Things to know: there will probably be spoilers, but nothing you can't find on SARNA
Decision at Thunder Rift

The book itself is a solid start to the series and covers the basics of small unit Battletech. We see combined arms, and a whole ****-load of jargon and abbreviations that were, well, obtuse.
The story is mostly well written if not a bit tropey, but that's par for the Battletech course. You have the young protagonist who's parents are Disneyed in the first 50 pages. Then an escape, some character growth with a side of an expanding cast of characters. We get to meet a recurring bad guy who, aside from being Kuritan, dresses like ******* SATAN (can we get anymore blatant than that!). Said protagonists makes sacrifices, makes friends and succeeds on sheer whit and luck. The end is mostly happy.
Things of note in the book:
Grayson Death Carlyle - Aside from starting off as the rich {Richard Cameron} on the school lacrosse team who takes nothing seriously he eventually becomes an actual soldier and fine commando. He makes his mech do combat rolls and acrobatics, which is so anime it hurts. Over time this wacky **** is lessened, especially as the clans come around; but the ability to pilot a mech as if it were Japanese mecha seems to be a skill reserved for only the best warriors and persists through the series.
Lori Kalmar - shes afraid of fire and has bad habit of being a damsel in distress. She get some character development, but basically doesn't develop far from being underage nudity in a locust.
The red duke - Hes the big bad, also he dresses like some ******* on a hot sauce bottle.
The writing is fairly tentative, this was THE FIRST novel and it shows, but it lays the foundations for everything that came after.
Edited by orcrist86, 17 March 2016 - 07:26 PM.