have 1 loyalty kurita medalion from phenix pack, i can get 1 when i reach rank 15 in faction warfare, but i need 2 more

found info on forum that it does not matter what faction medalion you use you still get bonus to lp (loyalty points) - but i think its not true- in mechlab equiped all 4 dropdeck mechs with 4 diferent medalions ( im kurita loyalist) , and the only info near mech that it gets loyalty boost 5 % is on mech with kurita medalion, others say nothing ( other medalions equiped in mechs are steiner,davion,rasalhag) .
i would gladly see some event offering loyalty medalions for grand price , or im gona buy them if i have a chance .
great game,but takes alot of time to grind achievments and moust of my time i need to spend in real life- so every extra % of boost to lp is very useful .
and if someone say that it is pay to win - i will say i better pay for mc and buy mechs and boost becouse my free time is far more expensive , and it would be realy good if i had time to play every day for min 3 hours and dont need to spend real money for this game but i need to do other stuff in real life and for me mc is the only thing that save me.