Grim Plexus perfectly outlines the issue. While being Sniper heavy, it's cover allows to counter weapons like ERLL/CERLL to some degree, while there is nothing effective against LRM.
It has enough little hills for LRM boats to hide outside LOS, but not enough cover to actually stay protected. Getting narced is a death sentence. An attack can get easily worn down by a bunch of missile boats.
As a result it's a pain of a map, and any time when you have to deal with LRMs. Killing defenseless noobs is not much more fun than getting rained to death by enemies you can't even see.
Game would've been only better without LRM, which is a pretty sad state. Frankly, I find them just frustrating. Gonna play something different. ~
Edit: And before someone mentions it, yeah, LRMs are useless against coordinated teams. Now you just try to coordinate a pug in MWO, result is gonna completely random, and thus the LRM's efficiency is random as well. Which is frustrating.
EDIT: Since reading is apparently hard, first sentence: 'Mostly not very effective'
Means LRM aren't very good for the majority of the game. Idk how to spell it out even more. I find the implementation just frustrating because of many reasons. That's not just being killed by them, which is quite rare for the reason stated above.
Edited by Averen, 17 March 2016 - 01:01 PM.