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Community QNA 2 - Ask the questions

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#141 Mason Grimm

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Posted 09 December 2011 - 08:03 PM

Please keep discussions or general commentary to the appropriate forums. This area is for questions that you would like brought before the dev team for inclusion (possible) in the next Q&A. Comments and general discussion, while greatly appreciated, fill the thread with clutter.

Tanks!!! :ph34r:

Edited by Mason Grimm, 09 December 2011 - 08:05 PM.

#142 Felicitatem Parco

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Posted 10 December 2011 - 11:52 AM

If planetary domination and ownership starts to drift away from canon, will you simply lock-out those planets from further battle and manually-correct who the proper owners should be, or will you do something like skew the battle parameters to favor those who should [canonically] be the planet owners?

#143 Scuzzlebutt


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Posted 10 December 2011 - 03:18 PM

How are house units being put in place? Merc groups make sense, they work similarly to guilds in other mmos, will we be able to join/create units within the house factions? if so, will these be dev controlled, with a computer "Colonel", or will people be able to join units and then move up the ranks within them?

#144 Paladyne


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Posted 11 December 2011 - 02:39 AM

Will there be faction specific mechs, such as the L, M, or D variants?

Will the LP rewards include the ability to get a special command level mech, IE Black Knight ot Cyclops?

Every faction has strengths and weaknesses, will you make all factions the same with different paintjobs, or will there be bonuses such as more ppcs for marik, more ac20s for davion, etc.

#145 Evgeny Bear


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Posted 11 December 2011 - 01:18 PM

Will there be some kind of Multi-cluster-technology for the servers, to do matches without 200+ pings with american, australian and european Mechpilots in one match? I mean to support the one big Meta-game.

#146 AJC


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Posted 11 December 2011 - 04:16 PM

will you be able to relax system requirements so that you don't need to eat up half of a hard drive for someone who can only afford 20/30 GB drives?

one of the the things i hated is how bloated games have become. i feel there is no reason for a game to be fatter than 5-7 GBs

Edited by AJC, 11 December 2011 - 04:17 PM.

#147 TronHarkon


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Posted 11 December 2011 - 08:17 PM

my questions are these and any info you can give me on these would be most helpfully to me and my gamming community.

1, your info on MWO website said we can create a merc corp but what size limit is there to how many members we can have.

2, if there is a limit to how many members you can have in a merc group then are we allowed to form secondary merc groups like the northwind highlanders or the kell hounds.

3, will we be able to have are gaming community's symbol on are mech's or are we allowed only to use the symbols the game gives us.

4, as a merc group do we have to join 1 of the great houses or can we do independent contracts.

5, if we have to join a house do we have to deal with that houses politics.

6, you have said on your website that when you create your mechwarrior you will be given a list of house's to choose from to say where you are from does this impact on joining a merc group in any way.

7, will making a merc group cost real money or can we make them for free.

#148 Felicitatem Parco

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Posted 11 December 2011 - 11:24 PM

Will the Resource Bonuses change if planetary industries are destroyed over the course of time?
(I don't mean canonically-destroyed, I mean destroyed by actual players in combat)

(i.e. House Davion gets a bonus to this and that, House Marik players get a bonus to this and that, etc.)

Edited by Prosperity Park, 11 December 2011 - 11:26 PM.

#149 Stormwolf


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Posted 12 December 2011 - 12:23 AM

Will supplies and logistics be influenced by you location in the IS (borders or behind enemy lines)?

Will players of the same team share a inventory?

#150 Dustbunny


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Posted 12 December 2011 - 01:39 AM

how will travel between planets be handled ..by standard pay rate per tonnage +distance, reduces or no costs forfaction with merc companys purchase special static transport cost that represent them owning an jumpship...also anything on dropships like the unit commander or something could choose the location the dropship lands, if he choose to close to defenders could they attack with static ground based weapons until the dropship lands them it switches to everyone in their mechs.

how hard will it be for lonewolfs to join battles do they just select a battle to join have to e approved by merc corp and could a merc corp hire a lone wolf ..leaving the lone wolf.

#151 Major Crash


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Posted 12 December 2011 - 09:19 AM

Please describe what you would consider to be a baseline Mech Stable for a new player in the class of your choice.
Our new player engages in 1st battle & blows up. What does this Mech Stable now look like once they drag you back from front?

#152 Raeven


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Posted 12 December 2011 - 11:48 AM

Will we be vying for control of Dev set planets, or will we be allowed to make our own history based on the outcomes of our battles?

#153 Gaius Cavadus


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Posted 12 December 2011 - 11:57 AM

Are there any plans to include some of the periphery nations? I need to fight for the Hegemony, dammit :)

#154 Zureal


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Posted 12 December 2011 - 07:15 PM

Questions about, lets see if myn can make it in:

1. Will MWO be like EvE online or more like WoW in that when you die or your mech gets destroyed. Do you Lose your machine and have to get a new one, or will there be no penalties for death like in WoW? I for one love how EvE online works.

2. Will equipment and supplies be ceeded like in WoW or will there be alot of player built things like in EvE online?

3. What kind of "professions" will there be? Like can i be a mech tech? can I be a builder of parts or mechs? ect ect ect...

4. In the board game of BattleTech , in the "advanced rules", many mechs and equipment have "quirks" that give flavors as well as advantages and disadvantages to certain mechs and equipment. Will MWO implement these to give the actual mech im piloting more meaning?

5. What kind of skill based system will you use? one like in WoW or one like in EvE online? Will I have to acumilate XP through actually playing a whole lot or will I just be able to select a skill I want to "level up" and it just takes so much time?

6. In BattleTech lore many units, both house and merc, use combined arms tactics and units. Will I as a player be able to have Tanks, Helicopters, AroSpaceFighters, Infantry at my beck and call? Like will I be able to Hire/Gather these kinds of units into AI controlled allies? As you have said that players will be able to use mechs only at this time.

7. What kind of customization system will you be using? Will it be like the crappy... err the ones in MW4 ware you are limited to what you can "customize" or will it be more like MW1-3 ware you can customize nearly anything?

8. In EvE online you can be almost anything you wish, from a builder, to a warrior, to a spy. Will MWO have any similar aspects? like can i be a spy my one merc corp while working for a house unit to actively sabatog or steal from them?

9. What kind of "Market" system will you implement? and will there be a "Auction House" for player use like in WoW or EvE online?

10. Will merc corps or a set of mer corps be able to forme "alliances" in order to control a number phrerphery worlds and make a "pirate" realm? This is something i enjoy quiet alot in EvE online lol

11. Beyond combat, will players be able to do other things with one another in game?

12. Solaris llV has been mentioned here, will it be made into a place? and if so will I be able to go there and "ladder" up and become the champ? and if so what kind of rewards or incentives will i get for achieving this?

13. You have mentioned that this game will be persistent, yet everything you do will affect the universe as a whole, even though everyone will play on "many many many" servers. Does this mean MWO will be more like EvE online in how it is a sandbox?

14. What kind of things will I be able to use LP on? Will it be like the LP in EvE online ware i can purchase specific faction items in exchange for LP?

15. Other than PvP, will there be "missioning" in MWO?

16. There probably will be, but what kind of "bank" system will there be for individual players, House Factions, and Merc corps?

17. Will Prephery Nations be playebal factions?

18. Will players be able to band together to make "pirate" corps? <--- I want to be EVIL! > :)

19. Will players be able to make custom decals for there units? and will players be able to make custom paint jobs? Or will we there be a set of paint schemes we can choose from?

20. Will there be a way for me to make a in game faction/company that just builds things so I can be rich in game? Or even for my own start up nation?

21. Will Players be able to build there "own" Nation/ Faction?

... thats all for now, thx.

Edited by Zureal, 12 December 2011 - 07:18 PM.

#155 Paul Inouye

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Posted 13 December 2011 - 04:05 PM

Hey Zureal,

Thanks for the questions. You may want to take a look through the previous Q&A post and the FAQ. A lot of your questions have been previously answered. This thread is for questions regarding Community Warfare.



#156 Iron


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Posted 13 December 2011 - 09:16 PM

if time runs out in a battle what will the victory conditions be

#157 Hangfire


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Posted 14 December 2011 - 06:52 AM

Reading what the dev's said about faction and loyalty, I need to ask how the game will work for the lone wolf player. Not everyone is going to join a unit, personnaly I'll be waiting till I find a bunch of gamers I enjoy playing the game with before I declare any allegiances (Sorry canon junkies BT lore is fine but this is a game)

What functions will be ingame for locating friends/teammates?

What penalties will exist for not hooking up with a particular house?

Will non-aligned players be able to group together to hop into servers for a quick blast?

If questions like this have already been asked then I apologise.

#158 Glory in the Highest


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Posted 15 December 2011 - 12:39 PM

Sorry if this has already been asked - did a search, didn't find it.

I was wondering if you have any plans for getting MWO into tournaments alongside other F2P games like League of Legends and Tribes Ascend? I think it would be really awesome for a MechWarrior game to finally see the light of day in the tournament / pro circuit.

Edited by glory, 15 December 2011 - 12:44 PM.

#159 AdamBaines


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Posted 15 December 2011 - 01:20 PM


Sorry if this has been asked but I have looked and not seen.....

Will there be a limited number of mechs available in the Universe at anyone time?

Meaning, almost make the mechs real where if there are rare mechs and one is destroyed beyond repair, its not coming back and there is one less available. Mechs would have VIN numbers in a way. A rare mech would have to be salvaged from battle (if not totaled) and not bought as its just not being made anymore withing that time line. Mech could have a personal history. And for current Mech designs, the factories would have to try and keep up with battle losses.

#160 Soltenius Drake


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Posted 15 December 2011 - 01:33 PM

[color=#959595]I am very new to the Mech Warrior spectrum and also very excited. After beginning to read the histories and looking at the outlook of this game I have a question concerning whether or not we will be able to effect events and if so to what degree. The reason I ask this is because in the histories you see actions that have made certain factions very strong while others are all but erraticated. [/color]

[color=#959595]Seeing this is a reboot then I wonder if those who are fewer but have better unity and organization take victories that may not have come to pass in the histories then will the motion of the timeline change? If we can't change the victories and defeats, the course of the story, how much impact will we have on the welfare of the faction we play for? [/color]

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