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Heat Head Shot = Arty Head Shot

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#1 AbsUserName


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Posted 10 May 2016 - 10:52 AM

It's already un-Battletech to be damaged because of overheating.

But insta-gib the mech by overheating?

I guess this comes from the same code that headshots on artillery strikes (and, i've been told, splash damage from srm in the far past).

So can you please fix this heat head shot while you fix the arty head shot?

#2 Dee Eight


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Posted 10 May 2016 - 11:38 AM

did you put an ammo pack in the head?

#3 Zeradus Van Dread


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Posted 10 May 2016 - 12:19 PM

Nope overheating causes random damage including to the head, more often than not when i press override my head pop with the rest of my body being fine except maybe a single other yellow piece. Doesnt matter if you still have armor on the pieces it chooses or not.

#4 Dee Eight


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Posted 10 May 2016 - 01:17 PM

Actually the random isn't random... part of the lore / tabletop rules for heat include pilot damage from high heat if the life support system (which is also in the head) has taken critical damage.Also ammo explosions elsewhere in the mech damage the pilot due to feedback thru the neurohelmet used as part of the control of the mech. MWO's code tracks and records that by simply damaging the head location and outright blowing it off in some cases.

Edited by Dee Eight, 10 May 2016 - 01:17 PM.

#5 Elendil


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Posted 10 May 2016 - 04:21 PM

They REALLY need to change the way heat damage works...

My brother just got an IIC hunchback with dual UAC20s (I hate him so much). He alpha-ed those at 0 heat in the frozen city, instantly shut down, and went red on his center torso (he also one-shot some poor heavy).
He didn't get a heat warning, he wasn't overriding shutdown, there wasn't an ammo explosion or anything, just a massive spike of heat damage.

They need to change it so that there's a danger zone, and you take damage over time while you're running that hot. Then if you hit the top end of that you shut down to cool. Could even remove the override if you wanted.

The spike damage thing is unrealistic and pretty ****ed up...
Plus making it DoT would make it a lot harder to suicide with heat (intentionally or unintentionally). You could even tweak it to make ammo explosions or crits more likely the longer you run hot.

Edited by Elendil, 10 May 2016 - 04:23 PM.

#6 MechWarrior849305


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Posted 10 May 2016 - 09:37 PM

First of. AC20/UAC20 have huge ghost heat penalty. All that ghost heat PGI's mechanics is poorly explained ingame. That's -100 points to devs actually. But, whatever.

... Aaaand second. Insta heat headshot. Isn't it the second whine thread from the saem author who always managed to play with override and cried about being headshotted with an excessive heat? Posted Image

Once again man, the answer is very f!cking simple: if you can't manage heat - don't use override. If you use override - get ready to be headshotted. Easy as that.

Don't alpha, or remove one lazer out of your laserspamboat. Deal with it already.

Edited by MechWarrior849305, 10 May 2016 - 09:39 PM.

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