Lostdragon, on 26 May 2016 - 10:19 AM, said:
Couple of things, often matches that are "stomps" with a big score deficit between teams are closer than the kill counter would make things appear. Often times it comes down to which team most effectively rotates the vanguard and thus avoids losses. A match can end 12-0 with the winning team having many mechs one shot away from death.
The nature of the no respawn game type in quick play tends to make any mistake difficult to over come. The team that gets the first kill will often win the match unless they made a lot of bad trades to get that kill. Once a team is losing by 3 mechs the odds of a comeback are extremely low in my experience.
Combine these factors with the nature of 12v12 where you are often focus fired by 3-4 people at a time if you are out of position or just have some bad luck and you wind up with a game mode that is very, very unforgiving because one great player can't carry hard enough to overcome more than one bad decision by his team.
Matchmaker cannot overcome any of those factors. It is quite possibly for two teams of relatively equal skill and equipment to wind up with 12-0 matches just due to the nature of the game. I've played in plenty of pug matches where I have seen some of the top players in the game get completely shut down and die with less than 200 damage while losing 12-0. It happens to everyone.
Sometimes you just have a bad game or series of games. It is easier on a lot of people's ego to blame that on matchmaker or the teams. Is the matchmaker perfect? Not by a long shot. But I don't think there is anything you could do to the matchmaker to prevent "stomps" because a lot of the things that cause those are not factors match making can control.
The more i read here, the more i see clear. It's a matter of many corresponding things. But it's understood, and i guess it's the best possible way how it works, as it is actually. Thx for all the help.
Apnu, on 26 May 2016 - 10:44 AM, said:
The only thing I've found that breaks the deathball is patience and poking from multiple sides. Get the ball turning around and watch it become confused and loose cohesion.
However patience is not a gamer's strong suit, so I don't see it happen very often.
Absolutely true!

Once the train rolls, it's almost unstoppable...
Edited by CAT SIXX, 26 May 2016 - 11:00 AM.