Prove Your Allegiance 2
Posted 01 May 2016 - 04:47 PM
Posted 01 May 2016 - 04:48 PM
Posted 01 May 2016 - 05:11 PM
Feywald, on 01 May 2016 - 02:58 AM, said:
Usually pick up 6/7 each match.. ..but then I am sneaky and know where to look.

Best bet, jump in a light, group up with some likeminded people are deliberately share the load. Pug drops are just a free for all...
Looking forward to Oceanic ghost mode tonight.. ..invasion on hold until the weekend most likely..
Posted 01 May 2016 - 05:58 PM
When scouting solo or less then a unit of 4 players)
- match making has players join then leave after 3-30 seconds later...
- drop cue has average of 3-4 min wait times.
In both cases there is no incentive to wait in match making, and long drop cues are seen as a complete cbill loss vs quick drops.
- leaving match-making gives a 30 second cool down
- Remove the match making has been canceled confirmation screen...
- cbill compensation for waiting in drop cue at a rate 400 cbills per second (about 250k/10min wait), but it's lost if player quits drop que or the match. (But hopefully a DC is detectable and not considered a quit if player reconnects)
- finishing a match normally (win or loose) then joining a match-making session would give a tiny cbill compensation 10/second otherwise same as drop cue. The 1st match-making of the day gives no compensation. Quitting a match-making session resets compensation to none on next match.
- scout guards get the normal end match screen when wiped out, while other team continues playing match.
- scout guards get additional condition to win each must get 1 point (if a mech guard dies before getting a point, a surviving guard must get 1 additional points, if 2 guards die then 2 points, if 3 die then 3 points, unless all points on map are taken)
- scout info gatherers get 5 second delay when in pickup zone, unless less then 5 seconds left for match.
- scouts info gatherers get a pickup delay when shot while in zone (same shot delay seen in conquest resource or assault bases in quick drops).
- scouts info gatherers ship appears when they get the 12th point
- scouts info gatherers with 12 points have 2.5 second pickup delay in pickup zone, unless less then 5 seconds left for match.
-scouts info gatherers match score and reputation points should be higher for each point of intel gathered then for killing mechs because hunting isn't their primary job.
-the friends/notification/message button next to LFG button at bottom of screen blinks like mad after after scouting... and for what reason??? None that I can see, Mega annoying please fix.
-Faction chat has message of the day appear at bottom of faction chat when joining all matches it would be nice if this was at top of chat and did not get inserted constantly...
imo Green Smoke in river city is often extremely difficult to see due to the many-many billowing columns of smoke already there...
Edited by Akillius, 02 May 2016 - 07:26 AM.
Posted 01 May 2016 - 06:13 PM
Rant over................................But seriously.
Posted 01 May 2016 - 06:19 PM
Posted 01 May 2016 - 06:28 PM
Posted 01 May 2016 - 09:38 PM
Kshat, on 01 May 2016 - 06:28 PM, said:
I just cleared out all the objectives for scouting but this one by having a good time this weekend just playing the game with my unit. I'm nowhere near the 180 beacons and I'm way, way over the damage and kills, so I have to agree with the assessment here. 180 beacons in 60 matches isn't realistic given how the game works. Other than that, everything else in my scout-mode weekend has been great.
Pretty nervous about my ability to get that many invasion drops in, though. That's gonna be hard.
Edited by Karl the Plumber, 01 May 2016 - 09:38 PM.
Posted 01 May 2016 - 10:45 PM
Second, i think it's veeery difficult to do all the objectives in 10 days.... 20 days would be better, but thx anyway...
Posted 01 May 2016 - 11:15 PM
Posted 01 May 2016 - 11:31 PM
MovinTarget, on 01 May 2016 - 02:18 PM, said:
The challenge is that half of your qualifying matches CAN'T be ghost drops for the full rewards, you can't get a match score of more than 20 without an opponet last I checked...
That is totally correct. I mainly needed the ghosts for the number of respective drops. In scout, if you _only_ hunt the intel, you get 20 points match score plus 1 point per intel found. And once you learned where the intel is placed, it should be easy to gather 5 to 8 intel spots. After all, it is just 5 maps with 40 locations on each map. So without brawling, no count towards those wins with 80 match score.
My team decided to go for intel only on gather intel missions, with mainly drop zone rushes just before the timer runs out and to get the damage and match score games while protecting intel. Worked most of the time, but sometimes we even got our 80 match score matches even when gathering, when we were forced to defend ourselves or when we cought the lone protector and could swarm him.
And don't forget, even if you lose a match, the number of intel gathered is still added to your 180 counter ! That means, even if you are protecting intel, never leave an active beacon behind... the enemy might get it, and if you got it, you not only denied them the beacon, you also got a bit closer to your challenge goal.
Edited by Diddi Doedel, 01 May 2016 - 11:38 PM.
Posted 01 May 2016 - 11:39 PM
Sagamore, on 01 May 2016 - 11:15 PM, said:
Yeah... one of the problems of having only a single planet to attack. If it is defended too well, or is having Long Tom working for the enemy, there is little one can do without a well coordinated team.
My suggestion would be to try to get as many matches as possible right after cease fire. No Long Tom, and you may face disorganized defenders. Group up on one of the free teamspeak servers of your house/clan or their prominent member units, and drop with a coordinated team to increase chances.
Edited by Diddi Doedel, 01 May 2016 - 11:41 PM.
Posted 02 May 2016 - 03:37 AM
However gathing the invasion drops and winning them is quite a challange for everyone without a big unit. It generally demands a lot time and winning with pugs is less likely.
But then the good thing is the event has many small prices so there is no need to complete them all.
Crockdaddy, on 28 April 2016 - 07:29 PM, said:
Dude, you are aware that SCR's get their face pushed in fairly regularly right? On intel gather go fast and spread out ... play keep away. Pretty easy. On Defense ... well if they run Crows its fairly easy for IS to crush them. It is hardly auto win for the clans.
if you face Zero it is an autowin for clans

Edited by Lily from animove, 02 May 2016 - 03:40 AM.
Posted 02 May 2016 - 06:38 AM
Little to no chance of completing unless I stop eating, risk divorce, and my job.
Try a realistic target for people with lives next time please
Posted 02 May 2016 - 07:02 AM
Cathy, on 02 May 2016 - 06:38 AM, said:
Little to no chance of completing unless I stop eating, risk divorce, and my job.
Try a realistic target for people with lives next time please
No they don't wonder.
And no they haven't forgot. Thats why you get many small rewards for specific tasks. The grand price yes thats a goody for people having the time and deciaton.
Posted 02 May 2016 - 07:21 AM
Ed Steele, on 01 May 2016 - 04:48 PM, said:
Excuse me for not reading this whole thread, and for totally derialing it but how is that frail thing P2W? I have that mech, though not piloted it much. All I know that the hitboxes arent the best, the ammo is limited with all those SRM's sure it can bomb run poor assaults and the other classes. Also you better be good with lights to make it excel.
In short every mech might seem OP/ P2W if someone are just natural born pilots in them and kicks metal and punches internal all day long.
Some time ago I found, (yeah hold your wheels) that the Grey Death was kinda "OP" I mean, 4 x ml/ mpl + AC 10 and jj, even though with xl, I had a very easy time! It wasnt a P2W mech, was it? I just felt at home in that particular Shadow Hawks cockpit and blew other to bits in ease.
ON-TOPIC. PGI should reconsider their requirments for this event. 10 days is fine but ohoy, even then I guess alot of us dont have time for playing much each day. Us who have jobs, kids, wifes, and alot of other things besides gaming

I know some power hardcore everyday gamer would disagree, but there you go.
Posted 02 May 2016 - 07:30 AM
Last night I did a Scout match gathering intel. For laughs, we all decided that we should run Pirate's Bane. Seemed like a way to secure the sneaky win. You know, "play the game mode," right? If we got in a fight, we were probably toast and we knew it. But why not?
We quickly gathered up 12 or so intel and were skirting the map edge waiting for the timer to run down. It turns red and the drop ship arrives. Three of us break for the zone. Our 4th had swung wide, away from the main group, in an attempt to squirrel some of the defenders away.
So three of the team are in the zone and nothing is happening. There are no defenders in sight. We're not taking fire. We each have intel, and collectively, have more than we need.
We call the 4th back, wondering if we were wrong about how the mode ends. A second later, he dies to one of the defenders. And still nothing is happening. We're waiting for the game to end. We're starting to get a little alarmed. Something was supposed to be happening, right!?
Several seconds go by. Then the Centurion/Griffin/Shadowhawk defenders round the corner. With little room to maneuver, thanks to the crappy drop zone location, we get squashed under a sun-blotting-out-like-the-forces-of-Xerxes-versus-the-300 hail of SRMs and AC rounds.
Understandably, I think, everyone on my team was pretty upset about this. The other team was not particularly sportsmanlike in chat, either. We spent a minute or two post-match trying to figure out what went wrong. We were stumped though. Our entire team was under the impression that we played it right.
So, help me out here. What might have caused this?
Did we do something wrong?
Did we play the game mode incorrectly?
Was the game mode bugged (I guess there's no way to know, really)?
Was there some condition that wasn't met that we overlooked? (Gather intel. Get to da choppa! Seems simple enough.)
Posted 02 May 2016 - 07:48 AM
Tordin, on 02 May 2016 - 07:21 AM, said:
Excuse me for not reading this whole thread, and for totally derialing it but how is that frail thing P2W? I have that mech, though not piloted it much. All I know that the hitboxes arent the best, the ammo is limited with all those SRM's sure it can bomb run poor assaults and the other classes. Also you better be good with lights to make it excel.
In short every mech might seem OP/ P2W if someone are just natural born pilots in them and kicks metal and punches internal all day long.
Some time ago I found, (yeah hold your wheels) that the Grey Death was kinda "OP" I mean, 4 x ml/ mpl + AC 10 and jj, even though with xl, I had a very easy time! It wasnt a P2W mech, was it? I just felt at home in that particular Shadow Hawks cockpit and blew other to bits in ease.
ON-TOPIC. PGI should reconsider their requirments for this event. 10 days is fine but ohoy, even then I guess alot of us dont have time for playing much each day. Us who have jobs, kids, wifes, and alot of other things besides gaming

I know some power hardcore everyday gamer would disagree, but there you go.
because oxides speed for gathering intel and high dps for wrecking things. Thats all the mode rquires. Ammo limit is more than sufficient for scouting mode.
Posted 02 May 2016 - 08:09 AM
paws2sky, on 02 May 2016 - 07:30 AM, said:
Last night I did a Scout match gathering intel. For laughs, we all decided that we should run Pirate's Bane. Seemed like a way to secure the sneaky win. You know, "play the game mode," right? If we got in a fight, we were probably toast and we knew it. But why not?
We quickly gathered up 12 or so intel and were skirting the map edge waiting for the timer to run down. It turns red and the drop ship arrives. Three of us break for the zone. Our 4th had swung wide, away from the main group, in an attempt to squirrel some of the defenders away.
So three of the team are in the zone and nothing is happening. There are no defenders in sight. We're not taking fire. We each have intel, and collectively, have more than we need.
We call the 4th back, wondering if we were wrong about how the mode ends. A second later, he dies to one of the defenders. And still nothing is happening. We're waiting for the game to end. We're starting to get a little alarmed. Something was supposed to be happening, right!?
Several seconds go by. Then the Centurion/Griffin/Shadowhawk defenders round the corner. With little room to maneuver, thanks to the crappy drop zone location, we get squashed under a sun-blotting-out-like-the-forces-of-Xerxes-versus-the-300 hail of SRMs and AC rounds.
Understandably, I think, everyone on my team was pretty upset about this. The other team was not particularly sportsmanlike in chat, either. We spent a minute or two post-match trying to figure out what went wrong. We were stumped though. Our entire team was under the impression that we played it right.
So, help me out here. What might have caused this?
Did we do something wrong?
Did we play the game mode incorrectly?
Was the game mode bugged (I guess there's no way to know, really)?
Was there some condition that wasn't met that we overlooked? (Gather intel. Get to da choppa! Seems simple enough.)
If you are on gather intel, the dropship will take off only under these conditions:
1. The timer has reached zero; or
2. All of the opposing team is dead and one of your team steps in the extraction zone.
Stepping in the zone does not trigger the extraction if any of the enemy are still alive.
If you met either of the above conditions and were not extracted, it was a bug which I personally have not experienced.
Posted 02 May 2016 - 08:09 AM
Lily from animove, on 02 May 2016 - 07:48 AM, said:
because oxides speed for gathering intel and high dps for wrecking things. Thats all the mode rquires. Ammo limit is more than sufficient for scouting mode.
Ok, so its "OP" in scouting that IMO aint true in pug and ordinary invasion 12 on 12. Because its OP in one mode dosent mean neccessary that its OP in every mode.
Edited by Tordin, 02 May 2016 - 08:11 AM.
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