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Ballistics, Ams, And Gauss/pcc Adjustments

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#1 Azmazi


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Posted 18 April 2016 - 01:57 AM

Before I started writing this post, I actually went back to see when exactly I started my first account with Mechwarrior Online. It was on January 17th of 2013. I've been off and on this game for a little over 3 years now. Started 2 other accounts due to my first account mistakes, but everyone learns.

The announcement of the development team moving to a new engine for the game got me thinking, what really needs to be done to benefit the game more. For years the Community has been up and down with issues from when the Clans first launched to the quirk system giving serious benefits to Mechs that grossly over-compensate due to knee jerk reactions.
We also now have serious emerging meta's of Laser vomit or Wub with a bit of LRM and not much else at this time due to many balancing issues. Ballistics need love, but game play wise how would that work?
You also have the nerfing of the cERPPC which I felt had more to do with the Direstar and not most builds considering the weapon system isn't Hit Scan like lasers and making it splash as well as removing 5 damage off the top was overkill.

So, what do I think would help the game?

1.) Knocking is one of the main things I think needs to be buffed.
One of the biggest benefits in Battletech as well as Mechwarrior was the ability of a ballistic weapon to rock/knock the opponent. Since the new game engine isn't here, it would be good to see far more knocking and rocking from ballistic hits to make them more worthwhile for many players, considering you have to remain exposed to use them. When the new engine can handle knockdowns, we need that put in to seal the deal. The downside of having to carry ammo which could be destroyed and deal damage to us even with CASE needs a benefit more than just reduced HEAT due to the lack of hit scan.
Velocity also needs to go up. As someone who knows kinetics very well, as hell, it's my job, the velocities of the weapons in game don't add up. They really should be pushing between 1250m/s to 950m/s for the smaller rounds as they aren't APFSDS but APCBC-HE. This means that even the AC/20 should be at least moving around 750m/s. This would also help with the ballistics overall without the use of quirks giving select mechs a serious advantage on leading a target due to a bonus (looking at you Jagermech).

2.) Gauss and ER PPC adjustments
The Clan ERPPC's need their 15 damage back and the splash reduced. They also need around a 50% speed increase to be more useful.
The PPC and Gauss need a shared button override. The button would for the PPC enable the Field Inhibitor Override allowing the PPC to engage below 90m. The button for the Gauss Rifle would remove the players need to charge the Gauss rifle by charging on its own without holding the trigger and maintaining it. Downside? PPC's with it disabled cause damage to the mech at targets under 90m. The Gauss would have a 100% guaranteed destruction chance of hit without armor in the location with the override disabled as the capacitor would be charged when impacted and or charging. This would help new players use Gauss weapons, but would punish them for bad gameplay much like override does on mechs in shutdown.

3.) LAMS (Laser Anti-Missile System)
This thing needs to be in game. It meets the timeline requirements for Clan at 3048, and with them saying that so long as the weapon system fits in game mechanics the timeframe can be adjusted meaning Inner Sphere could get it as well considering they began producing it in 3059. It's been suggested before, but really needs to come into play due to the Archer and other LRM spam lately. Many can't keep up with the shear amount of missiles coming down range and the ease of which AMS ammo burns up means within 2-3 minutes of missile fire you're usually out with only 2 tons of AMS ammo.

It would make dedicated AMS boats more common. It's downsides are the heat buildup which would require people to either go for LAMS for less tonnage or AMS due to heat for their builds.

Future ideas.
One thing I would really hope could happen should the new game engine allow or mechanics is finally the ability for us to use Passive Sensors, would definitely add to game play mechanics for small and medium mechs sneaking up and not entirely requiring ECM. It would also probably require a bit of rework on ECM, Active Probe, and some pilot skills.

#2 VinJade


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Posted 18 April 2016 - 11:57 AM

sadly anything that would benefit the Clans would be a long wait or never will happen.
Russ hates clans and use to(and in some cases still do) screw clans every chance he got, good examples are well the Timber Wolf with all of its negative quirks where we see the IS getting positive quirks out the @$$ with very little neg ones.

he screwed over the Clan tech because of personal reasons on his end and anything to give them an upper hand over the IS will never happen.

The PPC & GR is because they are oh so over powered even though one explodes regardless of it being charged or not and the other is lack luster at best.

as to sneaking up on an enemy unit, not hard, as I have stood face to face with a Shadow cat with ECM and couldn't even get a lock on it.

I was so close to it that if the warrior within it could wave or flip you off you could see it clearly.

Also according to the training part of the game, if the mech is right behind you you cannot see it as you would need line of sight to even know it was behind you.

they make it seem like the sensors on the mechs are lower class than what we have today and that's just sad.

if anything ECMs need to be weakened a bit.

While being able to see an enemy mech pop up on radar when they are right behind you, after all mechs can see behind themselves.

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