YakkSlapper, on 13 May 2016 - 09:58 AM, said:
and see what a REAL gamecon is thats run by gamers for gamers and the ilk.
and its NOT a corporate fake convention for profits, but a non-profit. (hospitality room= free eats and non booze drinks pretty much all day n night) (and room parties as well) (and, ACTUAL HOT BABES EVERYWHERE who are hardcore gamers)
Seriously.. did you just state that no attractive women play MWO? or would show up to an event like this? I was at the Steam Launch Party. plenty of hot girls, most of whom were gamers, i.e. BB Wolfe (not sure if i spelled her name right, but she'd remember me, "Backpack guy"

great food (Crab dumplings were sooo good). and the sneak peaks were great (i knew about everything coming in Phase 3 a lot earlier)
and FYI..... sheesh, it's their first EVER MechCon. if people actually SUPPORT them in this, it'll get better.
just because this is a con that's different to what you're used to doesn't make it any less of one.
will say this though, PGI: Remember the fixings for Bloody Caesars this time