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Bonus For Weight Class' Needed

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Poll: Bonus For Weight Class' Needed (17 member(s) have cast votes)

Should PGI implement a system like this?

  1. Yes (12 votes [70.59%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 70.59%

  2. No (5 votes [29.41%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 29.41%

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#1 Aurien Titus


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Posted 08 April 2016 - 09:43 PM

From what I see usually on the weight breakdown of queuing. I usually see heavy as the dominant weight class. Maybe as an incentive beyond quicker matchmaking is to give a bonus to the under represented weight classes. x% bonus to xp and c-bills on a sliding scale based on how underrepresented a weight class is. I think this would help encourage people to play the other weight classes.

#2 Aurien Titus


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Posted 14 April 2016 - 08:33 PM

57 View and only 8 votes? Come on, how can you not want more XP and C-Bills for simply playing under represented classes and decrease overall matchmaking times?

Edited by Aurien Titus, 14 April 2016 - 08:33 PM.

#3 Karl Streiger


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Posted 14 April 2016 - 09:42 PM

I still wont run on of the 27 Lights in my Hangar
Anyhow when they can't kiss good bye to the true Lance stuff and take something with more meaning (Grayson/Roland/Karl/unknown Person BV for example ). I would take it maybe i can use my Alpha Lance Mechs more often without seeing all those charless ClownBuilds TBR and EBJ

#4 Saltychipmunk


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Posted 15 April 2016 - 04:48 AM

View PostAurien Titus, on 14 April 2016 - 08:33 PM, said:

57 View and only 8 votes? Come on, how can you not want more XP and C-Bills for simply playing under represented classes and decrease overall matchmaking times?

that is simple. because id rather have a game setting where playing lighter classes is viable and fun, rather than a game setting where i am being rewarded for deliberately gimping myself

#5 Karl Streiger


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Posted 15 April 2016 - 09:54 PM

The only issue with lights are the Shrimps and of course the instant convergence and of cause hit scan weapons

Would not say they are in a really bad place, Mediums are worse

Edited by Karl Streiger, 15 April 2016 - 09:55 PM.

#6 Nightshade24


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Posted 16 April 2016 - 02:04 AM

The problem here is that in theory everything is balanced and in gameplay it is true. Thus mechs themselves do not need buffs to rewards to make them more 'suitable'.

Sure a Direwolf may do more kills or damage then an arctic cheetah for eg. But the Arctic cheetah will mostly be able to use that damage more smartly adn will most likely get more kill assists due to the nature of it's speed allowing it to hit most people around.
This equals out the pay checks for an average game. Thus it would be unfair if say an Arctic cheetah can work less and get more rewards then say a direwolf (there is many variables related to mechs, weight classes, etc. that it makes it impossible to compare a mech more then 10 tons appart as their playstyle, skill set requirement, technique, weapon loads, etc is difference.)

The problem here is that most roles that are dropped to the lighter mechs are not rewarded well and in your suggestion it won't fix this at all. Such as spotters and scouts sacrificing damage potential and relying on their team mates to do something or anything to said enemies. Perhaps improving this will be a good idea (which it is under the works right now).
Because NARC takes lots out of you in terms of tonnage but the only way to get rewarded with it is when while it is still attached to the enemy mech a friendly with missiles locked on kills it... not what happens durring the NARC duration or simply the fact that spotting him would help everyone (it's like a UAV for 1 guy) and so on... helps both indirect and direct mechs.
Tagging also needs a bit of help but at least you get tag damage assists... etc.

#7 Karl Streiger


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Posted 16 April 2016 - 03:44 AM

Well what if NARC could be have a switch mode like ECM - disrupt ECM on target or create lokal ECM effect on target - the usage of narc would be helpful even without LRMs on the field

#8 B L O O D W I T C H


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Posted 16 April 2016 - 05:15 AM

Voted for "no".

Reasoning is simple: More weight =/= higher change of winning

I do not see a reason why 2 stormcrows should get a bonus and 2 catapults should not.

Likewise, 2 timberwolfs vs 2 victors. 2 jenner IIC vs 2 vindicators.

#9 Blerome Jake


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Posted 16 April 2016 - 03:05 PM

Whilst I love free stuff as much as the next person, I have played both sides of this equation thanks to clans+group launch.

Being the only light on the field sucks in a team of heavies/assaults (as you get chased down by a squad of lights), yet at the same time being the only assault on a team of lights/meds is equally as painful (everyone runs away and leaves your high damage assault to get picked off). Its just like having an awesome Brawler on an LRM map or Vice Versa, sometimes you get the bad side of the coin.

I think your real problem is with the match making algorithm (putting you into unbalanced games) and mostly clan teams who gimp themselves to find a match with 8+ players (instead of forming smaller squads and picking better mechs).

So I vote no, because I can only see this adding another stupid meta amongst the already existing broken meta games being played.

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