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Next Clan Mechs. (Post 4/1/16)

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#221 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 04 April 2016 - 10:12 PM

View PostBishop Steiner, on 04 April 2016 - 09:46 PM, said:

you sure you do? Posted Image

Yeah I saw the tweet.

#222 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 04 April 2016 - 10:29 PM

View PostPariah Devalis, on 04 April 2016 - 09:53 PM, said:

It really does look amazing, though, doesn't it? Aesthetically? It looks pretty damned cool. I just wish LRM were in a better state, such that they could be used more directly and with less wasteful damage.

Posted Image

even the Mini looks pretty good.

#223 Seal Farmer


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Posted 04 April 2016 - 10:35 PM

View PostShadowomega1, on 04 April 2016 - 09:02 PM, said:

I would put money on the Lineback due to the lack luster of the Hellbringer

Seriously, do you even play this game, because it does not seem like you do, the Hellbringer is a top tier [Clan] mech.

View PostShadowomega1, on 04 April 2016 - 09:02 PM, said:

The Crossbow could be the Clans version of the Catapult even having arm mounted Gauss Rifles if they tweak one of the variants. Night Gyr would likely be the best version but would also be the second of the two heavies as the Clans have 2 75 ton mechs (Timberwolf and Orion IIc).

Most people want the Night Gyr, barely anyone talks about the Crossbow, i would bet mech packs that one mech will be the Night Gyr - anyone want to bet against me for any Collector pack ?

Edited by Seal Farmer, 04 April 2016 - 10:36 PM.

#224 Aleksandr Sergeyevich Kerensky


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Posted 04 April 2016 - 10:42 PM

View PostMetus regem, on 03 April 2016 - 04:27 PM, said:

The best remaining pre-3054 mediums:

Pouncer (40t Adder, solid Mech)
Coyotl (40t mini Ebon Jaguar, first Omni-mech, not in current Clan forces)
Huntsman (50t, Swiss Army Knife Mech nearly 50% pod space)

Questionable mediums:

Black Lanner (55t, fast medium, less pod space than the 40t Coyotl)
Battle Cobra (40t, Standard Engine, heavily 'armed' :lol: )
Phantom (40t, brings new meaning to speed 360 cXL, little pod space)

Heavies are basically the Night Gry and Linebacker, sadly still a little while to go before the Nova Cat....

Battle Cobra!

#225 LastKhan

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Posted 04 April 2016 - 10:43 PM

View PostSeal Farmer, on 04 April 2016 - 10:35 PM, said:

Most people want the Night Gyr, barely anyone talks about the Crossbow, i would bet mech packs that one mech will be the Night Gyr - anyone want to bet against me for any Collector pack ?

more then most likely it'll be the Night Gyr but who knows pgi may throw a curve ball.

#226 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 04 April 2016 - 11:13 PM

View PostLastKhan, on 04 April 2016 - 10:43 PM, said:

more then most likely it'll be the Night Gyr but who knows pgi may throw a curve ball.

I look forward to the Night Gyr, in part to see if my theory about the TBRs mobility being a key it's it's success holds true. I really think locked 64 kph, no structure buff, probably minimal agility buff Heavy is not going to as uber amazing as people expect. It'll have firepower... but so does the Orion IIC.

Edited by Bishop Steiner, 04 April 2016 - 11:14 PM.

#227 C E Dwyer


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Posted 05 April 2016 - 12:48 AM

View PostQuicksilver Kalasa, on 04 April 2016 - 06:30 PM, said:

So because you design games, you are infallible.....just like Gyrok right? Paul designs games too, he must know what he is doing...

lol owned great comment :D

Edited by Cathy, 05 April 2016 - 12:48 AM.

#228 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 05 April 2016 - 12:53 AM

View PostQuicksilver Kalasa, on 04 April 2016 - 06:30 PM, said:

So because you design games, you are infallible.....just like Gyrok right? Paul designs games too, he must know what he is doing...

this is almost Signature worthy....... *bows to the master*

#229 FerrokenFibrous


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Posted 05 April 2016 - 02:00 AM

I find the Night Gyr and Huntsman interesting and would like to try playing either or both 'Mechs (though due to the "give only small, negative or zero quirks to Clans" policy they would probably lack the toughness to make up for their lack of speed, but then again, the Adder is slow for its weight class, but I do not find it to be that bad).

Please no Woodsman though, unless I am convinced otherwise. We already have the Timber Wolf, there is no reason to include its inferior ancestor in anything other than an MW2 prequel that takes place in Clan territory long before the Clan Invasion began (and we all know that MWO right now obviously takes place during the Clan Invasion, not before it). Even if it has MASC and the ability to survive losing both STs, I do not think those advantages are enough to overcome every shortcoming the Woodsman has over its inherently superior descendant.

#230 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 05 April 2016 - 02:04 AM

View PostFerrokenFibrous, on 05 April 2016 - 02:00 AM, said:

I find the Night Gyr and Huntsman interesting and would like to try playing either or both 'Mechs (though due to the "give only small, negative or zero quirks to Clans" policy they would probably lack the toughness to make up for their lack of speed, but then again, the Adder is slow for its weight class, but I do not find it to be that bad).

Please no Woodsman though, unless I am convinced otherwise. We already have the Timber Wolf, there is no reason to include its inferior ancestor in anything other than an MW2 prequel that takes place in Clan territory long before the Clan Invasion began (and we all know that MWO right now obviously takes place during the Clan Invasion, not before it). Even if it has MASC and the ability to survive losing both STs, I do not think those advantages are enough to overcome every shortcoming the Woodsman has over its inherently superior descendant.

It's why even though the stuff posted in the PTS weren't all that well thought out, why I really wish Infowar and other stuff was in this game. Because honestly, as a straight shooter, there really ain't much left to add. But if quirks were more applied to sensors, lock ons, Jumping, and other stuff, one could conceivably make reasons to add otherwise inferior mechs liek the Woodsman or Crossbow.

Which would certainly be a lot more interesting than yet another addition to the Hardpoint/Hitbox/MetaQuirk cycle.

#231 Odanan


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Posted 05 April 2016 - 02:59 AM

View PostArnold The Governator, on 03 April 2016 - 04:07 PM, said:

I hope it's a firemoth, but what I'm really crossing my fingers for is the next clan mech pack. So after the Viper, and whatever the next IS mech will be I really hope it will be the classic IIC's that most of us have been waiting for. This is what I want to see in the next clan mech pack.

Locust IIC

Shadow Hawk IIC

Rifleman IIC

Warhammer IIC

Not Marauder IIC? Posted Image

About the same subject:

View PostOdanan, on 02 April 2016 - 06:35 PM, said:

I think the problem is the light Clan omnimech to round up the pack.

PGI is reluctant to add the 3052+ omnimechs (even if the Cicada 3F is from 3052), so the only remaining light omnimech is the Fire Moth. And Fire Moth, with MASC, would break the speed limit of the engine. Maybe they are waiting the engine upgrade to properly add this mech?

But you could make a pack here:

- Fire Falcon (3052)

Medium: (still so many options)
- Pouncer (3050)
- Huntsman (3049)
- Black Lanner (3052)
- Phantom (3052)
- Mongrel (3053)
- Coyotl (very old, but extinct?)

- Linebacker (3052)
- Night Gyr (3052)

- Kingfisher (very old, but Std. Engine)
- Turkina (3052)

[I intentionally left the Std. Engine mediums and heavies out of the list]

No one can deny the Huntsman (and the Coyotl, but that's another discussion) and the Night Gyr are very good mechs.

Maybe the standalone format is selling better? (well, if you consider the chassis chosen until now, it should sell very well - but there is a limited number of "Classics", and less people will be willing to pay the cost of a Kodiak for a Wasp...)

If they return to the 4-pack format, I hope they review the prices or add even more bonus stuff. We got a bad habit of paying $20 for super iconic heavy or assault mechs. Posted Image

Edited by Odanan, 05 April 2016 - 06:44 AM.

#232 Widowmaker1981


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Posted 05 April 2016 - 03:12 AM

View PostBishop Steiner, on 04 April 2016 - 11:13 PM, said:

I look forward to the Night Gyr, in part to see if my theory about the TBRs mobility being a key it's it's success holds true. I really think locked 64 kph, no structure buff, probably minimal agility buff Heavy is not going to as uber amazing as people expect. It'll have firepower... but so does the Orion IIC.

Im not actually expecting wonders from the Gyr either and would much rather get the Nova Cat (i know we wont) but it does have something fairly important over the Onion, which is the ability to boat ballistics, quad UAC5 or triple UAC10 on a decently mobile platform sounds pretty nice...

#233 Odanan


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Posted 05 April 2016 - 03:45 AM

View PostBishop Steiner, on 03 April 2016 - 04:28 PM, said:

Who has nostalgia over the Black Lanner? I can only even think of one story/character it was ever featured with, Aidan Pryde's daughter when she fought for his blood name. I don't recall it being prominently featured or fan favorite in any other instance, though? (Not saying it isn't, but please fill in the blanks if I'm missing something in my lexicon)

It had 2 of the most badass cards in Battletech TCC. (can't find in the internet, so I will have to photograph them myself)

BLanner and some friends (all great omni candidates for MWO):
Posted Image

The 'Lanner was also in MWLL.

View PostWill Hawker, on 03 April 2016 - 04:29 PM, said:

I personally think they should move the setting forward to give them a bigger field of choices to choose from. In moving the timeline forward they could fix CW so it's more streamlined to.

How moving the timeline forward will fix CW?

#234 Odanan


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Posted 05 April 2016 - 03:49 AM

View PostArnold The Governator, on 03 April 2016 - 05:07 PM, said:

If mech packs are dead like you two are claiming, then I hope the next clanner is in fact a Rifleman IIC. Here's why:

-No clan Jaegermech 65 ton equivalent.

-Great armor tonnage.

-Four high mounted large pulse lasers (other variants mount ballistics + missiles).

-Beagle active probe and jump jets.

-Radar quirks (that the IS rifleman is supposed to have *HINT HINT* PGI).

-Makes great use of the XL engines (which stacks nicely with more heatsinks).

Please let it not be a Galahad. I don't want a mech that suffers with piss poor armor. No more glass canons please.

I agree the Rifleman IIC will be a cool addition for the Clans, but armor in mechlab is based solely on mech's tonnage.

#235 Odanan


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Posted 05 April 2016 - 03:55 AM

View PostWill Hawker, on 03 April 2016 - 05:19 PM, said:

What do they desperately need though?

Currently they have:
Lights - 5
Mediums - 4 (5 if you include Dragonfly)
Heavies - 6
Assaults - 5 (6 If you include Kodiak)

I guess they could go for another medium after the Dragonfly, I think Light might be more likely with the likes of the Firemoth or something.


Light: 5
Medium: 5 (6 with Viper)
Heavy: 6
Assault: 5 (6 with Kodiak)

So, I hope for a light next. Certainly the Fire Moth, if they can fix the speed issue. The only alternative (for omni) is the Fire Falcon.

#236 Odanan


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Posted 05 April 2016 - 04:05 AM

View PostBishop Steiner, on 03 April 2016 - 06:45 PM, said:

Posted Image
it looks like a living walking turducken.....

You could find other examples of terribly ugly TRO mechs that turned into very sexy designs in the hands of proper artists.

#237 Metus regem


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Posted 05 April 2016 - 04:12 AM

View PostBishop Steiner, on 04 April 2016 - 09:42 PM, said:

well, is there anything else to do in Canada during the Winter?

It's pretty much down to three things on during bad winters:



#238 Metus regem


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Posted 05 April 2016 - 04:35 AM

View PostOdanan, on 05 April 2016 - 02:59 AM, said:

Not Marauder IIC? :(

I'd rather the Warhammer IIC, I've never been partial to the Marauder family. I am willing to admit in the current meta the Marauder IIC would be the go-to Assualt Mech for solo que and CW for Clans.

#239 Lugh


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Posted 05 April 2016 - 04:38 AM

View PostMetus regem, on 05 April 2016 - 04:35 AM, said:

I'd rather the Warhammer IIC, I've never been partial to the Marauder family. I am willing to admit in the current meta the Marauder IIC would be the go-to Assualt Mech for solo que and CW for Clans.

Not necessarily, given that one of the things that makes the Marauder FUN is the ability to use PPCs and NOT be gimped.

Without PPC velocity quirks it'd be underwhelming.

#240 Metus regem


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Posted 05 April 2016 - 04:45 AM

View PostLugh, on 05 April 2016 - 04:38 AM, said:

Not necessarily, given that one of the things that makes the Marauder FUN is the ability to use PPCs and NOT be gimped.

Without PPC velocity quirks it'd be underwhelming.

Let's be honest though, for 90% of the playerbase in MWO, PPC'S are bad weapons and are swapped out for LPL's right quick. The Marauder IIC could run triple cLPL+5-6 cERML, instant current meta Mech. Marauder hit boxes, cXL engine option, cDHS what is not to love? For me, the look, not a fan of the Marauder family.

Edited by Metus regem, 05 April 2016 - 04:46 AM.

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