From my perspective, I don't think that Terra Therma even needs to be touched. While this may not be the most popular map, it was done well from the get go. While some maps may benefit from having Mechs drop in from Drop Ships, this map is not one of them. Day/Night feature might be nice, but I don't think it's necessary.

I Think This Map Is Good As Is.
Started by Kalimaster, Jun 02 2016 02:13 PM
10 replies to this topic
Posted 02 June 2016 - 02:13 PM
Posted 02 June 2016 - 04:49 PM
They can easily just add the dropships to the spawn locations without changing a thing about the map. Similar to how dropships were added to Alpine without the map itself being changed.
As for my stance, I want the upcoming drop deck expansions to one day apply to the quick play maps somehow (vs that silly map/mode voting mechanic), so that perhaps there could be a reevaluation of the map if everyone brought their favorite low-heat ballistic sniper/dakka mech decks... maybe even flamer brawlers (all painted red/black no less. Yay to more value to camo/colors).
But until that point, there have been some suggestions to make the map a bit easier to tolerate.
The primary point of contention has been the fact that for all other modes other than conquest, the focus has been fight and own the center. Understandable considering the center volcano was designed to be the most alluring feature of the map.
But if that has gotten old, perhaps the team should look into moving the spawn points around for the modes (what they did with Alpine), so that going to the center actually is waste of time for some modes. [Don't touch conquest on this map. That's actually fine as is.]
If that is not enough, then perhaps a more exciting direction could be taken before map volcanoes are moved. And that would be to make the map as a whole more volcanic wherever there are volcanoes and lava flows. By volcanic, I don't mean cosmetically, but more like rising pools of not safe to hang around in lava. If the center volcano lava periodically rose and flooded the center and surrounding lava channels, it would add a nice layer of challenge to the map, and make center pushes and campings riskier.
If at that point with all these suggestions the map still doesn't please with the existing geography, then yes, consider moving/removing the center volcano and replace it with more of the hills surrounding it.
As for my stance, I want the upcoming drop deck expansions to one day apply to the quick play maps somehow (vs that silly map/mode voting mechanic), so that perhaps there could be a reevaluation of the map if everyone brought their favorite low-heat ballistic sniper/dakka mech decks... maybe even flamer brawlers (all painted red/black no less. Yay to more value to camo/colors).
But until that point, there have been some suggestions to make the map a bit easier to tolerate.
The primary point of contention has been the fact that for all other modes other than conquest, the focus has been fight and own the center. Understandable considering the center volcano was designed to be the most alluring feature of the map.
But if that has gotten old, perhaps the team should look into moving the spawn points around for the modes (what they did with Alpine), so that going to the center actually is waste of time for some modes. [Don't touch conquest on this map. That's actually fine as is.]
If that is not enough, then perhaps a more exciting direction could be taken before map volcanoes are moved. And that would be to make the map as a whole more volcanic wherever there are volcanoes and lava flows. By volcanic, I don't mean cosmetically, but more like rising pools of not safe to hang around in lava. If the center volcano lava periodically rose and flooded the center and surrounding lava channels, it would add a nice layer of challenge to the map, and make center pushes and campings riskier.
If at that point with all these suggestions the map still doesn't please with the existing geography, then yes, consider moving/removing the center volcano and replace it with more of the hills surrounding it.
Posted 02 June 2016 - 04:58 PM
Terra Therma one of a kind
Keep it
Keep it
Posted 07 June 2016 - 06:49 AM
terra therma is probably the best conquest map there is- fights separated and Isolated from each other without the central point (theta) overwatch of everything else being in play at all and splitting up to a degree is required to win since deathball o'doom will lose out to any dedicated capping light/fast medium most of the time.
if you change anything make sure it's not conquest
if you change anything make sure it's not conquest

Posted 07 June 2016 - 05:34 PM
It definatelly needs some fine tuning!
First of all, get rid of the adamantium cables inside the volcano. Those things catch/block all manner of firepower!
It definatelly needs some fine tuning!
First of all, get rid of the adamantium cables inside the volcano. Those things catch/block all manner of firepower!
Posted 08 June 2016 - 03:03 PM
I like this map not so bad - hot maps promote a good heat Management and there are more ways than one to win this map.
The Middlesection is somewhat critical though and often matches are won by the random Lance seed.
The Middlesection is somewhat critical though and often matches are won by the random Lance seed.
Posted 21 June 2016 - 03:16 AM
How many times do people have to say this, it's not the heat. Caustic caldera is hotter, Tourmaline is also hot and Tourmaline gets picked a lot. The problem is that on 3 of the 4 game modes it's the least tactical map in the game for the PUG queue and the map where skill accounts for the least.
Posted 21 June 2016 - 06:00 AM
According to this finely researched guide,
Terra therma is the hottest map overall, but the caldera portion of caustic IS hotter.
According to this finely researched guide,
Terra therma is the hottest map overall, but the caldera portion of caustic IS hotter.
Edited by Keshav Murali, 21 June 2016 - 06:00 AM.
Posted 18 October 2016 - 12:09 PM
They made it Better with the more open layout, less choke points and more elevated areas!
Good Job, PGI!
Good Job, PGI!
Posted 18 October 2016 - 01:08 PM
My first impression of this map with the re-work is that it is a Grand Slam Home Run. If it plays half as good as it looks when you walk it in Testing Grounds it may be the best map in the game. Congratz and Thank You to the map designers that worked on this.
Posted 18 October 2016 - 01:22 PM
Great JOB~~~!! Love the new map.. kudos to the design team!
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