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#1 Kelbor


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Posted 04 May 2016 - 10:30 PM

Hello my fellow Mechwarriors. I thank you for taking some of your time to read this post. I just finished a quick solo queue match that really disturbed me. I found myself on a losing side of a match due to poor coordination and even worse positing. We have all been there and it happens a lot in solo. The problem I see is the poor attitude and insults being flung on VoIP and in game text. I have been in this game for a long time so any criticism I get is probability deserved, but I have often found new players in solo and they little to no idea what they are doing and bitching at them will never help them improve and is likely to scare away what I see as vital to the long term survival to Mechwarrior, New Players.

This negativity is a cancer that is killing off one of our favorite pastimes. We all, including myself, need to stop and really rethink how we represent ourselves in match and try to help the new guy, which is often the quietest ones, improve enough to really start enjoying this game and not rage quit in a couple of hours. That is all. Thank you for your time.

#2 Naduk


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Posted 04 May 2016 - 11:01 PM

It can get pretty bad around here , I'm glad we don't have the moral issues that moba games have

It's been bad lately
I had someone try to tell me that GG is a insult

It's not an insult , it means thanks for playing because with out you there would not have been a game at all

It's the same as shaking the hand of your opposition as you leave the field

Say GG
Say thanks for the match if you can't say GG
Say we'll played if you just got schooled with superior tactics or positions
Give helpful advice to people you see struggling and next time they might have improved and help give a better match

Understand a great many players don't speak or even understand English
So getting angry at someone who ignores your advice or directions is only a waste of your time

If you have nothing nice to say , say nothing

There is no excuse for being an jack off

Everyone else is here to have fun
Just like you
Be the community you want to be a part of

#3 Zuesacoatl


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Posted 04 May 2016 - 11:11 PM

it is bad when it is a known streamer. I am a rather decent player, and had a bad game where i made a dumb mistake and died to an xl check. A whopping 92 dmg to my name, at the end of the match i was told to kill myself. I lawl'd hard on that. The problem is, some people cant deal with idiots like that. They see someone who streams get hostile like that, and they just want to leave. I wish I could name the little derp, he was one of those internet tough guys, and I am sure if he seen this here he would say he would confront me in real life, but we truly know how those guys are in rl, it is fun to be tough online when our call sign shields us from the consequences lol. Those are the people though that new pilots will remember the most. Those are the guys the mods should really go after.

#4 CMDR Sunset Shimmer


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Posted 04 May 2016 - 11:22 PM

View PostNaduk, on 04 May 2016 - 11:01 PM, said:

It's been bad lately
I had someone try to tell me that GG is a insult

You've clearly never fought groups that DO use it as an insult.

If you get rolled 12/0, and the team that rolled you goes "gg" That's very clearly an insult. Because no, it wasn't a "good game" it was an absolute stomp.

I try not to gg unless the match was 6/12 or closer. THAT is a good game, both teams put up good fights.

#5 El Bandito


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Posted 04 May 2016 - 11:27 PM

I agree, with unintuitive UI as well as convoluted GH mechanism already confusing new players, insulting them will surely chase them off of this game.

#6 adamts01


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Posted 04 May 2016 - 11:38 PM

View PostCMDR Sunset Shimmer, on 04 May 2016 - 11:22 PM, said:

I try not to gg unless the match was 6/12 or closer. THAT is a good game, both teams put up good fights.

I only GG if it was a GG, most aren't. But not all close games are good. Many times one team sucks and the other team just sucks worse, then everybody sucks and should just jump in the bath tub and bring their powered on PC with them. In the end, it's not the players' fault, it's PGI's. Bad players should stay in low tier games, that isn't at all the case.

#7 Lykaon


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Posted 05 May 2016 - 12:19 AM

View PostKelbor, on 04 May 2016 - 10:30 PM, said:

Hello my fellow Mechwarriors. I thank you for taking some of your time to read this post. I just finished a quick solo queue match that really disturbed me. I found myself on a losing side of a match due to poor coordination and even worse positing. We have all been there and it happens a lot in solo. The problem I see is the poor attitude and insults being flung on VoIP and in game text. I have been in this game for a long time so any criticism I get is probability deserved, but I have often found new players in solo and they little to no idea what they are doing and bitching at them will never help them improve and is likely to scare away what I see as vital to the long term survival to Mechwarrior, New Players.

This negativity is a cancer that is killing off one of our favorite pastimes. We all, including myself, need to stop and really rethink how we represent ourselves in match and try to help the new guy, which is often the quietest ones, improve enough to really start enjoying this game and not rage quit in a couple of hours. That is all. Thank you for your time.

Blaming after the fact is 100% non constructive. Mercilessly pointing out "I told you so" if you did in fact tell them so is constructive if a bit harsh.

The trick is to impart knowledge without the harshness.

An example of something I myself did.

A pug team Direwolf pilot gets ganked and says on voice chat "gee thanks guys for letting me know I was all alone"

My response on voice was "that is what a mini map is for.Use your HUD" I was correct in pointing out that the tools to determine if you are the last guy standing there holding the bag are incorperated into the HUD.

I could however have been less short with the now destroyed Direwolf's pilot. I know I came off as snarky and as such my truthful and useful tip was more easily dismissed as the words of a jerk.

So it's as much what you say as how you say it.

#8 adamts01


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Posted 05 May 2016 - 12:28 AM

View PostLykaon, on 05 May 2016 - 12:19 AM, said:

A pug team Direwolf pilot gets ganked and says on voice chat "gee thanks guys for letting me know I was all alone"

My response on voice was "that is what a mini map is for.Use your HUD"
He deserved a kick in the nuts right before his perfectly timed death then followed by a permanent drop to tier 4. Someone like that has no clue and will never learn, back to the underhive with him. There's way too much scrubbery going around lately, if people don't want to be called out on it, they should look in the mirror and take steps to improve. As it's clear PGI won't separate us.

#9 Widowmaker1981


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Posted 05 May 2016 - 03:32 AM

View Postadamts01, on 04 May 2016 - 11:38 PM, said:

I only GG if it was a GG, most aren't. But not all close games are good. Many times one team sucks and the other team just sucks worse, then everybody sucks and should just jump in the bath tub and bring their powered on PC with them. In the end, it's not the players' fault, it's PGI's. Bad players should stay in low tier games, that isn't at all the case.

No matchmaker can be perfect all the time, and its dumb to expect it to be.

For example, most of the time i am a fairly good player and contribute well in T1 matches. Sometimes though, i come back from the pub/a club and im seeing double and try to play MWO. Its always a bad idea, i do awfully.. should the MM somehow know that? No, it cannot. Just like it cannot know if someone is getting distracted by their cat walking on their keyboard, or any number of other real life issues..

#10 Bud Crue


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Posted 05 May 2016 - 03:37 AM

View PostNaduk, on 04 May 2016 - 11:01 PM, said:

Be the community you want to be a part of

But unfortunately, there are quite a few people out there that play this (and other games) for the seemingly sole purpose to be abusive jerks within and to the community. I've seen it personally a few times, and it has been discussed often enough on forum threads to confirm that this behavior is real. Alas, the only thing you can do is, toughen up, be better than the abusers, report them, and encourage others to do the same.

#11 Sjorpha


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Posted 05 May 2016 - 03:40 AM

View Postadamts01, on 05 May 2016 - 12:28 AM, said:

He deserved a kick in the nuts right before his perfectly timed death then followed by a permanent drop to tier 4. Someone like that has no clue and will never learn, back to the underhive with him. There's way too much scrubbery going around lately, if people don't want to be called out on it, they should look in the mirror and take steps to improve. As it's clear PGI won't separate us.

I don't know if you still play exclusively on Oceanic, but in any case in my experience Oceanic has much worse matchmaking because of the lower player count. I don't think there is any realistic fix for that, there is no direct causal relationship between longer wait times and better matchmaking, so you can't simply trade your willingness to wait for better matches if there isn't enough players to work with.

#12 adamts01


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Posted 05 May 2016 - 03:44 AM

View PostWidowmaker1981, on 05 May 2016 - 03:32 AM, said:

No matchmaker can be perfect all the time, and its dumb to expect it to be.

I'm not unreasonable on the matter, I know they only have so much to work with. I think they should only have three tiers and have everyone play in their own tier. There are so many middle of the road guys and beginners in tier 3 that have no business going up against you or I. I don't think PSR is terrible, but it's not getting a chance to shine because we're all mixed up so terribly.

View PostSjorpha, on 05 May 2016 - 03:40 AM, said:

I don't know if you still play exclusively on Oceanic, but in any case in my experience Oceanic has much worse matchmaking because of the lower player count. I don't think there is any realistic fix for that, there is no direct causal relationship between longer wait times and better matchmaking, so you can't simply trade your willingness to wait for better matches if there isn't enough players to work with.

I gave up on that and play on NA now also. Last time I played the game was over a year ago before they fixed a lot of hit reg issues. My 320 NA ping isn't bad at all with lasers, especially since they moved zoom client side. Getting locks is still terribly buggy for me though. I think they should scrap the Oceanic server and move NA to LA.

#13 MeiSooHaityu


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Posted 05 May 2016 - 05:20 AM

View PostCMDR Sunset Shimmer, on 04 May 2016 - 11:22 PM, said:

You've clearly never fought groups that DO use it as an insult.

If you get rolled 12/0, and the team that rolled you goes "gg" That's very clearly an insult. Because no, it wasn't a "good game" it was an absolute stomp.

I try not to gg unless the match was 6/12 or closer. THAT is a good game, both teams put up good fights.

Yeah, if I'm on a team that gets stomped or does the stomping, I just tend to salute instead "<o" over general chat. I normally only use "gg" when the match was close.

It isn't because I feel "gg" should be an insult. I also grew up gaming when people used it as a sign of respect for a well fought match (regardless of outcome). I just am more particular about it now because the community as a whole has become much more divided about it now.

I just figure a salute gets the message across with less confusion about meaning.

BTW, although I dont see "gg" as an insult per se, you cant deny somone saying "gg close" after a stomp is an insult.

#14 Afuldan McKronik


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Posted 05 May 2016 - 05:27 AM

Its a Canadian habit I picked up from soccer, like holding doors for the person behind me, or automatically taking my shoes off at the front door in someone elses house.

Edited by Afuldan McKronik, 05 May 2016 - 05:27 AM.

#15 Navid A1


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Posted 05 May 2016 - 05:33 AM

I personally believe that gg, thank you for the match, wp are all insults.
We all know they are an insult... so stop the act please!

I NEVER say gg when i win a game... i just say nj on team chat and that is it.

#16 Gigashot


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Posted 05 May 2016 - 05:35 AM

I feel like the OP is good and then we just derailed into how people feel about saying "gg". That's barely relevant, it's not the 99% of the match, it's the 1% right before you finish loading back to the main menus.

Anyways If it's any consolation OP, I am a new player and have found the community to be better than most games. Even in CW people answer noob questions instead of freaking out that their teammate didn't know that going in. Maybe 1/8 there is someone really obnoxious on the team, but most of the time people are friendly and working together, win or lose.

#17 Afuldan McKronik


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Posted 05 May 2016 - 05:40 AM

View PostNavid A1, on 05 May 2016 - 05:33 AM, said:

I personally believe that gg, thank you for the match, wp are all insults.
We all know they are an insult... so stop the act please!

I NEVER say gg when i win a game... i just say nj on team chat and that is it.

For some sports, NOT saying it at the end of a game, stomp or not, can get you poor sportsmanship penalties, which can go up to multiple game suspensions.

Not all of us grew up thinking "haha GG insult." Its honestly a reflex from wanting to play the next game with your team.

View PostGigashot, on 05 May 2016 - 05:35 AM, said:

I feel like the OP is good and then we just derailed into how people feel about saying &quot;gg&quot;. That's barely relevant, it's not the 99% of the match, it's the 1% right before you finish loading back to the main menus.

Anyways If it's any consolation OP, I am a new player and have found the community to be better than most games. Even in CW people answer noob questions instead of freaking out that their teammate didn't know that going in. Maybe 1/8 there is someone really obnoxious on the team, but most of the time people are friendly and working together, win or lose.

Yeah, your own team matters. If someone is being a jerk because they have an inflated ego, just report and move on. +1 interwebs cookie for bringing the topic back. See ? It isn't hard.

#18 MeiSooHaityu


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Posted 05 May 2016 - 06:26 AM

View PostGigashot, on 05 May 2016 - 05:35 AM, said:

I feel like the OP is good and then we just derailed into how people feel about saying &quot;gg&quot;. That's barely relevant, it's not the 99% of the match, it's the 1% right before you finish loading back to the main menus.

Anyways If it's any consolation OP, I am a new player and have found the community to be better than most games. Even in CW people answer noob questions instead of freaking out that their teammate didn't know that going in. Maybe 1/8 there is someone really obnoxious on the team, but most of the time people are friendly and working together, win or lose.

I don't see how talking about the "gg" acknowledgment at the end of a match is derailing the thread. We are talking about sportsmanship and negative comments and statements towards others in the community. As I see it, this is a good example of that. After all, some see it as a slur while some still see it as a sign of sportsmanship. Either way it carries the themes of this thread as I see it.

View PostNavid A1, on 05 May 2016 - 05:33 AM, said:

I personally believe that gg, thank you for the match, wp are all insults.
We all know they are an insult... so stop the act please!

I NEVER say gg when i win a game... i just say nj on team chat and that is it.

And I am positive many others feel the same way. :( It makes me sad a bit.

#19 Mystere


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Posted 05 May 2016 - 07:34 AM

View PostCMDR Sunset Shimmer, on 04 May 2016 - 11:22 PM, said:

You've clearly never fought groups that DO use it as an insult.

If you get rolled 12/0, and the team that rolled you goes "gg" That's very clearly an insult. Because no, it wasn't a "good game" it was an absolute stomp.

I try not to gg unless the match was 6/12 or closer. THAT is a good game, both teams put up good fights.

I see most close games more as Pyrrhic victories and well executed ambushes resulting in a massacre as good games. It could have been a 12-0 but with most of the other team missing limbs and and close to death. In other words, it is not the final score that defines a good game for me.

#20 Mystere


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Posted 05 May 2016 - 07:44 AM

View PostMeiSooHaityu, on 05 May 2016 - 05:20 AM, said:

Yeah, if I'm on a team that gets stomped or does the stomping, I just tend to salute instead "<o" over general chat. I normally only use "gg" when the match was close.

It isn't because I feel "gg" should be an insult. I also grew up gaming when people used it as a sign of respect for a well fought match (regardless of outcome). I just am more particular about it now because the community as a whole has become much more divided about it now.

I just figure a salute gets the message across with less confusion about meaning.

BTW, although I dont see "gg" as an insult per se, you cant deny somone saying "gg close" after a stomp is an insult.

In a society where no one wants to say something for fear of offending someone, the logical end result is no one saying anything to anyone. It's not quite the same, but I suggest looking up the "safe spaces" phenomenon I've been hearing and reading about in American college campuses. Yuck!

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