (as mentioned before and after) team damage happens alot when you compress players together tightly on any map shooting same target/s
HOWEVER do you sit back and say "This is a non-issue. The system is fine the way it is" when players rack up several tks willingly and puposely?
Do you treat these individuals the same and say oh you just need to "learn to check your fire" when said individuals tk you at the spawn point? tk you when your font of them and they want shoot your target tk you as they are "testing thier weapon groups" (perfectly fine hill over there)
How about if you see player tk on purpose? do you just sit there say "none my biz"?
I personally as a random player will shoot these jokers for the simple reason that I dont want them on my backdoor or tking members Im depending on to advance.
I say if you kill the killers then they may be less inclined to play this game next match
(why should anyone have to fight the enemy and worry about some tk loser)?
There is no excuse for this "behavior" If your that *thin-skinned* go play something else