Prove Your Allegiance 2
Posted 29 April 2016 - 01:08 AM
I would be extremely curious to see what percentage of the player base get the "free" Mech.
I like the concept but I recommend cutting the requirements by 50-70% to avoid causing player burnout in those who do want to complete the challange.
Posted 29 April 2016 - 01:14 AM
But I have all of the free Mechs already. That's sad !!
But maybe I can sell them for handful of Cbills....
Posted 29 April 2016 - 01:27 AM
Prediction: Scout queues will be full up to the brim, invasion queues will be lacking
Reaon: Long Tom, Long Tom and Long Tom. Additionally, higher time investment with lower outcome in Invasion, re-merged queues, so match-ups tend to be even worse than before and of course a lot of people were driven away from Faction Play already by a plethora of factors such as unfair matchmaking (12-premades vs. assortment of trial mechs), long wait times (splitting queues while AT THE SAME TIME confusing and annoying the hell out of players due to Long Tom et al) and many more.
Monodominant, on 29 April 2016 - 12:52 AM, said:
It is the way, they fail to even qualify as trying that people complain about. First step in promoting a new phase would be having actually tested the mode in live gameplay before with players who know how the game works, not by mathematical formulae in Paul's spreadsheets.
Posted 29 April 2016 - 02:15 AM
IS mechs, big pinging magic shooting non damage taking other side of the planet mother lovers y'all have fun
Posted 29 April 2016 - 02:32 AM

Time to get me some C-bills.

Posted 29 April 2016 - 02:49 AM
The Free Rasalhague Republic and House Kurita have all but consumed the territories of Clan Smoke Jaguar, leaving only their regional capital. However, the largest Mercenary Unit in the Inner Sphere has recently shifted sides and now throws the weight of their sheer numbers behind the banner of Smoke Jaguar; can they succeed in giving new life to the Jaguar's war of liberation?
So does this mean for this event that PGI is again actively working/planning with "the largest Mercenary unit in the Inner Sphere" (MS I presume) in order for this even to take place or is this just something PGI observed and is attempting to incorporate into a story? Either way, it is interesting and at least shows a bit of effort on their part to actually pay attention to the game as it is being played and I can't help but think that is a good development.
Posted 29 April 2016 - 03:17 AM
CLAMZ OP!!!!1111
nuff said
Posted 29 April 2016 - 03:38 AM
this event is so well timed for Russian region, because we have 2 official holidays within that timeframe. You'll see a lot of RU pilots online.
Posted 29 April 2016 - 04:08 AM
Ps: a max on scoutin sowe get more to play invasion, no a good oversight. people just onl go where there is avtivity not objectively.
Posted 29 April 2016 - 05:19 AM
Rogue Jedi, on 29 April 2016 - 01:08 AM, said:
You forget that you have 10 days to do what you want. You even get some participation awards like free premium time and warhorns.
Posted 29 April 2016 - 05:27 AM
Posted 29 April 2016 - 05:35 AM
Monodominant, on 29 April 2016 - 12:52 AM, said:
Sheesh people. They are promoting the new phase.
A ) Noone is forcing you to play. So complaining 'PLAYING IS TAKING TOO MUCH TIME' is among the most entitled, first world problems ever.
B ) Complaining about free stuff is even more lame and first world problem... 'oh look, I was going to play and have fun and now they went ahead and gave me free stuff on top of it... but not the free stuff I wanted... whine whine *****!'
Last night, after the hotfix I got 4 matches back to back. I was soloing (well, in a unit but PUGing FW) and had good fun. I only wish the event started yesterday. Honestly matches dont really take 30 minutes... many finished around minute 20 or less... only one of them was a stomp (faced full MS).
If you dont like the rewards, dont play for them... play cause you know... playing is fun and see what you FREE STUFF you manage to get.
If you dont think the game is fun to play... then why the hell are you even here? To make yourself and other miserable? To lament about lore, balance and I dont know what else and pat each other in the back as you stroke your entitled neck beards?
FFS. grow up.
My "whining" comes from the fact that normally, PGI is pretty good about providing "something for everyone" during an Event Weekend. Even the events that provide purchased mech challenges always come with a generic Personal Challenge. This event doesn't throw anyone that doesn't play FW (many of us) a bone. And to counter the "yeah but all the recent events were non-FW play" complaints... the difference is FW proponents still play pug drops as well as FW... often doesn't work the other direction however.. many puggers simply do not and will not play FW. So yeah, sort of one sided event this time.
HOWEVER, that aside, I totally do agree that it is still free stuff and doesn't have to be given out by PGI so they are as always being very generous. (just wish I could partake in some of that pretty nice swag this time.

Posted 29 April 2016 - 05:53 AM
Steve Pryde, on 29 April 2016 - 03:32 AM, said:

Hitting lights with SRMs is similar to hitting planes in flight battles or warships- you have to kind of aim ahead of them and fire where you think they are going. Very often I still miss but, if I can keep it up I can do a ton of damage.

Posted 29 April 2016 - 06:06 AM
Both seem possible, but you are going to have to play 3+ hours per day to get them all most likely (assuming you don't have any poor non qualifying matches). I can see a bigger problem with queue times for invasion, which could make that one take much longer. At least my experience since the patch is about a 5-10 minute queue before the match starts. Also there were many times when there was not invasion queue for my faction (attack or defend) available for extended periods. Hopefully with the event more players will make that less likely.
One thing that does confuse me a bit is the mech rewards. Completing all 10 scouting goals you get a mech of your choice, and completing all 9 invasion goals you also get a mech of your choice.
That made sense, but then it appears choice actually means pick between the two listed for the faction side you played on? Four are listed for each, but I am assuming if I take an IS contract I can't pick a Clan mech and vice-versa?
Very poor wording there. I was actually hoping it would be something like, pick your Champion mech, any 20-55 ton champion for scout, and any 60-100 champion for invasion. That way I could pick either faction and grab a mech I don't already have a variant of. But truthfully, that was a greedy thought on my part, but did cause a jolt of extra excitement when I was reading the event details and thought that is what they meant! LOL
Still, I am looking forward to tooling around and hopefully get some free stuff. I also like that they made the event doable, but also a bit of a grind, even for the better players. Most events, if you can dish out damage well, you can usually complete them in the first few hours. This will keep players coming back for more.
Should be a good test for PGI as well, hopefully things will be smooth and working well and we see the improvements to this phase of the game as a community.
Yep I like it!
Edited by PeeWrinkle, 29 April 2016 - 06:10 AM.
Posted 29 April 2016 - 06:34 AM
Morggo, on 29 April 2016 - 05:35 AM, said:
HOWEVER, that aside, I totally do agree that it is still free stuff and doesn't have to be given out by PGI so they are as always being very generous. (just wish I could partake in some of that pretty nice swag this time.

How about trying FW then? I am not saying commit to doing all the matches but give it a try. Maybe just scouting, maybe just invasion. Nothing to lose really

Also, I will say it once more... scouting does NOT take 15 minutes a match. Lets be honest... it takes at MOST 10. I have yet to see a match that ended on the timer... most of them take 5-7 minutes of game time and its midday in Europe and I still get insta drops.
As for invasion... last night was packed and again ALSO doesnt take full 30 minutes except in rare cases... usually takes around 20-25 minutes per match... some times less but almost NEVER more.
And again... you dont HAVE to do all of them. Play like you would normally play and get some bonuses for it. Thats all it is.
Posted 29 April 2016 - 06:50 AM
i was wondering whether you could choose a reward mech irrespective of your choice of sides? like im steiner, but can i also choose mist lynx or shadow cat, and for heavy/assault also the ebon and warhawk?
Posted 29 April 2016 - 06:53 AM
For people that think this will require too many drops, it is a 10 day event after all and should require a bit of effort if you want ALL the prizes. The cbill value of the grand prizes is up to 25 million (disregarding champion status) + 5.5 million c-bills you'd get outright + a lot of other goodies. Just valuing everything at 30 million cbills, this is a 50-100% bonus to normal earnings from FP with premium time depending on how much you earn normally.
Edited by ironnightbird, 29 April 2016 - 06:54 AM.
Posted 29 April 2016 - 07:11 AM
ironnightbird, on 29 April 2016 - 06:53 AM, said:
For people that think this will require too many drops, it is a 10 day event after all and should require a bit of effort if you want ALL the prizes. The cbill value of the grand prizes is up to 25 million (disregarding champion status) + 5.5 million c-bills you'd get outright + a lot of other goodies. Just valuing everything at 30 million cbills, this is a 50-100% bonus to normal earnings from FP with premium time depending on how much you earn normally.
Soooo, we can just call it one-and-a-half c-bills weekend for FW and call it "amazing event" LOL.
dat myst lynx tho, can't wait

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