The scouting mode is fun, but the link to rewards across faction hs killing our fp experience.
Hope in the future rewards will pertain to the individual or unit.
If FP is ever to be sustainable the queue and ghost dropping mechanic has to be changed. It is just a fact. A small portion of the playerbase may be willing to wait and sometimes ghost drop, but most will not.
Seeing quickplay and scouting evolve into something visble would be special.
Could make it one queue max group 4. And potential for 4 v 4 mode, 8 v 8 [ domination and conquest] or 12 v 12 [assault], as one que and then the invasion queue.
Rank should be an average of rank in several categories, not kills most damage dealt.
Big units hold too much of a sway over voting, smaller units get stuck at the mercy of the larger ones, even if that means ghost dropping on marik.
Make a min and max unit size, one unit one vote.
We need more invasion maps, very dissapointed that one was not paired up on release.
Simply too many playable factions with no path to attack. Factions need to be made npc and/or alliances need to be able to be formed to pass through a friendly's territory and attack.
Mercs vs loyalist.
Merc contracts should be on demand and last the length of the match. This would also be a great way to balance out the queues, js.
Excessive disconnects.
Often can switch between invasion and scoutng tab without changing planets.
Ceasefire is in effect window pops up when entering lobby.
Players remain "online" on your friends list after they have logged off.
Patch Feedback
Started by Gerwig, May 09 2016 11:46 AM
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