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Community Warfare Joint Is Attacks

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#1 Lorne Malvo


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Posted 10 April 2016 - 02:08 AM


I would like for CW the possibility to do joint attacks for the innersphere factions.
I think this can greatly improve matchmaking rate overall and reduce the waiting time some of us have to spend in defending queues.
Also it is true to the lore.
IS-pugs could attack more often and clan-pugs can defend more often.
Therefore creating more balanced matches than now.

And since, in the event of an attack ,both sides get to attack and defend I think it doesnt really matter that only the IS-pilots are allowed to form joint attacks.

All players who are just looking for 1 or 2 quick fun CW matches would benefit from it.

Because often I either see IS-Pilots scattered in defend queues across the known universe or just clustered up at one planet resulting in an overpopulation of defenders which in return results in high waiting times and high possibility of ghost drops.

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