Founded by martino2k6, then hosted for some time by the 1st Raslahague Dragonregimente, and now owned and maintained by the ISENGRIM. The FRR Hub is a TS3 server open to all FRR pilots and associated outfits. As communication is the key to success it is our hope that the FRR Units and unaligned pilots alike will come to the Hub to coordinate in their fight against the Clans and aggressor Houses that may encroach on Republic Space
The Teamspeak3 VoIP client can be downloaded here FOORRR FREEEEEEE, and the Hub can be accessed using the information below.
DNS Address:
Password: Dragon
If you have any questions or problems with the Hub feel free to contact an RKA Major, myself or Scuro.

DCMS/FRR Discord
We also maintain a Discord server that you can join: Here
If you use Discord, feel free to join it and us in conversation.
A few helpful links..
Edited by Mech The Dane, 28 January 2019 - 06:30 PM.