Afuldan McKronik, on 10 May 2016 - 07:00 AM, said:
Sad, also. Their approach, while everyone was super excited and we all had many discussions on what it would be, broke HSR some how. Since we know convergence broke HSR in what, beta? My guess is that it was convergence was tied to heat scale plus alpha damage. The higher either heat or alpha damage was, the worse convergence got.
That just sucks. I feel that's a key thing that's holding this game back. They just say things like that to keep us strung along. Just like "info warfare" a year ago. Implementing those two things would get me buying mechs again. But seriously, they build up a new heat mechanic, get everyone worked up, but have zero idea if it actually works!.... Really?!!!
Darky101, on 10 May 2016 - 12:52 PM, said:
Scouting seems interesting.
What about CW phase 3? Anything new implemented?
A lot of guys really like scouting. But be prepared for cheese. If you're running IS you'll likely go against dropship camping Streak Crows and if you're Clan it's going to be Locusts you can't catch or SRM Griffins.
As for CW3..... the only changes had to do with MC rewards for planets and faction loyalty stuff, all big group stuff. Again they didn't change gameplay. Still rushing gates and generators.....