A tons of the ideas here are taken from what I’ve seen other post on the forums. I’ve just taken what I liked and put it together. This is still largely incomplete, but I think it’s worth discussing.
First the simpler things:
- More maps, doubling the pool to 12 would do wonders, especially if there was more variance in the layouts of the maps.
- Make the call to arms tabs only show up in the factions tab. They are annoying as hell and often suck fresh players who are still trying to figure out the mechanic or skill trees into slaughters.
- Replace the long tom. Current long tom games are just silly. Replace it with something more like the other bonuses, more information or logistical support, not directly killing the enemy for you. Maybe ammo drops, consumable reloads or perhaps let us see the entire drop deck of the enemy.
Now onto the meat of the post:
All factions remain intact, but are lumped into four Alliances, that effectively act as one faction.
Wardens - Ghost Bear & Clan Wolf
Crusaders - Jade Falcon & Smoke Jaguar
Fedcom & FRR - Davion, Steiner & FRR
Concord of Kapteyn - Liao, Marik, Kurita
- Reset ALL LP, and instead of specific faction ranks have one tree for each alliance instead, this avoids imbalance. Resetting the LP would draw many veterans back into the mode. it was a massive middle finger to Loyalists when the merc tree was created and loyalist LP was left the same.
- Keep the separate single LP tree for Mercs in the interest of fairness, reset it alongside all the faction LP
All states of each alliance can attack and defend for each other’s territory. The territory goes to whoever’s front it is,though any unit from any of the states can "tag" the planet.
-Remove voting for attack lanes, only being able to attack one enemy per phase is horrendous, as if you make a bad call on who to Attack your faction could be stuck dry dropping for a phase or even days.
-One contested planet per front instead of an attack and defence option for each border.
- Reduce the number of pie squares on Planets to 12 and start at 50%/50% controlled by each side and all games are played as invasion modes, it is assumed that after taking a square, factions repair the gens and turrets ASAP.
-"Recapture territory" is removed.
-This format makes the objectives worth something in every game, whereas there is no incentive not to drop zone camp in recapture territory.
-It funnels everyone into the same planets, rather than having two twelve man’s dry drop a border between two factions because they both want to attack and not defend. Also means more unit on unit combat since they will have a harder time avoiding each other. Also increases the odds of Pug v Pug. Of course pug stomps will still occur, hopefully less often, but they are a necessary evil to get games sometimes.
Below image is an example of the attack lane prospects, each orange dot is a “contested system” between two enemy states.
![Posted Image](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v167/mantis_peter/contested.png)
Note there are no contested systems between allied states such as Davion/Steiner.
In the example map of where each faction is, there is a total of 13 contested systems. Three more than the current setup, but each faction largely has more options to choose from. Avoids problems like what has happened to factions like smoke jaguar where, in the past where the attack lane they choose is nothing but dry drops and no one is attacking any of the borders they can defend.
Wardens have 6 contested systems as options
Crusaders have 4 contested options
Fecom/FRR has 9 contested options to drop on.
Concord of Kapteyn has 7 borders.
A slight imbalance in fronts to start, but the more populous factions typically have more front to handle than less populated and map progress will open up more lanes. For example Jade falcon reaching the FRR opens another lane for both JF and SJ. The greatest strength of this is that every drop your faction has access to is an opportunity to expand territory or Tag a planet.
Post your thoughts, show some support or call me a ****ing idiot.