Prove Your Allegiance 2
Posted 30 April 2016 - 08:46 PM
The fact that there's only one damn planet to attack is ridiculous.
Long Tom discourages people from dropping on planets in the first place.
I work full-time, I barely have enough time as it is, and at this moment, I'm sitting in drop cue in a damn 12-man waiting more than 15 minutes for a match is ludicrous!
Look, PGI, just rollback CW to the way it was before all this ******** kicked off for Phase 3!
Posted 01 May 2016 - 02:58 AM
However i really think the scouting intel amount is seriously broken.
In order to complete the scouting meta challenge you would need to get an average of 3 points per match.There are 8 players on the map so at least two players are not going to manage that every game. This assumes that all 20 data packets are taken every match.
I do not know about everyone else but my average for intel packets is just over 1 at the moment. The fact that 90% of the other challenges for scouting require you to actually fight means i am taking a slower mech at the moment.
Come the end of the week i predict alot of people loading up the fastest mech's they can and racing their own team mates to intel drops in the 90+ scouting match.
Droping it to even 120 would make it much more realistic to complete in ONLY 60 games.
Posted 01 May 2016 - 03:24 AM
I think it really depends on your skill(sets) and playstyle(s) but its almost impossible to make those requirements such, that all different players reach em more or less all at the same time.
For some players in those events the actual "hard" number of games to be played (you cant get it done faster if you perform better in each game) is the cap. In the past they have used matchscore totals instead but we have that too now. I would like something like 80 score = 1 win ticket and 160 or heck even 240 = 2 wins tickets (or matches played etc).
EDIT: Because commenting with out an actual advice is not that great...
For intel points gathering you want to be faster then most of your teammates. Yeah in group play thats kinda lame but in pug ppl will just zerg to the next one anyways more often then not. If you are first to the point you cap it. Just keep in mind that lights can die quickly to streaks (vs clan) and single powerfull hits (2-3 LPL or AC20 vs IS).
For clan the best options are Jenner IICs and ACHs with decent brawlish loadouts (SPL or SRMs for jenner, SPL or SL for ACH)
For IS you have more options but decent builds work well on Wolfhounds, Firestarters and Jenners.
If you want more damage, KMDD (and thus score, XP and money) consider bringing a brawler medium. For clans that would be SRMs, Streaks or SPL (maybe MPL or bigger LBX too) and for IS SRMs, AC10 or 20s and MPL (maybe SPL on some and LBX).
Edited by RighteousFury, 01 May 2016 - 03:32 AM.
Posted 01 May 2016 - 04:10 AM
-- my suggestion would be to make the teams intel count for each individual rather than what each person gathers; can only encourage playing the mode and working together to succeed rather than, as one of my gameswent earlier, after killing the other teams four my remaining three ran off to the four corners for intel then lost the match by ignoring the dropship
Edited by kakusaretaneko, 01 May 2016 - 04:12 AM.
Posted 01 May 2016 - 06:23 AM
So far in one day Attack (the only invasion mode I have seen so far) has only been available four total times. One of those times the queue hung of for over 20 minutes at the Transferring Pilots and Mechs part, then dropped us all out of queue.
The second time I waited in the queue for 10 plus minutes for a cease fire to occur.
The third time I had one available I dropped in about 10 minutes and had a fun and great match.
The fourth time one became available I sat in the queue for an hour and not more than four other pilots joined.
Now I say available because I ran 27 scouting missions yesterday, mostly because that was all that was available. After each mission I clicked on every planet available to me. Every planet only had Scout available except for the four times I mentioned above. That means I played roughly 6 hours (technically more because I got frustrated and did quick play a bit as well and the attempts at getting into an invasion match I wasted probably 2 hours in queue times) and only had 4 total invasion matches available to choose from.
I started to think, is this because of the merc contract I choice with Liao? Then I remembered the same thing occurred last week (pre-hotfix) when I was contracted to Clan Ghost Bear. So I don't think so.
I then thought maybe it is because I am a solo merc unit. I created it just so I could play pre-hotfix. As normally I solo and have never had any issues getting drops in FW prior to phase 3.
Just to test it out I hopped in the LFG tool to see if I could group. That tool is either broken or no one uses it. I sat in that think for an hour and didn't see one other person. I then sat in it another half an hour trying to create a group versus join a group. I saw one person during that time, but they blipped in and out quickly.
At this point I have given up on even attempting to play invasion mode of FW. That said I have been having a lot of fun playing scout mode. But it is not the same for me as I like the bigger battles.
I hope I am just doing something incorrectly and not everyone is struggling just having drops available to them as I am.
Either way I am just going to scout and pretty much abandon FW invasion mode. No point to it.
Posted 01 May 2016 - 06:49 AM
PeeWrinkle, on 01 May 2016 - 06:23 AM, said:
So far in one day Attack (the only invasion mode I have seen so far) has only been available four total times. One of those times the queue hung of for over 20 minutes at the Transferring Pilots and Mechs part, then dropped us all out of queue.
The second time I waited in the queue for 10 plus minutes for a cease fire to occur.
The third time I had one available I dropped in about 10 minutes and had a fun and great match.
The fourth time one became available I sat in the queue for an hour and not more than four other pilots joined.
Now I say available because I ran 27 scouting missions yesterday, mostly because that was all that was available. After each mission I clicked on every planet available to me. Every planet only had Scout available except for the four times I mentioned above. That means I played roughly 6 hours (technically more because I got frustrated and did quick play a bit as well and the attempts at getting into an invasion match I wasted probably 2 hours in queue times) and only had 4 total invasion matches available to choose from.
I started to think, is this because of the merc contract I choice with Liao? Then I remembered the same thing occurred last week (pre-hotfix) when I was contracted to Clan Ghost Bear. So I don't think so.
I then thought maybe it is because I am a solo merc unit. I created it just so I could play pre-hotfix. As normally I solo and have never had any issues getting drops in FW prior to phase 3.
Just to test it out I hopped in the LFG tool to see if I could group. That tool is either broken or no one uses it. I sat in that think for an hour and didn't see one other person. I then sat in it another half an hour trying to create a group versus join a group. I saw one person during that time, but they blipped in and out quickly.
At this point I have given up on even attempting to play invasion mode of FW. That said I have been having a lot of fun playing scout mode. But it is not the same for me as I like the bigger battles.
I hope I am just doing something incorrectly and not everyone is struggling just having drops available to them as I am.
Either way I am just going to scout and pretty much abandon FW invasion mode. No point to it.
I havnt played the event so I cant say for sure, but I think its because you are dropping as a Solo player.
Im pretty sure the Match Maker (its not really a match maker) still favors groups.
If there is a premade of 6 people sitting in Que, plus you as a Solo for total for a total of 7, and another premade of 6 joins in, it will keep you the solo player in que but let the 6 that just joined play with the other 6 that was already in que.
You can swap those numbers around and change them in any way that you like, but the point is that Solo players usually sit in ques much longer than PreMades because the Match Maker will grab from the groups in order to make 12 as fast as possible for quicker matches.
Unlike when there was a Solo que that was literally just line up and first come first serve.
At least thats the way that it used to work.
Posted 01 May 2016 - 06:57 AM
JaxRiot, on 01 May 2016 - 06:49 AM, said:
I am not so sure, I know that is how it worked before and prior to phase 3 I never had an issue. Right now the biggest problem is that the invasion queue isn't even available on any of the planets I can participate on. Correct me if I am wrong, but you click on the planet, you then click the mode to get added to a queue. For me 99% of the time that mode is scout. I rarely even have attack/defend available to click. That is the biggest issue for me. I can't even choose to sit in long queues for the invasion game mode.
Edited by PeeWrinkle, 01 May 2016 - 06:59 AM.
Posted 01 May 2016 - 07:03 AM
Aylek, on 30 April 2016 - 11:56 AM, said:
You obv. weren't in the game or played FP since the beginning of the event as queues are nothing but horrible.
Only for the Jade Falcons man, only for he Falcons. As soon as I click the launch button I get an instant match.
....well, would get because like me lot of the guys here just don't want to. You can guess why.
We just sit here, watch the queues for the clanners with big smiles on our faces
Posted 01 May 2016 - 07:11 AM
There is nearly impossible to scout, killing makes the win everytime.
Speed? whatfor?
Just take a stormcrow....
Posted 01 May 2016 - 07:17 AM

Don't you guys have better things to do ? What do u do to waste time in queue ?
Just curious
Posted 01 May 2016 - 07:35 AM
Ed Steele, on 28 April 2016 - 03:49 PM, said:
They've got to spend their time on SOMETHING... and it's obviously not understanding their player base or their game, so there aren't a lot of options left.
Posted 01 May 2016 - 07:46 AM
In fact the weight limits of 55ton makes almost every match IS vs Clan, an hopeless struggle against 4 OP Stormcrow with Streak SRMs an small lasers. Apart from lucky battles where the clan team simply play bad, when I encounter a mix of not more than 2 stormcrows and 2 lights or some Shadowcat the battle is more enjoyable.
I don't want to say that Clan player are cheating or that they like "easy mode" because they are no good at all, I respect them.
But they are clearly exploiting an unfair advantage in little matches where, even losing a player means losing the 25% of your forces.
This thing have made me lost interest in clan battle at the moment, since I have only light and medium mach in my hangar, and don't want to play invasion mathes for the moment.
Good Luck for the prices (to Clan players obviously).
My 2c
Edited by Kampf, 01 May 2016 - 07:47 AM.
Posted 01 May 2016 - 10:03 AM
Posted 01 May 2016 - 11:42 AM
Edited by Steve Pryde, 01 May 2016 - 11:43 AM.
Posted 01 May 2016 - 11:50 AM
Posted 01 May 2016 - 12:17 PM
Just like many have mentioned before and in this thread unless your in a unit which is going into these matches with at least 8 people you won't win(or your playing all day long). So for those who want to try faction play out get discouraged because they can't win and therefor can't complete the event. Events like this should try to encourage players to try out faction play not make them hate it and go back to quick play only.
This event only covers 2 weekends (plus weekdays but many people have jobs and other things to take care of)which many players can't devote to play for long periods because they get tired of waiting so long for the matches. This long matchmaking is something that has plagued CW from the beginning. So if PGI isn't going to fix the matchmaking then they need to change the event(s). I really hope they read these posts with suggestions because I like to play faction.Here are my suggestions to making these events better.
- Just have the match score requirement without the victory condition.
- Make the event longer to show players you want them to actually complete the event because not everyone has ideal playing times allotted.
- How about making these long events have other smaller events that help you unlock the longer event. For example you have 4 small events that last 1 week and on the last one completed you unlock the longer event that takes 21 days. Plus have the smaller events that are completed already partially complete the longer event.
Please let me know what you think because MWO is a fun game but needs more improvements.
Posted 01 May 2016 - 01:30 PM
Count Zero 74, on 28 April 2016 - 03:32 PM, said:
Stick your rewards where the sun doesn't shine PGI
Just power down in the smoke at the drop site while the other three kite four Stormcrows across the map

I like this event! It's a challenge to get it done in the time allowed, but not impossible. And who doesn't love being one-shotted by a Long Tom right?
Posted 01 May 2016 - 02:07 PM
The scout mode is nice, has a lot of potential but definately needs some fine tuning.
Cheers to all folks out there. I am sure you are gonna make it. Just think of the day off on Thursday that you can add to your playtimes !
Posted 01 May 2016 - 02:18 PM
Diddi Doedel, on 01 May 2016 - 02:07 PM, said:
The scout mode is nice, has a lot of potential but definately needs some fine tuning.
Cheers to all folks out there. I am sure you are gonna make it. Just think of the day off on Thursday that you can add to your playtimes !
The challenge is that half of your qualifying matches CAN'T be ghost drops for the full rewards, you can't get a match score of more than 20 without an opponet last I checked...
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