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Next Clan Mechs. (Post 4/1/16)

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#881 Ace Selin


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Posted 11 April 2016 - 03:25 PM

View PostSmoothCriminal, on 11 April 2016 - 03:15 PM, said:

Makes sense Pariah, cheers. Been in this franchise since mw3/4 so my heart is with the novacat (as it still is with the Mad Dog) but in this min/max world we live in... Good to know neither will be "DoA" like my unfortunate vulture...

Vulture is a beast on the right maps and right play style, i love mine to bits. I play it lots in CW and sometimes in group / solo.

#882 Imperius


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Posted 11 April 2016 - 03:30 PM

View PostYeonne Greene, on 11 April 2016 - 03:21 PM, said:

But you aren't going to sway the minds you want to sway by pointing at what amounts to hearsay as your evidence. Those people will want numbers, numbers which you are unable to provide.

I mean, if we want to point to hearsay as evidence, then a lot of sales will come from the competitive units because they are looking for a new edge. Even when 'Mechs are out on C-bills, they get new recruits who don't have a particular 'Mech, who then go out and buy it because it is way more efficient to spend money on the 'Mechs use your time to earn more money.

Competitive units aren't actually all that chatty outside of Reddit.

Everyone is posting hearsay, just like people keep acting like bringing the Mad Cat MK II = a time jump, new weapons, and new factions, and... <insert more hearsay doom calling> again as it's been stated by many times even Russ said the mech would come into the game with current tech. The Kodiak variant 3 already blows the timeline apart... yet the game hasn't changed.

So what is your point?

Edited by Imperius, 11 April 2016 - 03:34 PM.

#883 Pariah Devalis


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Posted 11 April 2016 - 03:31 PM

View PostAce Selin, on 11 April 2016 - 03:25 PM, said:

Vulture is a beast on the right maps and right play style, i love mine to bits. I play it lots in CW and sometimes in group / solo.

I'm actually a fan of a Mad Dog with a UAC10, a couple lasers, and several LRM5 racks. You have sufficient LRM fire to play that game, but enough direct fire weaponry that you can wade in and rip face. Hell, you can even get to 150 meters and surprise people who forget C-LRM still deal damage (albeit reduced) under 180 whilst your AC sings them the song of your people.

What? I like dabbling in non-meta mechs. They can be fun if played to their strengths, and coming up with atypical builds is also enjoyable. Taking a **** and polishing it for a few games brings its own rewards.

And extremely dirty hands.

Edited by Pariah Devalis, 11 April 2016 - 03:34 PM.

#884 Imperius


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Posted 11 April 2016 - 03:32 PM

View PostTheArisen, on 11 April 2016 - 03:23 PM, said:

So you think that just because a mech's lore fluff has it in an "anti infantry" role it'll not sell well? Maybe youve forgotten but we can customize mechs to some degree. Meta peeps will look at hard points & hitboxes.

Ok objectively build me a better mech than any in it's class (whatever mech it was again) that is how meta players shop, and most pugs follow the meta like a WoW guide to raiding.

#885 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 11 April 2016 - 03:41 PM

View PostBishop Steiner, on 11 April 2016 - 02:02 PM, said:

so does everything in the TRO 3055.

And most of the TROs. Oddly, despite almost all the source art sucking, we have few ugly mechs in the game.

Cuz, ya know, this wins so many "Not looking stupid" contests....
Posted Image

Posted Image

I like it Posted Image

But yeah, I guess I'm not a fan of the pointy shoulders or little metal skirt thing on the Vapor Eagle.

Edited by Gas Guzzler, 11 April 2016 - 03:50 PM.

#886 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 11 April 2016 - 04:08 PM

View PostTheArisen, on 11 April 2016 - 03:01 PM, said:

Ummm, what?

yeah, no clue what he was trying to say, either.

#887 1453 R


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Posted 11 April 2016 - 04:08 PM

View PostMetus regem, on 11 April 2016 - 02:05 PM, said:

..... As much as I like Lockheed Martian for some of their past secuss machines, the F-35 is going to be a blight on that company for years. There was a report sent out by one of the countries that was involved with the program that more or less stated:

"The F-35 cannot out Fly, out run or out shoot the aircraft that would be used to intercept it."

The sad thing is, it really can't. MiG-29's / SU-37's are faster, have a longer operational range, turn tighter, and carry a larger weapons payload than the F-35. It's no small coincidence that every country but two that have been involved with that program have backed out of it. Hell they can't even make the VTOL system on the thing work right... and 3 of the four versions of the craft do not carry a cannon, that mistake hasn't been done since the late 60's with the early F-4 Phantoms!

Everything aside, the F-35 is a boondoggle, much like a few of the mechs we are going to see over the next little while.

Ahhhh, the ol' JSF project. Proof positive that there is absolutely nothing bureaucracy loves more than wasting time, money, and thousands of man-hours of effort on something that serves no purpose whatsoever except to prop up the bureaucracy.

Aircraft are not like Jeeps. You cannot make one plane that does the jobs of half a dozen other planes. They don't work like that. And yet, too many bigwigs have too much invested in the worthless thing to let it die and admit that you can't make One Plane to Rule Them All.

The military's going to be a long time recovering from that mess.

Anyways. Tangent over. What were we talking about again?


Nova Cat vs. Night Gyr looks like an interesting topic. Much better than all that other junk. Let's talk about that one.

As has been stated, the Nova Cat is sort of the premier energy-boat Clan heavy in TT, at least insofar as "translates to that role in MWO" goes. The issue is that most variants center on a moderate-small number of somewhat larger guns, which limits the Nova Cat to heavy energy builds for the most part. The Prime gets 5E, which is morbidly terrifying when those 5E are two TT-class cERPPCs and three cERLL...but that's not really going to hold water in MWO. Not when the Timber Wolf can mount two cLPL and four cERML and mostly hit the same(ish) damage output with half the weapon weight. Most of the Nova Cat's alternate configurations are even less blessed with hardpoints, when they're not stuffed chock-full of FutureTech.

Realistically, the Nova Cat would need at least one -P variant to really shine. As a sort of pocket Warhawk, utilizing things like quad cLPL or similar armaments, it would probably work out well enough, but the thing doesn't really work out amazeballs well without any of its FutureTech variants. Not to say the machine wouldn't be a nasty customer - art for the Nova Cat angles its arms up enough that the 'Mech wouldn't be a complete disaster as a poker, and those arms are generally gorilla enough to shield its torsos well. it has pod-mounted jets in the Alpha configuration, so it can match the Gyr there, but without any options for slinging half a dozen smallbeams alongside a primary armament, builds for the Nova Cat are going to be limited.

The Night Gyr, on the other hand, is pretty much purpose-built for heavy ballistics. cES, cFF, and a low-rated cXL frees up maximum tonnage for big, bulky megaguns, and most available variants do indeed center on at least one oversized cannon. The Gyr has generally limited energy hardpoints outside the one left(?) arm with 3E, but that conflicts with most of its best ballistic pods as well. Neither 'Mech has anything resembling current-meta compliant fits. Think the best the Gyr can do is 6E, scattered across all three torsos and the one arm, and as pointed out it doesn't have the critical room for buttpiles of DHS.

My general notion is that if anything on the Clan side is going to seriously challenge the Evil Cheating Baby-Eating laser Vomit META (at least in the minds of those who still believe that there's absolutely nothing in MWO which can challenge Point And Burn Dominance), it's going to be the Night Gyr. The thing packs more firepower than half the Clans' heavies, and has the hardpoint allocation to make use of it. It's not cripplingly slow, though I maintain that sub-70 heavies are just not ideal these days...but yeah. A Night Gyr with multiple heavy Clautocannons or slinging dual Gauss and actually having the ammo, armor, and sidearm lasers to back it up, will remind people that ballistics still exist, and they hurt. A lot.

The Nova Cat...would be less impactful, if somehow forced in without any of its FutureTech offerings. Its 6M configuration is enormously hampered by Ghost Heat (and presumably power draw), and furthermore the Mad Doge already does 6M, arguably better than the slower Nova Cat could, and absolutely with more energy to back its artillery. The Nova Cat can sling ballistics; the ability to rip out the four tons of jump jets the Gyr can't gives the Nova Cat plenty of weight to offset the lack of cFF should it need it. Frankly, the Nova Cat will probably be at its best with a single medium or heavy cannon augmented with heavy energy, sort of like the old gold-standard PPG Cataphracts. Except the Nova Cat is a baller OmniMech and not a crappy Capellan desperation-plan on mismatched FrankenFeet.

Anyone else figure I'm off-base somewhere?

#888 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 11 April 2016 - 04:12 PM

View PostSmoothCriminal, on 11 April 2016 - 03:04 PM, said:

Won't the night gyr basically invalidate the novacat before its even released? According to the internet they have the same pod space, however the night gyr has am extra heatsink in the Engine, more armour and Hover jets...?

Apoligies not a TT man so let me know if I've overlooked something!

Edit: I guess with lots of space the novacat can pack lots more DHS however!

different loadouts and hitboxes, but a lot of mechs tread on each others toes tbh.

If one goes by TRO arts as a base, Night Gyr is gonna have pretty iffy hitboxes. Nova cat's arms on the other hand will eat a ton of incoming fire. Downside being that's also where it's firepower is. So a bit of a tossup, though I'd rather lose my arm and the guns than my ST, the arm attached to it and the guns in both locations, anyhow (which is why beefy ape arms are ALWAYS desirable, just not knuckle dragging ape arms.)

#889 Imperius


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Posted 11 April 2016 - 04:13 PM

View PostBishop Steiner, on 11 April 2016 - 04:08 PM, said:

yeah, no clue what he was trying to say, either.

Ok I will elaborate for you...

You Bishop always post and gloat how you like to run all your builds stock with PPC's on your Warhammers and what not... you are ok with this, you are ok with your mechs not being meta, you are ok with your mediocre load outs, the general population "who really never visits this forum" is not ok with that. They copy the builds that constantly kill them, they want to buy the meta that constantly wins. If I need to explain further I will.

Meta sells because it is the general population and state of MWO...

#890 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 11 April 2016 - 04:17 PM

View PostKei Nogareru, on 11 April 2016 - 03:09 PM, said:

mperius, on 11 April 2016 - 07:06 PM, said:
The sales will do the talking.

Imperius, on 11 April 2016 - 03:43 PM, said:
Sales are what determin what's junk or not. Too bad we don't get to see sales nunmbers.

View PostImperius, on 11 April 2016 - 03:06 PM, said:

The sales will do the talking.

You do realize he quoted you shooting yourself in the foot, since you assert that sales will tell the story, then of course that none of us, yourself included are privy to the sales info.... and yet then you assert that viper and all are bad and the sales will tell.... meaning your yardstick for it's success is something you have zero access to and zero clue about meaning you have no clue if the viper is a success or "bad".

View PostPariah Devalis, on 11 April 2016 - 03:19 PM, said:

If LRMs (both IS and Clan) were worth taking, it wouldn't be so bad at all. They really need a totally new approach on handling LRMs. I'm personally a fan of removing lock ons unless the enemy mech is NARCed or has an active TAG on it, and having LRMs attempt to guide towards the center of the reticule when fired. That way as a direct fire weapon system they are able to be semi-aimed, while retaining the ability to indirectly fire so long as you have a spotter.

solo queue I find the 6xLRM5 MDD still a solid performer.

#891 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 11 April 2016 - 04:17 PM

View Post1453 R, on 11 April 2016 - 04:08 PM, said:

Nova Cat vs. Night Gyr looks like an interesting topic. Much better than all that other junk. Let's talk about that one.

As has been stated, the Nova Cat is sort of the premier energy-boat Clan heavy in TT, at least insofar as "translates to that role in MWO" goes. The issue is that most variants center on a moderate-small number of somewhat larger guns, which limits the Nova Cat to heavy energy builds for the most part. The Prime gets 5E, which is morbidly terrifying when those 5E are two TT-class cERPPCs and three cERLL...but that's not really going to hold water in MWO. Not when the Timber Wolf can mount two cLPL and four cERML and mostly hit the same(ish) damage output with half the weapon weight. Most of the Nova Cat's alternate configurations are even less blessed with hardpoints, when they're not stuffed chock-full of FutureTech.

Realistically, the Nova Cat would need at least one -P variant to really shine. As a sort of pocket Warhawk, utilizing things like quad cLPL or similar armaments, it would probably work out well enough, but the thing doesn't really work out amazeballs well without any of its FutureTech variants. Not to say the machine wouldn't be a nasty customer - art for the Nova Cat angles its arms up enough that the 'Mech wouldn't be a complete disaster as a poker, and those arms are generally gorilla enough to shield its torsos well. it has pod-mounted jets in the Alpha configuration, so it can match the Gyr there, but without any options for slinging half a dozen smallbeams alongside a primary armament, builds for the Nova Cat are going to be limited.

The Night Gyr, on the other hand, is pretty much purpose-built for heavy ballistics. cES, cFF, and a low-rated cXL frees up maximum tonnage for big, bulky megaguns, and most available variants do indeed center on at least one oversized cannon. The Gyr has generally limited energy hardpoints outside the one left(?) arm with 3E, but that conflicts with most of its best ballistic pods as well. Neither 'Mech has anything resembling current-meta compliant fits. Think the best the Gyr can do is 6E, scattered across all three torsos and the one arm, and as pointed out it doesn't have the critical room for buttpiles of DHS.

My general notion is that if anything on the Clan side is going to seriously challenge the Evil Cheating Baby-Eating laser Vomit META (at least in the minds of those who still believe that there's absolutely nothing in MWO which can challenge Point And Burn Dominance), it's going to be the Night Gyr. The thing packs more firepower than half the Clans' heavies, and has the hardpoint allocation to make use of it. It's not cripplingly slow, though I maintain that sub-70 heavies are just not ideal these days...but yeah. A Night Gyr with multiple heavy Clautocannons or slinging dual Gauss and actually having the ammo, armor, and sidearm lasers to back it up, will remind people that ballistics still exist, and they hurt. A lot.

The Nova Cat...would be less impactful, if somehow forced in without any of its FutureTech offerings. Its 6M configuration is enormously hampered by Ghost Heat (and presumably power draw), and furthermore the Mad Doge already does 6M, arguably better than the slower Nova Cat could, and absolutely with more energy to back its artillery. The Nova Cat can sling ballistics; the ability to rip out the four tons of jump jets the Gyr can't gives the Nova Cat plenty of weight to offset the lack of cFF should it need it. Frankly, the Nova Cat will probably be at its best with a single medium or heavy cannon augmented with heavy energy, sort of like the old gold-standard PPG Cataphracts. Except the Nova Cat is a baller OmniMech and not a crappy Capellan desperation-plan on mismatched FrankenFeet.

Anyone else figure I'm off-base somewhere?

Well the B variant comes with 6 LRM 15s!!!! And an ER ML in each ST, so with the prime arms thats a max of 7 energy hardpoints. You could however do the Right arm ballistic (either 3 UAC5s, 2 UAC10s or a Gauss) with some array of 5 lasers throughout the B side torsos and prime left arm.

And if they wanted to do 3 variants plus 2 for reinforcements they would have to make up a variant, or at least modify one of the ones that has future tech.

#892 Imperius


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Posted 11 April 2016 - 04:18 PM

View PostBishop Steiner, on 11 April 2016 - 04:17 PM, said:

You do realize he quoted you shooting yourself in the foot, since you assert that sales will tell the story, then of course that none of us, yourself included are privy to the sales info.... and yet then you assert that viper and all are bad and the sales will tell.... meaning your yardstick for it's success is something you have zero access to and zero clue about meaning you have no clue if the viper is a success or "bad".

solo queue I find the 6xLRM5 MDD still a solid performer.

Yup i already explained how you can get the general idea of the sales. If they keep tanking... I doubt Russ will release 3 other mediocre omni mechs...

#893 Pariah Devalis


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Posted 11 April 2016 - 04:20 PM

View PostBishop Steiner, on 11 April 2016 - 04:17 PM, said:

solo queue I find the 6xLRM5 MDD still a solid performer.

To be fair, in soloqueue you can be a solid performer in an MLX brawler. Soloqueue is where brain cells go to die.

#894 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 11 April 2016 - 04:22 PM

View PostPariah Devalis, on 11 April 2016 - 03:31 PM, said:

I'm actually a fan of a Mad Dog with a UAC10, a couple lasers, and several LRM5 racks. You have sufficient LRM fire to play that game, but enough direct fire weaponry that you can wade in and rip face. Hell, you can even get to 150 meters and surprise people who forget C-LRM still deal damage (albeit reduced) under 180 whilst your AC sings them the song of your people.

What? I like dabbling in non-meta mechs. They can be fun if played to their strengths, and coming up with atypical builds is also enjoyable. Taking a **** and polishing it for a few games brings its own rewards.

And extremely dirty hands.

I run dual UAC10 on one of my MDD, a little ammo light, but fun. 6x5LRM+4ERML+TAG is a solid serious biznez missileer.

Been toying with this for ambushes, but...it's a little squishy (of course, good news means I rarely run out of ammo! XD )

#895 1453 R


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Posted 11 April 2016 - 04:24 PM

View PostGas Guzzler, on 11 April 2016 - 04:17 PM, said:

Well the B variant comes with 6 LRM 15s!!!! And an ER ML in each ST, so with the prime arms thats a max of 7 energy hardpoints. You could however do the Right arm ballistic (either 3 UAC5s, 2 UAC10s or a Gauss) with some array of 5 lasers throughout the B side torsos and prime left arm.

And if they wanted to do 3 variants plus 2 for reinforcements they would have to make up a variant, or at least modify one of the ones that has future tech.

All right, that does snazz things up a bit for the Nova Cat. I have no physical TROs and no idea where to go to find layout details anymore, so I never have more than a muzzy idea of where guns are on any given 'Mech.

But 5E alongside a 1B or 2B arm would definitely be sufficient to make for a very nasty kitty. The Gyr will still outperform the Nova Cat as a heavy/multiple ballistics platform, but I'm thinking the Nova Cat makes for a better mixed-armaments build with medium-weight ballistics and a healthy complement of energy. 70t is something of a sweet spot in the weight scale, and with those massive arms combined with Piranha's new volumetric scaling systems, the Nova Cat would probably end up with a slightly smaller than usual torso. On top of being overall slightly smaller than the Gyr.

Both 'Mechs would be very solid hitters. The Gyr would likely shake things up more within CurrentTech limitations...but man, part of me really does slobber a bit over some of the stuff they cram in FutureTech editions of the Nova Cat. I really need to get the Implementing FutureTech discussion going sometime...

Edited by 1453 R, 11 April 2016 - 04:24 PM.

#896 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 11 April 2016 - 04:25 PM

View Post1453 R, on 11 April 2016 - 04:08 PM, said:

Ahhhh, the ol' JSF project. Proof positive that there is absolutely nothing bureaucracy loves more than wasting time, money, and thousands of man-hours of effort on something that serves no purpose whatsoever except to prop up the bureaucracy.

Aircraft are not like Jeeps. You cannot make one plane that does the jobs of half a dozen other planes. They don't work like that. And yet, too many bigwigs have too much invested in the worthless thing to let it die and admit that you can't make One Plane to Rule Them All.

The military's going to be a long time recovering from that mess.

Anyways. Tangent over. What were we talking about again?


Nova Cat vs. Night Gyr looks like an interesting topic. Much better than all that other junk. Let's talk about that one.

As has been stated, the Nova Cat is sort of the premier energy-boat Clan heavy in TT, at least insofar as "translates to that role in MWO" goes. The issue is that most variants center on a moderate-small number of somewhat larger guns, which limits the Nova Cat to heavy energy builds for the most part. The Prime gets 5E, which is morbidly terrifying when those 5E are two TT-class cERPPCs and three cERLL...but that's not really going to hold water in MWO. Not when the Timber Wolf can mount two cLPL and four cERML and mostly hit the same(ish) damage output with half the weapon weight. Most of the Nova Cat's alternate configurations are even less blessed with hardpoints, when they're not stuffed chock-full of FutureTech.

Realistically, the Nova Cat would need at least one -P variant to really shine. As a sort of pocket Warhawk, utilizing things like quad cLPL or similar armaments, it would probably work out well enough, but the thing doesn't really work out amazeballs well without any of its FutureTech variants. Not to say the machine wouldn't be a nasty customer - art for the Nova Cat angles its arms up enough that the 'Mech wouldn't be a complete disaster as a poker, and those arms are generally gorilla enough to shield its torsos well. it has pod-mounted jets in the Alpha configuration, so it can match the Gyr there, but without any options for slinging half a dozen smallbeams alongside a primary armament, builds for the Nova Cat are going to be limited.

The Night Gyr, on the other hand, is pretty much purpose-built for heavy ballistics. cES, cFF, and a low-rated cXL frees up maximum tonnage for big, bulky megaguns, and most available variants do indeed center on at least one oversized cannon. The Gyr has generally limited energy hardpoints outside the one left(?) arm with 3E, but that conflicts with most of its best ballistic pods as well. Neither 'Mech has anything resembling current-meta compliant fits. Think the best the Gyr can do is 6E, scattered across all three torsos and the one arm, and as pointed out it doesn't have the critical room for buttpiles of DHS.

My general notion is that if anything on the Clan side is going to seriously challenge the Evil Cheating Baby-Eating laser Vomit META (at least in the minds of those who still believe that there's absolutely nothing in MWO which can challenge Point And Burn Dominance), it's going to be the Night Gyr. The thing packs more firepower than half the Clans' heavies, and has the hardpoint allocation to make use of it. It's not cripplingly slow, though I maintain that sub-70 heavies are just not ideal these days...but yeah. A Night Gyr with multiple heavy Clautocannons or slinging dual Gauss and actually having the ammo, armor, and sidearm lasers to back it up, will remind people that ballistics still exist, and they hurt. A lot.

The Nova Cat...would be less impactful, if somehow forced in without any of its FutureTech offerings. Its 6M configuration is enormously hampered by Ghost Heat (and presumably power draw), and furthermore the Mad Doge already does 6M, arguably better than the slower Nova Cat could, and absolutely with more energy to back its artillery. The Nova Cat can sling ballistics; the ability to rip out the four tons of jump jets the Gyr can't gives the Nova Cat plenty of weight to offset the lack of cFF should it need it. Frankly, the Nova Cat will probably be at its best with a single medium or heavy cannon augmented with heavy energy, sort of like the old gold-standard PPG Cataphracts. Except the Nova Cat is a baller OmniMech and not a crappy Capellan desperation-plan on mismatched FrankenFeet.

Anyone else figure I'm off-base somewhere?

Dunno, but I'm planning on seeing just how well 3xUAC5 plus 2xLPL works when and if she ever arrives. Probably be a little ammo light, but figure something on that theme (a variant of that was my go to for TT and MW4) Might have to swap to 2xLPL/2xUAC10, but that would sit OK with me, too.

Edited by Bishop Steiner, 11 April 2016 - 04:26 PM.

#897 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 11 April 2016 - 04:28 PM

View PostPariah Devalis, on 11 April 2016 - 04:20 PM, said:

To be fair, in soloqueue you can be a solid performer in an MLX brawler. Soloqueue is where brain cells go to die.

or where people who like chaos go to play. It's liberating not having people hold your hands or watch your back. It's amazing how many compy team types seem to wilt in the delicious chaos of solo. You also realize that 90% or whatever ridiculous high percent Russ quote of the playerbase DO drop solo, thus, honestly, that is going to be what I focus on.

View Post1453 R, on 11 April 2016 - 04:24 PM, said:

All right, that does snazz things up a bit for the Nova Cat. I have no physical TROs and no idea where to go to find layout details anymore, so I never have more than a muzzy idea of where guns are on any given 'Mech.

But 5E alongside a 1B or 2B arm would definitely be sufficient to make for a very nasty kitty. The Gyr will still outperform the Nova Cat as a heavy/multiple ballistics platform, but I'm thinking the Nova Cat makes for a better mixed-armaments build with medium-weight ballistics and a healthy complement of energy. 70t is something of a sweet spot in the weight scale, and with those massive arms combined with Piranha's new volumetric scaling systems, the Nova Cat would probably end up with a slightly smaller than usual torso. On top of being overall slightly smaller than the Gyr.

Both 'Mechs would be very solid hitters. The Gyr would likely shake things up more within CurrentTech limitations...but man, part of me really does slobber a bit over some of the stuff they cram in FutureTech editions of the Nova Cat. I really need to get the Implementing FutureTech discussion going sometime...

And I still think the SparklyKitty will have far better hitboxes.

Also, thinking 6xSRM4 plus 2xLPL nipples? Mucho Paino.

Edited by Bishop Steiner, 11 April 2016 - 04:45 PM.

#898 Quicksilver Aberration


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Posted 11 April 2016 - 04:31 PM

View PostImperius, on 11 April 2016 - 04:13 PM, said:

Meta sells because it is the general population and state of MWO...

Meta also oft depends on quirks, among other things that can't be derived from just mechlab. Sure there is some mechs have less chance than others, but not everything is easy to tell like the BK vs Grasshopper debate ages ago.

Edited by Quicksilver Kalasa, 11 April 2016 - 04:32 PM.

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Posted 11 April 2016 - 04:38 PM

View PostBishop Steiner, on 11 April 2016 - 04:28 PM, said:

or where people who like chaos go to play. It's liberating not having people hold your hands or watch your back. It's amazing how many compy team types seem to wilt in the delicious chaos of solo. You also realize that 90% or whatever ridiculous high percent Russ quote of the playerbase DO drop solo, thus, honestly, that is going to be what I focus on.

And I still think the SparklyKitty will have far better hitboxes.

Solo is a great place for learning how to deal with random nonsensical tomfoolery that would never happen in a tightly-controlled, generally predictable tournament-style fight. It's kinda refreshing, honestly. Especially down here in Idiot Tier where people still do bizarre crazy things all the time.

I'm half a shaved hair from T3...I'm really gonna miss this mosh pit when I manage to break the threshold...

Anyways. Any clue how many of the heat sinks are locked on the Nova Cat, Bishop? A read on the Prime configuration offa Sarna lists 39 tons of equipment - fifteen heat sinks over the standard 10 and twenty-four tons of guns. if that's the pod space count on the Nova Cat...well hell, the Nova Cat may outdo the Night Gyr after all in terms of raw rawrgh, though I can't imagine none of those extra fifteen are hardlocked. Nor can I recall how much tonnage on the base chassis would be sunk into maximizing armor MWO-style.

Either way. Neither machine will wrench me from the cockpit of my Soon™ to be Viper, or my beloved Li'l Susan when I'm in the mood for heavies. Heh, there's just something sweet about that 90kph Clan heavy mark...no amount of dual Gauss-ing on the Night Gyr is going to make up for assault 'Mech level mobility. Ick.

Hmm...wonder what cheeky name I should hang on whatever poor Viper fit ends up my favorite...

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Posted 11 April 2016 - 04:39 PM

View PostImperius, on 11 April 2016 - 03:30 PM, said:

Everyone is posting hearsay, just like people keep acting like bringing the Mad Cat MK II = a time jump, new weapons, and new factions, and... <insert more hearsay doom calling> again as it's been stated by many times even Russ said the mech would come into the game with current tech. The Kodiak variant 3 already blows the timeline apart... yet the game hasn't changed.

So what is your point?

My point is that if their hearsay is eye-roll-inducing, so is yours.

Which is why you can't use hearsay to try to convince people that the sales for other 'Mechs you don't like are slipping.

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