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Some Opinions I Have Been Thinking About, Posted As A Wall Of Text For Your Convenience

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#1 Georgegad


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Posted 10 April 2016 - 09:40 PM

It is my habit to make notes on my observations and opinions over a short period and post them for developers and other interested parties to read.  It has been a while since i played and there have been a number of changes since last time i posted one, so thought i would do another with updated views.  It is just my opinion of course, so your views may differ, not here to start any arguments just to put a few things i have been thinking about up for others to think about.  Sadly the formatting i put into the notes i made did not transfer into the tiny little text box on the forum, but hope it is not too annoying.
Rear view camera, no idea why they dont come standard with every mech, they come standard on a BMW.  I would be just as happy to have it as an unlockable mech module, I expect it would be at least a little bit popular with others as well.
Could we get "Disable arm weapons targeting circle" as a tickable option in the weapon grouping selection area of the mechlab please.  I do like the arm weapon option and normally do use it, but not all my mechs have arm weapons and it would be less visually confusing if the circular targeting option were absent when i was using mechs that only fired torso weapons.  Rather than having it set across all mechs in the options like it is now, it would suit me more to be setable mech by mech.
Trees get knocked down, so eventually i am expecting they will catch fire and put off smoke.  Fire will cause a small heat increase when you stand in it and would spread over grassy areas so players can intentionally set patches of landscape on fire.  A line of energy weapon fire into the grass would make a line of fire and smoke that moved forward as cover and you could follow behind it, next time you spawned it would be either burnt out or raging out of control.  Intentionally backburning certain areas for defense may be useful in the first moments of a defend mission.  You might light up some trees near the spawn point for smoke cover when getting ganked at the dropship. Things would burn poorly on maps that happen to have rain or snow falling.
Landmines as a consumable.  The old game had them in size settings, so small ones that droped in a cluster and only triggrered against lights legs  +  large ones that only triggered  like bouncing betties against a heavies torsos might be a nice idea.  
I would also like to be able to save different drop decks.  If i change one mech for some reason i often have to change them all.  Would be nice to have three or four preprepared variations i could choose between.
The ALL chat seems to be enabled by default in faction play. Even when the option is turned off. It seems to me to be a minor bug and should probably be fixed.  The change to have global chat off by default was a good idea and helped a lot, it should be done across the board.  Even when enabled, it should default to team first not global.
When you are assigning weapon groups, it would be nice if the weapon location for each weapon was available.  So that you could more easily group left torso and right torso weapons together.
Having spent a number of hours attempting death from above, i am disappointed with my results.  Not entirely sure i have done any damage at all to anyone accept myself.  I would like there to be more camera angles available, and i would find a use for one that faced directly downwards to aid in directing my stomp.  And/or i would like there to be more damage dealt for one mech standing on top of another, i do often end up on top of an enemy but normally only from stepping off something as they went underneath, not from jumping down onto them from above.
I would like a mech with three slots in the legs, so it could mount double heat sinks and still gain the benefits of standing in water.  It would have lowered walking and turning speed due to its missing actuator. Hopefully it would also have lots of energy weapon slots.
Actually, just an option to remove actuators and redesign a mech would be very sweet. every actuator would have a negative value associated with removing it.  If you remove certain actuators you lose the ability to aim arm weapons independently of torso.  Cant  use melee without all your arm actuators.  Every leg actuator you remove would lower your walk and turn by 40%.  
I would love the idea of every planet having its own map.   The easiest way of course would be making a hundred ice planets, a hundred fire planets a hundred HPG stations etc and issuing a name to each one until you have enough.  You guys have a minion of some sort you can get to do a bunch of those from a set of templates?  They wouldnt have to be a very clever minion, they would just have to be able to put trees and stuff into a map you draw up for them.  If many of them looked a lot alike but with a few important changes you can not see from the spawn point, that could be a benefit in a way.  People who didnt know the planet would be wondering where the bridge was that was always there every game and suddenly wasnt there this game.  A well educated team who did know the map layout for this version could set an ambush up there and use the confusion to eat less educated teams alive.
I liked the convoy missions from back in the day.  A map where the objective is to guard a series of armored vehicles would be fun.  I am imagining high HP vehicles so attackers would need to deal with defenders before taking it out, or snipe it successfully for a fair while as it moved along, or swarm with 12 mechs and focus fire, etc, to take one out.  Defender would win if more than half of them made it to the destination.
A 'map' where both sides are within the hanger of a dropship and walk out to battle while standing on the back of the dropships.  Each dropship would move closer and buck and twist but eventually dock together.  For the first few minutes while the ships closed only long range fore would be useful, and as they docked both teams would swarm over the sides of the ships pirate style.  Because the only thing better than giant fighting robots, is giant space pirate fighting robots.  Bonus game designer points if you can find a believable reason to add in some ninjas.
A map set inside a multi story mech parking garage.  Mechs would activate from storage on basement floor, and attackers would drop in onto roof.
Some maps should have third party turrets that fire on both teams.  Some maps just a little danger zone we both need to avoid, some maps a whole hostile city in between one spawn location and the other.   Maybe a map where the turrets dont fire upon mechs with the same house/clan affiliations so that ones that are dangerous for you might or might not be dangerous for your teammates.
Christmas themed event on a snowy mountain.  Reskinned Reindeer LRMs, Elf head SRMs, candy cane coloured energy weapons that explode with glitter.  There should be prizes but your points should carry over from year to year and they should be measured out so you have to play it a few years in a row to get the high quality gifts.
Tier system could use work.  I personally dont think there should be any direct relation to if the team you are on wins or loses, it should be given an increase or decrease based on how well you did compared to the rest of the team you are on.  If you are on a team that sucks and dies, but you do wellish and do get a good match score your rank should go up and not down.  If you are on a team that wins and everyone gets good score, the people lowest should stay even.  If you are on a team that wins and you suck and die without a score you should go down in rank.  If two rank 1 teams fight most of the losers members will probably drop a fraction while anyone who did well among them would not, if those who do drop regularly fight well they should still normally gain more than they lose next match and always remain in their tier.  If we wanted to pull people out of rank1 back to rank2 occasionally, we could have losses to a lower rank group lose you more ranking position than a loss to team members who were all rank1, it would help keep the top teirs fighting to stay there.
The text for Eaglesham needs to speak about its delicious exotic wildlife.  There is no real need to go into details about the majestic Eaglepig, it is self explanatory.  (Note to tourists, do not stand directly underneath a flock of Eaglepigs.)
Solaris VII
- I like the idea of having a whole league, a bunch of different tournaments, specialty maps with hazards and seasonal competitions.   I would really like to see rankings calculated globally over a set period and streamed tournaments online for high ranked players.  It is a simple to play classic game, we could go to some Esports group with it if it went well and become a major event.  It should also be more accommodating for solo players and not team play.  Teams should go play factions.  Witht the exception there should be a special 4 player team league with six teams of four as a standard match.  I like the idea of repeat winners geting to appear in in-game advertising for soda and mech producers etc. "SirLRM5alot recommends Brodie ammunition."
Trial for position for clanners in place of solaris VII games.
- I am thinking trials would have a number of pilots from a waiting que drop with a random mech from their drop deck.  They would take turns fighting the one mechwarrior who is "It" who would keep his mech and damage and ammo count between fights.  If you win, you pick one of your other three mechs and become  'it' and everyone else fights you one at a time.  When you are 'it' the game should track your kills and damage etc and rank you globally.  High rank players should sometimes get pooled together for events and ranking tournaments.  
- some clan and IS events should be run seperateley so interested people can attend each, some should be run intentionally clashing so you have to pick which one you compete in.  Trials of position especially should be unpaid and a seperate Cbills event run at the same time so people dont flood the trial just for something to do.
Melee is very cool.  When it is in, we are going to have something like every time someone loses an arm it spawns as a weapon you can pick up from the ground.  Right?  Please say we are, if nobody in development has thought of it before, think a little about it now.
A Long Tom speciality mech would be nice.  It would target the ground instead of a mech and fire at any location you can get line of sight on, with a few second delay and then a burst effect where it was targeted.  
There could still be a lot of work done on the game matching mechanics.  Groups of solo players who drop together have little or no chance agains a planed team of 8+.  I am sick of hearing IS players complain that they get slaughtered ten or fifteen matches in a row.  Luckily, most of them go away after a few matches and the chat is quiet untill a new player comes along and notices the same thing.  Now before there is a long argument about game balance i want you to be aware, i dont care.  None of the people who leave the game and dont come back care either.  I am aware the clans historically have a small advantage,  I am aware the cash shop mechs have to have a small advantage or nobody would buy them, it is still an online game and people wont always just stand in line day after day to provide warm bodies for clanner teams to steamroll.  If you havent heard my suggestions before, i think a lot of the issue would be solved by increasing the salvage for IS players who damage clan mechs.  It would mean not having to rebalance the game and essentially paying off the IS players to fight and die for clan ammusement.  Other than that, solaris VII would of course only be open to IS mechs and all the bored solo players could go there, then only organized teams would go to factions battle and most of the problem would dissappear.
If i were in the inner sphere at the moment, i would be working at making better weapons for anti-clans.  I had a bit of a think about things that do not appear in game lore, but that i think would be tactically sound mech upgrades for online gaming.
-  I would be thinking of building missle beacons into all of my LRM ammo.  You would get a few less shots per ton, but once you made a good hit you would foil ECM for a short period and your next volley would be more accurate.
- Constant stream energy weapons.  Lasers work by doing a set amount of damage every set period, so it would not be too much effort to devise a DPS measurement for a continual beam at short medium and long ranges.  It would do a heat increase with each damage tick.  It wouldnt really change the DPS of weapons, but would allow you to pour on just the right amount of damage to fill your heat bar and then back away to cool down in cover and might be tactically superior if done correctly.
UAVs that move slowly forward instead of sit where they are launched
More achievements is always better.
- One for keeping the first mech all the way through a faction battle.  With a prerequisite that you do 500 or more damage to be eligible.  After you get it there should be a counter for how many other times you have gotten it, so as a title it would read "Only need one mech : 26".
Other acheivements should also get a number after them if you acheive them more than once, but of course not give the reward again.  People with "Death Star 22" in their names would prompt more fear than just Death Star.

Edited by Georgegad, 26 July 2016 - 01:58 AM.

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