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Ebj-A Build?

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#1 Kravshera


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Posted 27 April 2016 - 12:44 PM

Heya guys.. just wondering before i go spend a lot of cbills on my first mech..

ya'll think this is viable?


Would be using the LRM to soften up the enemy.. as a backup for when i need to retreat if damage piles up.. and for those times when it just seems impossible to get near.

I am avoiding using the shouldermounts for lasers, as I find those too easy to get shot off, and i want a low profile when brawling/hit and run.

Input greatly appreciated Posted Image

Edit; PS:
I prefer to build my own, instead of using someone elses recipe, so while i'd appreciate input i'm not just gonna go pick up someones setup, even if the general consensus is that "spec X, made by Y is the best"

Edited by The Casanova, 27 April 2016 - 12:45 PM.

#2 DrRedCoat


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Posted 27 April 2016 - 12:50 PM

I generally find that single LRM rack's contribution is pretty lackluster. Personally, I would try reworking it a bit for some long reaching lasers or ACs. My Ebon Jaguar that is most similar to this has 2 large pulses with mediums to supplement

#3 Kravshera


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Posted 27 April 2016 - 01:02 PM

I did consider making 2 cER LPLs, 4 cERMLs.. then buy ER Med range extension and LPLs cooldown..

would make a very wicked alpha.. and no ghost heat.

#4 Koniving

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Posted 27 April 2016 - 01:39 PM

View PostThe Casanova, on 27 April 2016 - 12:44 PM, said:

Heya guys.. just wondering before i go spend a lot of cbills on my first mech..

ya'll think this is viable?


Very. Now something similar to this, short two MPL, would actually be very common on 55 ton brawlers. Given that you're 65 tons, feelings are a bit mixed. You have the 81 KPH thing going for you so there is that.

The 6 MPL with prolonged close combat use will be very strenuous, you'd be able to take on one-on-one fights with ease.
Add in a second opponent and I'm afraid you'll be caught in an overheat and have a desperate situation.

A single LRM-15, provided you attack at good, solid targets at a range of 180 to 500 meters, will do you a lot of good until you enter Tier 4 and start to see tier 3 players, where you'll find enemies have half a brain and enough knowledge of the game to abuse its mechanics. Until then, your LRM-15 is perfectly fine.

The ammo on the other hand, is a might bit excessive. Consider: Trading some tonnage of LRMs for additional heatsinks or a pair of MGs with half a ton of ammo for emergencies?

#5 DrRedCoat


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Posted 27 April 2016 - 01:44 PM

View PostThe Casanova, on 27 April 2016 - 01:02 PM, said:

I did consider making 2 cER LPLs, 4 cERMLs.. then buy ER Med range extension and LPLs cooldown..

would make a very wicked alpha.. and no ghost heat.

That LPL build is probably my most effective Ebon Jaguar. I actually use it the least because it's just another laser vomit build which are very popular right now so there's no character to it. It is very solid, though. My favorite build right now is 3 AC5 LBXs with 3 ERMLs. But for your first mech, that laser build will be a good way to start earning c-bills for future mechs.

#6 Wedge Red Leader


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Posted 27 April 2016 - 01:46 PM

Sure it is viable, I've seen much worse.

I would tweak it by adding BAP and/or a TC1, and drop 1-1.5 tons of ammo.

I agree some what with having a single LRM rack, however if you actually use all that ammo you're probably not fully utilizing the mech. I have seen many ppl not use the rest of their weapons when they carry LRMs, how sad is an Atlas sitting during a match firing a single LRM10 (and being completly ingnored btw) the whole match Posted Image

Edited by Wedge Red Leader, 27 April 2016 - 01:47 PM.

#7 S 0 L E N Y A


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Posted 27 April 2016 - 02:47 PM

The state of this game (especially for more experienced players) results in most effective builds being "all or nothing"

Backup or 2ndary weapon systems that do not directly interface (or "synergize" as the cool kids say) with your primary weapons loadout are usually not a great idea.

Reasons include
- keep your triggers simple. Even though you may have a fancy mouse with 38 buttons - a simple trigger setup will be far more useful when you are under pressure. Far less chances of you accidentally hitting the wrong one at the wrong time, which could result in a pointless heat spike or waste of ammo etc etc

-take full advantage of quirks and weapons modules. While some mechs may be quirked for several different weapon classes, most mechs will only have a 1 or 2 weapons mod slots. For example - 2 slots is perfect for the classic combo of large pulse and medium lasers.

-have an alpha strike that matters. Alpha striking with all lasers or auto-cannons makes sense. Hit the enemy with everything and hope they die or you can twist your torso and back into cover. If you add a LRM to that equation now you have to sit there and hold a lock before you torso twist or back off.

There are several more reasons, but those are the fundamental ones.

Also consider this rule of thumb.
Lasers make good backup weapons to mechs that are primarily ammo based, but ammo based weapons make for poor backups for builds that are energy based.

If you run lots of energy based weapons then you really need to worry about heat. The space and tonnage that go into any ammo based weapon would be far better spent on making your primary weapon system more effective with heat sinks, more armor, or -where applicable- targeting computers, a bigger engine or jump jets.

P.S. skip the large pulse cool down and go for the range increase instead. The cooldown between large pulse and mediums is naturally very similar, a cooldown mod wont offer you a practical advantage in that setup. The range mod on the other hand will let you really reach out and touch someone.

#8 ImperialKnight


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Posted 27 April 2016 - 06:27 PM


min-maxed for your mech killing pleasure

#9 Silra


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Posted 27 April 2016 - 09:03 PM

Aight, Ebon Jaguar A time... with stock omnipods, so no cbills wasted there.

This is what I did with mine, worked quite well.


Downgrade to UAC5s if you want bigger lazorz.

#10 Jaguaar


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Posted 29 April 2016 - 07:29 AM

I just mastered my EBJ's and went with 2xLPL, 4xMPL. I split the firing groups between left and right so I can peek on either side of the mech and when in the open fire both sides together or chained.
As others have said, I would skip the LRM's. I have found that this mech does not excel as a LRM carrier. You CAN put in some SRM's though for short range or brawling range damage.
I myself like the long to short range damage with the mix of LPL and MPL's.
Plus an Alpha-Strike of 58 is pretty damn good when put in the right spot on the enemy. Be careful however as it can run a bit hot but not a big deal with correct pilot firing management.

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