I was in a group when this one happened and it didn't just happen to me, it affected everyone but the party leader. We had been doing scout mode and decided to switch over to invasion. When we found a planet to drop on, I couldn't fix my dropdeck. It also wouldn't let me change the commando at all.
Another bug I ran into was when I was trying to drop it kept me in the 'select' screen even after I landed
I'm not quite sure how this one happened, I was just picking my mech as normal, and then the countdown timer kept recycling, even after I dropped, I had to leave and rejoin to drive my mech again.
And this bug I ran into a few days back. I hit 'cancel' JUST as three more people joined my scout match
It was as if the game couldn't figure out where we were in our relationship. Should I stay or should I go? Baby you've got to let me know!
Edited by Starbomber109, 24 April 2016 - 06:24 PM.