ScarecrowES, on 06 April 2016 - 04:53 PM, said:
I like the pre-Invasion era too. Basic House-on-House combat. Simpler rules, easier balancing. Most of my TT play time was spent in the pre-Invasion era. I have a soft spot in my heart for it. Somewhere in a box in my parents' attic there's still a box with a Warhammer on the front and a bunch of little plastic robots inside.
But the thing that makes 3059 great... much better than the early Clan Invasion certainly, is it both changes the status quo for factions AND finally balances out tech bases with all the added IS and Clan tech that came out late in the Invasion. It undoes a lot of the wrongs from the introduction of the Clans and clan-tech. The early Invasion was a mess. It was basically a race between you and your buddies to get to Clan-tech, and then you abandoned all your old IS mechs, no matter what faction you aligned with - because everything Clan was simply superior. 3059 evened the playing field. More new tech was introduced toward the tail end of the Clan Invasion than had been introduced during any period up to that point (not counting the initial Clan drop). And it finally let Clanners fight on either side of the conflict. Wardens be warding. I dunno... I think that's all pretty exciting.
Honestly, 3049 to 3058 was just... such a boring era to be playing. The stories were fun... I love how the early invasion was done in Mech 2: Mercs. And playing through the Invasion up to Tukkayyid would have been fun if it had been done justice in CW... but let's face it, for what CW is, 3059 is a MUCH better state for MWO to be in than 3050. If only from the perspective of where you can finally get some balance in the game, give a state to introduce new tech from, and generally improve the quality of play in Faction Warfare. 3059-3060 is about perfect for what MWO wants to be.
See, what you call "balance" I called the change from Power Creep to Power Drag Race.
But I was the crazy guy who never monty hall¡d clan tech into his campaigns, despite most of my friends wanting to and coming up with the usual "look our whole merc regiment is Clan Tech" garbage. I prefer Pre Invasion, but most of my fondest memories included dismantling Clan Units with my outgunned and Obsolete IS Tech Unit.
Of course, if they ever let me duplicate my tactics in CW, I'd be the most hated man in MWO (ok, I might be that already, according to the Reddiots

)... since my Merc Unit was based about 250 Aerospace Fighters, and heavy use of mobile artillery (I had 3 wings of modified Yellowjacket Gunships all carrying Arrow IV instead of Gauss) so if people thought Arty and Air is out of control now, or how it used to be?
and then the Mechs and Jump Infantry moved in to sweep up the pieces. (it's amazing how affordable an aerospace based unit actually was....)