A quick follow up on some topics of interest.
While there is a hotfix today, all in all for a feature of this size, I am pleased with how smooth it released and also very pleased with the response to the new features in particular scouting mode.
- The Long Tom as you know, is getting tuned for the hotfix and we will continue to work on it until it feels perfect for the amount of effort put forth by the scouts.
- Addressing some conversations around rewards in Scouting. It turns out, based on the data, that the Scouting matches are about 30% shorter in length and give about 30% less rewards. But we also just put 1000 C-Bills and 50 XP on all the data point capture events which will increase the rewards from the mode. Scouting C-Bills per minute of play time should be just about right post hotfix.
As to the big faction play event, I am delaying that until Friday April 29th for now. The main reason has to do with the separation of solo and unit queues. As of this moment I do not see enough numbers in the solo queue to justify its existence. For example, we have had, maybe, on average, 1 Invasion match per hour in the solo queue. The Unit queue meanwhile, has been quite busy since the patch launch. However, the plan is for us to go ahead and let it go through an entire weekend and see how we feel on the other side. If I still feel the same way that I do right now, then likely around Thursday of next week we will have another patch to combine the queues in Faction Play and at that time, launch the big Faction Play event weekend.
I said I would try to combine the queues so that we could see if we could make it work. I am sure the Scouting missions and Invasion matches that have happened in solo queue has been very enjoyable for those involved.
So enjoy the weekend and playing Faction Play and I look forward to the big event on the weekend of the 29th.
Thanks for playing.

Faction Play Phase 3 Follow Up Information
Started by Russ Bullock, Apr 21 2016 12:50 PM
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