Gigliowanananacom, on 21 April 2016 - 01:09 PM, said:
So you're saying that 12 players are made into a team.
Then it uses that team as a model to build the enemy team?
So its trying to "clone" the first team?
hmmmmmm interesting
Well, sort of.
The actual algorithm:
1) Take the oldest player in the queue. He is the first player in this match, and the match is seeded at his PSR rating (specific number, not tier).
2) Find 11 more players, as close as possible to that rating and fitting 3/3/3/3 limitations. If matchmaking time > 1m, then allow +/- 1 tier (* There's uncertainty on how this works, more on this below). If matchmaking time > 2m, then allow +/- 2 tier. Also, the MM slips to 4/4/4/4 and 5/5/5/5,
presumably at the same intervals.
3) Take the average of these players ratings to determine team average
4) Build second team seeded at that average. Note that the restriction slipping in step 2 and here are of course from the start of matchmaking.
Using this, under normal circumstances the two teams are within ~100 rating of each other, down to ~50 at peak times.
Some take-aways:
While it's easy to say that "oh, I'm high teir, so the MM slots in low-ranked players to balance me out" that is not the case. Players are added as close as possible to the target rating, so this WILL tend to bounce up and down as it stretches the restrictions both upwards and downwards simultaneously. As well, it's just as possible that it'll JUST add higher or lower ranked players, if that's what's available. It's not "trying to balance" anything, it's just grabbing players as close together in ranking as is physically possible.
At the extreme ends of the scale, you'll tend to stay in the queue longer, because you're appropriate for inclusion in less matches, and the vast majority of players are mid-ranked. So, if you're in the queue for a long time, you'll inevitably be the oldest person in the queue, and a match will be seeded at your ranking. If you're at the top of T1, this means that virtually everyone added is likely to be lower ranked than you, then the opposing team will be seeded at the average of your team, leading to you very likely being quite highly ranked vs. the bulk of the other players in the teams.
Of course, things like the above are only relevant when queue pops are lower, otherwise there ought to be enough people around your rank to fill a match. The basic truth of things is, the matchmaker can only do as well as it's inputs allow: it can't manufacture players. No amount of tweaking the algorithm is going to change that. The only options are to wait longer to build a match (and delay the amount/rate of restriction relaxation); but while that's acceptable for some, it's not for others.
Ultimately, the matchmaker is pretty simple. It works very well,
when there are enough players. When there's not (Oceanic servers anytime, for example) then you're getting more and more towards "it's just a random set of players to have people play a match rather than stare at the screen"
* I suspect, but do not
know, this is fully theory post change from Elo -> PSR, but I'm reasonably certain that the "+/1 one tier" thing is +/- a rating equal to the size of a tier. For example, if:
Tier PSR
t5: 0-200
t4: 201-400
t3: 401-600
t2: 601-800
t1: 801-1000
then one could assume that normally, the matchmaker accepts players within +/-100 rating (100 below to 100 above, so 200 - a tiers range) of the seed player, extending to +/-200 (adding one tier, split up and down) and +/- 300 (two tiers added).
It could also add +/- 200 per minute, adding a full tier up and down each time.
This gives expected functionality
when you're in the middle of a tier, but means when you're at either end, you're actually already taking in players from two different tiers from the very start of the match. This would actually be ideal behavior, as it would ensure you took in players close to the seed ranking. After all, a T2 player at 790 ranking, right close to T1, would then take from 690-890 ranking rather than from 600-800. But if that IS the case, then you'd frequently have 2 different tiers in a match that hasn't spread the restrictions at all yet (but are actually close in rating, even if not in the same tier).
It's my belief that the tier number itself is purely a user-side display, only rating matters to the MM.
But either way, fundamentally the MM still works basically the same.
Edited by Wintersdark, 21 April 2016 - 02:23 PM.