Idea: Allow X Faction to increase by #% more population than smallest Y Faction, the population formula would not be implemented unless the total population of CW is above Z total population.
Rewards: (multiple ideas) for Factions that are smaller than the largest faction or a median % of 10% total population (10 faction / 100% = 10%)
1) Increase XP gains by %
2) Increase Cbill gains by %
3) Increase Loyalty gains by %
4) Increase All gains (XP, Cbill, LP)
5) Increase a mix (XP and Cbill, or Cbill and LP, etc)
*Note: Loyalist/Large Mercs are not limited to a certain % of a faction, the faction is limited by a % of the total population. Units can take up 100% of a faction for all I care, as long as the total population is not heavily in favor of said faction.
10 Factions, perfect spread would be 10% of total population for each faction. A faction can only support being 10% more than the smallest faction percentage. To keep it simple in explanation.
CW - 10%
CJF - 10%
CGB - 10%
CSJ - 10%
Steiner - 10%
Kurita - 10%
Davion - 15%
Liao - 5%
Marik - 10%
So all those factions with 10% of the population would have normal rewards, but Liao since they have a low population their rewards would be increased, while Davion with 15% would have their rewards lowered. Idea being they have to support more troops thus their funds have to spread out more, think having to ration. Now with a population cap due to being 10% higher than the smallest faction, Davion contracts would be turned off to units that hold a contract with anyone other than Davion. Current loyalist Davion units could stay, and mercs that are currently contracted with Davion would get first dibs when their contract ended for x amount of hours. After which their % would open to any unit. This would keep all factions' population within close percentage of one another and it would automatically adjust as the total population increased or decreased. Unit's themselves would have to keep their own size in check. While it isn't something that PGI had to control directly, it is now something that Unit leader's will have to control themselves depending on where they want to operate. A faction they couldn't go to before may not be open now, but as the total population of CW changes, then more contract opportunities will open up. This would mean more freedom for smaller units to move around, but it would also mean more control/choices for larger units.

*Numbers taken from a post made by XKineticX, but to put real data numbers into reference:
CW would have to release ~612 players (22.63% of their faction population) from their pool to come in line with the 10% idea. More than likely those 612 players will join another Clan faction.
CJF can hold 119 until it hits their cap but CSJ and CGB could hold all 612.
But perhaps the rewards increase for Liao, Marik, CSJ, and CGB are enough to bring their numbers up.
A 306 increase for both Liao and Marik would increase their population by a couple percentage and also increase battles coming from difference sources. If this happens, then CW's ability to take on more pilots increases by roughly 2%, or ~300 pilots.
The difference is ~1500 players under the total population for 14774 contracted players. As more players contract themselves the number that a faction can maintain increases as well, as long as the 10% split is maintained.
Whereas rewards from CW, CJF, Steiner, and Rasalhague would see a much larger drop. Davion would see a small drop, perhaps still keeping their mercs happy.
This may also bring the idea of the community paying units to stay with a certain faction when rewards are lower due to population. Idea being what Prussian Havoc did back in Phase 2, paying units to take on contracts with certain factions. Granted the population balance would still be enforced, but I'm talking about a situation where say, a faction was nearing the contract cut-off population and was looking to relocate for more rewards, but then get approached by a loyalist unit that offers to cover the lost in rewards due to the increase in population.