ABOVE- Fire Moth (I really love this look from AzakaChi-RD-17 on Deviant Art)
BELOW- Fire Moth image as shown on SARNA

Typical of many light 'Mechs in its liberal use of lightweight materials, theFire Moth's superior speed comes from its 200 XL Fusion Engine. An ]Endo Steel chassis saves additional space. Two tons of Ferro-Fibrous armor act as the only barrier between an enemy and the 'Mech's fragile internals, although the 'Mech relies much more on its speed than its durability for survival. The standard preinstalled ten double heat sinks have little trouble dissipating the 'Mech's heat.
For such a light design, the Fire Moth has an excellent array of short-range weapons in its default configuration, one of the reasons for its superb performance in raids and guerilla warfare. Each arm mounts an ER Medium Laser as primary weapons. An SRM-6 and SRM-4 rack provide the Fire Moth with additional striking capability and allow it to exploit breaches in enemy armor. However, the heavy weapons load means that the Fire Moth lacks advanced electronics of any sort.
- Alt Config. A Taking advantage of the 'Mech's ridiculous speed, this configuration acts as an artillery spotter and a typical scout, mounting an Active Probe for detecting hidden units and a TAG system for designating artillery fire. The weapons payload was greatly reduced to fit in the electronics, however, and the Fire Moth A mounts only a single Streak SRM-4 for self-defense.
- Alt Config. B A close combat configuration, the Fire Moth B replaces the ER Medium Lasers with Medium Pulse Lasers. Dual Machine Guns easily dispose of any infantry the 'Mech may encounter, and an A-Pod secures the 'Mech's legs against any that manage to close in.
- Alt Config. C An attempt to use the design for indirect fire support, the Fire Moth C mounts dual LRM-5 missile racks, as well as an Anti-Missile System to prevent any retribution by its target.
- Alt Config. D A simple harasser and guerrilla warfare specialist, the Fire Moth D simply utilizes five ER Medium Lasers for excellent short-range firepower, made all the more deadly by an advanced Targeting Computer. This configuration also mounts a Flamer for anti-infantry and incendiary use.
- Hero: Fire Moth Aletha Used by Galaxy Commander Aletha Kabrinski, this variant of the Fire Moth mounts an ER Large Laser in the right arm, with a triple mount of ER Small Lasers in the left arm. There is a Clan ECM Suite in the left torso to interfere with the Blakist C3i systems.

The WSP-1A was not designed as a line combat unit. It carries a light weapons payload meant primarily for self-defense against other Light 'Mechs and was not meant to be used to engage heavier 'Mechs. The primary weapon is a Diverse Optics Type 2 Medium Laser carried in the right arm. This is backed up by a Bical SRM-2 launcher in the left leg which can carry one ton of standard and/or Inferno rounds in the left torso, making it useful against enemy 'Mechs and a good deterrent against infantry and vehicles. Published schematics indicate that the leg-mounted SRM-2 launcher is located near the hip.
- WSP-1D This House Davion variant developed in 2823 exchanges the SRM-2 launcher for two Small Lasers in the left torso and a Flamer in the left leg. While firing these additional weapons leads to an increased heat output, it is not enough to pose a serious risk.
- WSP-1K House Kurita's 1K Wasp was introduced in 2818, improving protection while sacrificing firepower. It retains the medium laser but replaces the missile launcher with a Machine Gun and one ton of reloads in the left torso. The saved weight was used to upgrade the armor by half a ton.
- WSP-1L The variant of the Wasp produced by House Liao in 2799 replaces the medium laser and SRM-2 launcher with a single SRM-4 launcher. The launcher is carried in the right arm with one ton of reloads in the right torso.
- WSP-1S The Federated Commonwealth's model of choice starting in 3049, Defiance Industries of Furillo upgraded the chassis to Endo Steel and the armor to three and a half tons of Ferro-Fibrous. This variant carries a Medium Pulse Laser in its right arm, two Defiance B3S small lasers in the right torso, and a Zippo flamer in the left torso.
- WSP-1W Associated with Wolf's Dragoons and debuting in 3009, the 1W Wasp replaced all of the weapons with six small lasers, two each split between the right arm, right torso and left torso. While sacrificing long-range capability this gives the 1W superior close-range firepower.
- Hero: any variant and add all the good stuff (endo/ferro/DHS.) and maybe switch around some hard points.
I know leg mount weapons could be an issue, maybe place them on belt level, so they fire like a torso mount so that an additional targeting reticule is not needed.
Edit: text clarity and placement
Edited by Wolf Clearwater, 24 May 2016 - 04:50 PM.